Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Do Missil Binoculars Work

About university and Japan

Finally, exams are over!
Only for now, because I have 2 exams at the end of April :/ And lessons will start next Monday... But I have an entire week of total relax. I'm so happy!!!

But I'm not so happy about the next semester: apart from the optional course I've chosen (Philosophy of Law - Advanced Course, because I quite liked the basic course, it's interesting... and it's something quite simple to study), the courses of the second semester are... well, I'm not so entusiastic.
These are the courses:
-Italian and Comparative Constitutional Law (I've studied during the first semester Italian constitutional law and... I didn't like it.... But maybe because the professor was a total asshole O_O)
-Commercial Law (ahahah, I'm hating it already ;_;)

Well, I'll do my best (I HAVE to do it XD)

Changing of subject!
I was planning to go in Japan, this summer, and do a japanese course from the end of august to the end of september (because of university: I have to attend at the lessons).
BUT the schhol says that, if I wanna attend the course in that period, I have to know some things........ and I'm a total beginner :/ Well, I've learned hiragana, now I'll start with katakana, but... the grammar is a bit different!
Also, the japanese course that I was thinking to attend here in my town, won't start! Argh!! That's terrible!!
Now I'm searching for a private teacher, but if I don't find one in reasonable time, I'll have these options:
-Find another school (difficult: I've already searched, but I didn't find anything yet)
-Try to study alone... (I really don't know if I can do all those things all alone)
-Wait another year (and attend at some summer japanese course here in Italy or also in Europe)

About studying alone... I don't know! I mean, I wanna learn WELL japanese, because after university I'd like to work in the italian embassy at Tokyo, or something similar. And for this I need good grammar bases. I need also to speak with someone, to be tested by someone. So I don't know XD
Well, maybe waiting another year isn't a bad thing, if necessary.
'Who goes slow and steady wins the race' , so...
And fortunately my parents seem very supportive, and they're helping me a lot (it's my father the one to suggest me the idea of a summer course in Italy or Europe, if I don't find a teacher before).

So... I hope it will go well XD


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