Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Do I Get Pee Smell Out Of My Porcelain Dolls?

Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love

Mmmh Oh boh !!!!! TT___TT I have not the faintest idea!! We u_u
local mind of all the songs I've heard for 21 years is in part ......

* * ten minutes later ..
* *

Diciam hour after it goes!!
Ok .... I chose this only because I have good memories attached!
* O * The celebration of my 18 years at some point there is the tradition that the birthday girl dances with her father. .. but in my case it was not so! X ° D I danced with Granny!: ') Song to be precise! Oh God I was very much ashamed because my grandfather is good at dancing style mazurka and waltz dances sti ... not me! ^ ^ sq km but when I saw the video I started to cry! : D I was disappointed that I did not dance with Daddy! ok, I will refer to my marriage with pine! uu Among other things they have not sung the song the nomads but the boy of my cousin! XDD that is also a piano bar!! ;


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