Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sasuke X Sakura Doujinshi

Nervosa io??naaaaa

time fuck shit!! o.o
It was a long awaited weekend and I'm watching a little bit?? the snow to ruin everything!! TODAY IT IS THREE METERS SO THAT NO ONE LEAVES AND I FEEL on purpose! o.o

had organized everything !!!!! o.o Friday night ... all night with concerts by the news! * O * Saturday wandering through the night Chinese cassino .... and then .... then strolled to drink at home to watch code blue .. Sunday .. another little bit together and then I would be back at The Eagle .... FUCK SNOW! For once Mom was convinced that from myself ... I hate you! and I hate her because she is the bird of malagurio!! did not want me to go and in fact did not go!!

But let's start with order!! At 15 makes some pretty nice bow that died within 2 seconds ... plus a few knobs to 17:00 but no one is panicked at 17:35 ... all Neapolitans who had to catch the bus started to battered balls of the moron and the bar which has the bastard knocked out in the snow ... I had become a beautiful snowman!! mery calls me at 18 ... the girl with whom I should spend the weekend .... I can not climb MERY A CASSINO HERE WHY DO NOT WALK, CI ONO a lot of accidents. at 18:45 reminds me: MERY NOT FROM HERE The situation is tragic. poor was in tears! I go into the bar and ask the bitch, so kind, if the departure was transported to dmn morning ... NO THAT SHE WAS AGAINST THE LAW. I was pissed off, I called Dad and I got to venre resumes! I'm 26 € ticket slut filthy slut of a snow jessica the girl's generation! o.o and Dad ... when you say bad luck comes along and behind him there is a bus !!!!! E_e ;

god nervosoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


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