Monday, November 8, 2010

Wedding Card Messages To Sister

[traduzione] 8UPPERS - PERSONAGGI

8UPPERS now seen several times, and say that? I loved it. The film and
Kanjani. They are fantastic, come on. And I liked how they prepared for this project in detail from ... Wonderful World? Yes, there O_O
As Arashi will always be the only and only, I'm really happy about the growing popularity of Eito! Also from the musical point of view I find it very grown up (well, LIFE is one of the most beautiful songs ever)
Anyway, back to the main topic (which was?), I found two days ago, the English translation of 8UPPERS description of the characters, and I made to translate it (after many translations of stuff Arashi, the first of Kanjani ♥)
My translations are done from English into Italian, so often opt for a translation of 'way' rather than literal. Thanks for
Inglese translation: [info] paaaaan
Scan credits: [info] dozchan

NOTE: small problem with the translation. I had no idea how to translate the word 'destroyers'. It is essentially what they do in the movie, so who has seen it will understand. In practice 'eliminate stuff uncomfortable '? I've been stuck in the Italian 'hunters', but nothing to do with a girlfriend. We accept suggestions ♥


parents Jacky left him soon after his birth, and when he began to understand things, grew up in the 'Children's House'. He knew his situation and no one had told him. Jacky hide his true feelings before others. Even if it is open only Toppo, who was in a situation similar to yours, sociable person is one of only a facade, and his heart was never satisfied.
One day, Mac came to the orphanage. Mac had just lost her parents never spoke to anyone and was always alone. Jacky probably saw himself in one day he saw Mac Mac that was abused by some children, and ran to save it. That was the first time he expressed his feelings. Since then, Jacky, and Mac are united by a deep bond. Later, Jacky saved Johnny, who was also targeted by others, and welcomed him in the group; Toppo also helped to find his parents. Jacky takes care of his friends more than anyone more.
Ever since I was a child, Jacky has always had a strong interest and obsession with food. After Mac began working in a factory, Jacky began to work part-time at a nearby restaurant. He had the dream to open his own restaurant, but there was a certain incident that forced him to leave the restaurant where he worked, and it was then that Mac invited him to join his team of 'hunters'.


Toppo was accepted into the 'Children's House' a few months after his birth. He was always with Jacky, the orphanage that was his roommate. Their characters were exactly the opposite: to communicate with people Toppo was painful, so usually ended up playing cards or Kendama (wooden game) alone.
In eight years, had the sudden urge to go find his parents. Churches of their masters to the orphanage, but they knew nothing. Then Toppo spoke with Jacky, who at midnight was able to enter the room where the documents were kept and to find some information on them.
few years later, Jacky Toppo revealed in the secret of his birth. The Toppo's father was the head of one of the greatest gangster in Kansai, the mother was his mistress. The gang knew that the police was looking for, so, to protect from danger Toppo, sent him to an orphanage. A few days later, both his parents were killed during a fight between gangs. Toppo was very difficult to accept the fact that her parents were no longer alive, but he was also relieved that the secret of his birth, which tormented him for some time, it was finally revealed.
Since then, Toppo studied hard and graduated from high school. He loved video games, and was very famous in the world of online gaming, everyone knew him. After graduation he worked in a computer company, but he kept them a lot, so he decided to join the 8UPPERS to start something new.

MAC - YOU Yokoyama

With his personality naturally predisposed to the control, Mac is basically the leader of 8UPPERS.
was accepted in the 'Children's Hose' after losing both parents in a car accident at the age of five years. After Jacky helped him against other children, began to crescere come un istigatore. All’età di 13 anni, Mac iniziò a formare il suo gruppo. Vi fece entrare Toppo e Johnny, e iniziò ad andare d’accordo con Ace e Arsenal, che facevano sempre risse nell’orfanotrofio, così come Gum, conosciuto per essere il più forte di tutti.
A 15 anni, Mac iniziò a lavorare part-time in una fabbrica, e grazie al suo carattere divenne il responsabile del suo settore. Aveva anche un hobby segreto, guardare film; sembrava che le cose andassero bene per Mac, fino a quando ci fu un certo incidente e venne licenziato dalla fabbrica.
Dopo molti alti e bassi, iniziò gli business 'hunter' with Jacky. 8UPPERS created the group, invite your friends that you could trust, as Toppo and Johnny Ace and Arsenal, and Gum. 8
Mac devised rules for 8UPPERS, who could only work against those who, according to them, were evil.


Johnny's family was split when he was 5 years.
His eyes were always half-hearted, always looked as if something far away. Thanks to his good looks, the 'Children's House' was very popular with the opposite sex, but this attracted the envy of the other guys, so that was the victim of horrific acts of bullying.
But Johnny has never been shown to have suffered. No matter what was mistreated, kept looking toward the other as if to say, 'Well, who cares'. And the level and amount of bullying increased.
One day he was told to go to the incinerator in the orphanage, and was mistreated while Jacky was to save it. Jacky tried to protect him making him join his group. Since then, Johnny began to spend his time with Jacky and Johnny Mac
loved children and was known for taking care of younger children of the orphanage. Apparently Johnny seemed cold, but inside was nicer than anyone else. After leaving the orphanage, he worked in a bar and also as a model for magazines. A boy who knew during that time he offered to open a bar together, but Johnny was betrayed and left with many debts. This time too he was aided by Jacky.
Together, they began to work as 'hunters' and began to pay off the debt. That's why Johnny Jacky considered as something more than a brother.


Gum was born as the fourth successor to the dojo of Shorinji Kempo. However, he was not the son of the true wife, and was always treated as an enemy and was severely disadvantaged. Gum left the dojo after losing his mother, and entered the 'Children's House'. Gum
had never opened his heart to anyone, but he and Ace, who fought with him every day, they began to like each other. In addition, Gum began to be increasingly popular orphanage due to its natural way of doing. He was usually calm, but when it was time to fight was always in the front row, and then within the groups that caused the riots, was appreciated as a valuable aid.
The only thing that could comfort Gum were cats. He always carried in his bag a carton of milk and canned cat food, and was always ready to feed the cats. Gum
At 18 he decided to go to the dojo to greet his father. However, the point where once there was a dojo, was built a new building. After his father became ill, the dojo had not had many followers, and could not help but close. When Gum abdo to visit his ailing father, he took his hand and, with tears coming down, asked him to apologize. He died a few weeks later. Gum
decided to work for 8UPPERS to earn the money to rebuild the dojo.

ARSENAL - Subaru Shibutani

Arsenal also reached the 'Children's House' shortly after his birth. He was aggressive as a child, and loved to play with toy guns and knives. At 9 years old, an older child gave him a gun broke, and since then Arsenal became passionately interested in air guns compressed air and other military objects. He also liked western movies, and his obsession with the revolver rather than for automatic pistols began to grow in that period. In those days Arsenal
met Ace, which seemed to be a fight every day. Under the influence of Ace, even Arsenal began to get interested in boxing, and Ace to join in his fights. A high
Arsenal that no one knows is that his hobby is to go to karaoke alone. In addition, he has always continued to draw. His abstract paintings are sketches of his daily life.
not just turned 18, joined Arsenal in forces for self-defense. He continued to follow a strict workout and started wondering if that was what I really wanted to do. One night he left the barracks and called Ace. After hearing that Ace had dropped to boxing, which he hoped would continue, Arsenal began to ask questions. He left for self-defense forces and joined the 8UPPERS to find himself and to stay with his friends.

ACE - Ryo Nishikido

Police rescued Ace age of 3 years, when he discovered that his parents abused him.
Since then he lived at the 'Children's House' and, for him, the orphanage was not a bad place. Became interested in boxing because of a manga that he read at the age of 8 years. His father was a boxer, which Ace did not know.
Ace was constantly fighting and practicing boxing. One day he found himself facing a difficult opponent. Gum was, said to be the strongest of the orphanage. Ace did not matter how many times asked him to fight, he could never beat Gum. However, perseverance Ace showed that despite all the times he had lost, began to open their hearts to Gum.
When she was about 17 years, they found a problem that the eye did not pass the exam to become a professional boxer. Ace had nothing to lean on, and began to be emotionally disturbed.
was then that Arsenal, who went to the orphanage in the period, contacted him. He told Arsenal have failed the exam to become professional, and gave him encouragement that he touched his heart. Jacky also invited him to open his heart, which tended to close in on itself. Sweat poured under the blue sky began to change. It was thus that he began to face the loneliness that lies ahead and which could not talk to anyone.
Ace continues to train in the gym, but decided not to become a professional boxer, and joined the 8UPPERS.


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