Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nz Tattoo With Silver Fern

{} Yes Splinder blog will now be transferred and continued on LJ

I closed everything and sbaraccare the track, right?
Well, think again.
Yes, I think I finally decided on LiveJournal.
I was convinced Lu 'and I was convinced Vals, and convinced me that I had sworn eternah Splinder-fidelity-is now in maintenance / unfit for various reasons and various holy every time I want to upgrade. Ole.
So LJ is.
Allow me just a year or two to know how it works, eh. This
always that I, also known as Miss Constance, I'm not fed up and emigrated to other places first.
And that, for now, is it.

{The action of the blog will be 'just friends'. If you know me, ask me friendship. I, for I have not yet figured out how to do it}


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