Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Samples How To Say A Welcome

Day 11: A song from your favorite band

SHIT THIS IS DIFFICULT! Oh well then I have two! never and will not choose between them ... also because one is American ... the other is giappica! uu

begin by the American! LINKIN PARK .... name a legend for me! I love them! Chester and I love her voice ... I shudder to Madonna when he screams the whole body! And my best friend for her birthday I got the DVD LIVE IN TOKYO!! love love it!! But since k is a trieste sure I'll have to study for christmas! XD
then to start a beautiful song I love is Faint

So .... instead of the Giappica .. ... OF COURSE I NEWS !!!!!!!!! Say what the song is hard ... I love them all! >_____\u0026lt; ... I will count and will choose the first one that comes out! U_U Of course I prefer the version of the Diamont party ... everyone was so pucci and shige version Footlocker! XDD but this version is beautiful!!


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