Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rugby Npc 2010 Results

RyoPi Lav Lav

these things I can not leggereeee!! * O * Then I fall in love Pino more and more! I've always loved the couple RyoPi .... for the bond that binds them and everything!! You see the little children who are close friends !!!!* O * and I think Ryo is jealous of mooooooooolto Toma and Jin * X ° D

However .... hanging out on LJ I found these news items that made me your heart melt! * O *

The interview he did with Ryo-chan Pinuccio when they were still pure and chaste! :

"Yamapi Reveals That Ryo and Pi to us slept together one bed The Same" Especially when they see ghosts film rolls * *

anyway .... the interview is so pucciaaaaa!! Especially the beginning!! Tender Ryo-chan!! \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 # cutid1 LOL Never remove food or pudding Pino! known to be violent!: D Reminds me of Nagase in My boss My Hero!: D In my opinion it has infected !!!!!! ahahahahahaaha!! However, I
precisely the thing ... you never know !!!!!: D

Kyaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!! I love this part instead: D html # cutid1 we have made some mention of ragazzuoli! * O *

If Yamapi drowns, I'll save HIM!
(Nishikido - Myojo 1999.10)
Amoreeeeeeeeeeee \u0026lt;3

Nishikido Gave me a silver ring and it fits just right. Nishikido, thank you for your birthday present! Another guy But a guy giving a ring, Somehow it makes you get a bit of goosebumps. But I really like it very much!
(Yamashita - Wink Up 2000.06
) Now if pine gives the ring to the girl what gives?? XD

" ~ Oh Baby! "Ryo-chan Should Understand from this. (Laugh) Lately he calls often and when I say “ Oh~ Baby ” he’ll definitely reply with “ Oh~ baby, what are you doing? ” (Laugh)
(Yamashita - Potato 2004.04)

*rotola per la stanza*

Yamapi : Tell me one thing you like about Tokyo and Osaka.
Ryo-chan : Osaka because my family is there. Tokyo because Yamapi is here. (Heart)
(NEWS Prime)

Vabbè resto leggetelo voi!!! :P now pretend to know why all these goodies have not made documentaries !!!!! Happy News Year 2006 2006.01, 2006.04 Spring concerts I WANT THEM!! I'm happy but I want them also Fancam vedereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee>. \u0026lt;

All Credit are [info] ryo_pi and their girls who have posted in this community! * O *


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