Saturday, February 5, 2011

When Can I Change My Mos In The Army

[review]: Arashi Scene Concert DVD

WARNING: huge spoiler from Arashi's Scene Concert DVD!!!

So... I've watched this concert on the 23rd of January, but I've managed to translate the papyrus I've written as comments only now O_O (and probably it will be FULL of mistakes, because in my original comment I used lot of Italian slang. So it was a bit difficult translating it).
Random, oh, so random comments!

After remaining awake until 3 am to wait the download to end, I managed to watch the DVD the next afternoon (I had to study in the morning :/).
I have to admit that in my ignorance, when I saw the first frame, that one a bit roundish, as if it was seen trough a spyglass (not that I use a spyglass everyday O_O), I thought 'Oh shit, the file is damaged! I'll watch all the concert trough a spyglass!!'. After two seconds I understood that I'm an idiot XD

I really liked the overture , with that nice music that reminds me 'Pirates of Caribbean'. After that...
Movin' On: with a less triumphal entrance that other times... No, wait, there was a WATERFALL. I love these first costume! They're so... sparkling and beautiful! I love them *_* And obviously I fainted at the first Sho's close up. OMG so handsome *_*
Yurase, ima wo (揺らせ、今を): I've missed this song so much! It reminds me of 2010's winter! And with my super-sight (?) I noticed that... Aiba's boots are the same of  the 5x10 tour!!
Troublemaker: near the end, when the round platforms went up, a huge hole's opened in the middle of the stage, and I thought it would be really amusing (or dramatic?) if someone fall in it... no, it would be tragic. but that hole isn't there only for make me laugh, no, because....
Happiness: the... ok, I don't know how to translate this word, because it was born from my sick (really sick) mind. In Italian is 'farfallini', like... little butterflies? Well, anyway, Farfallini is the name I've given to all the JE back dancers. So, that hole was for Farfallini's arrival! Also, these Farfallini seemed a bit older than usual... but they're Japanese, so they could be 15, 20, 25 years old O_O (Do I have to mention that Ohno is already 30? With that face?)
Attack it!: I like more this version than the 5x10's one! And please, the next time let it sing all by Nino. His parts were... I don't know how to explain it, but they were wonderful!
Then, the greetings and... AIBA. Poor thing, everyone was laughing at him ♥ (and he was also the last one in putting off the jacket... I was afraid we could've seen a 'TIME2 - Matsujun's revenge' XD)
Everything: nice thing putting the videos of the previous concerts (AAA 2008 and 5x10, right?) and the part where Jun and Ohno sang together was very beautiful (and Ohno was doing a face and some movements that were adorable)
1992*4##111: OH.MY.GOD. What are those clothes??? (Before seeing the DVD I haven't watched ANY spoilers, so this is why I was a bit surprised because of the clothes). They're... they're... boh! A rabble of various tartan clothes and... THOSE TROUSERS! Well... In return there are lot of Farfallini XD Very precious the final warbling like a True-Black-Music-Diva (??). The thing that left me puzzled was the 'sexy' final kiss... eh? I mean, you were dressed like a don't-know-what-it-is, you were surrounded by Farfallini with colored balloons shaped like heart, and then... why? But, well, this is not so important!
ROCK U: when the song started, I was asking myself (only for a moment XD): 'What's the name of this song????'; then I remembered, but maybe it was because my mind had suffered a shock because of the clothes (the ones that during the MC they've called 'cute pop outfit'. But... what are you saying?), certainly made by rags picked up from the garbage. Most important, why is Aiba, who notoriously sweats like a crazy moufflon, the only one without short sleeves?! Then I hear some warbling and I know that the Black-Music-Diva is back, and, again, he pleases me with his performance (no, really, I liked it a lot). My fangirl's heart tingles with anticipation when I see that near the end they go in 2 different platforms: in one there are Sho and Aiba (♥), in the other one there are Ohno, Jun and Nino. Maybe the 2 DoS of Arashi will start a terrible fight for the Leader? Well, because in this concert seems that Matsujun is inclined to fanservice (thanks, Jun). On the contrary...
Kitto daijoubou (きっと大丈夫): ... those three start a sort of tribal dance O_O While, on the other platform, the wonderful hairstyle Aiba had at the beginning of the concert is disappeared, because of the sweating (and the long sleeves)
Hadashi no Mirai (ハダシの未来): so on the ground there were some bars for the microphones! It's strange that no one, prey of the Sacred Fire of Dance (Aiba... but also Sho) has stumbled upon them O_O Hadashi no Mirai live is always awesome (and also the violinist did the 'Clap clap and clap' XD)
a Day in Our Life: this is one of the few Arashi songs (along with 'Wave') that I don't like very much. But the live version is always a bit better than the recorded one, mostly because the silly things Ohno and Jun do XD And this time they were... *_* What a cute thing!! And Jun was distraught XD After that, for some reason, Nino is proud of Ohno. Really proud. So proud that he annoys him while he's singing.
Summer Splash!: PURE LOVE. Excitement and madness *_* All for preparing of the wonder of the wonders, that is...
Shizuka na Yoru ni (静かな夜に): I was waiting for this moment since I've listened the album! Satoshi is beautiful, the song is marvelous, and once again he proves to be the only one within Arashi with a minimum of taste in the choice of the clothes for the solo. But... every time I watch Ohno's solos I always fell a bit sorry for tha Farfallini that have to dance with him, because Riida is so good at dancing that they seem nothingness... O_o
Mukae ni Iku yo (むかえに行くよ): why are they orange? They seem... not the firemen... those guy who stays into the ambulances, maybe? In return Nino is really hot with those semi-wet hair. And Sho singing Ohn's part!! His voiceeee *___* *loves Sho's voice*
season: oh, season ♥ With also lot of Nino's verses (Nino has the habit of doing, while he's not singing, some strange verses not in the microphone, like 'pan pan bum bum'. Things like these O__o) and with Riida amazing as always. And there's Sho super-duper-sweated.
Hero: here we have to notice random Ohno's pirouettes and random Nino's verse (I'd like to have a camera always on him to see how often he does these verses!!). But at a certain point, I don't care about Hero anymore, because I notice that Sho is disappeared, and I understand that, after this, there'll be T.A.B.O.O. OhGodOhGodOhGod
T.A.B.O.O: at the first second I'm already cursing: 'I don't care about how beautiful/big/crowded Kokoritsu is, let me see that video from nearer!!!'. When cameraman-san satisfies me: 'AAAAAAHHHH!'. Naked shoulders (sloppy, but really, who fuckin' cares). Sighs. Mouth. Pleaselethimgooutnaked. Then he arrives and... HE'S LIKE TIMOTHY FROM DUMBO!!! O_O But after two seconds I forget this amusing resemblance (almost). Oh yes, Sho in the ecstasy of the senses. Seems even that he has learned how moving in a not ridiculous way. I haven't even finish to think this thing that he starts again with absurde movements, but really, THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT because it's the same thing that my ovaries are doing . Seriously, there were some moments in wich he danced well!... it's a pity that he didn't put in the coreography that hips movement that he can do so well (and that I call 'throw of the pack'... well, I didn't know how translate it in english... Uhm, remind only that for 'pack' I mean... THAT XD)
let me down: within the album, let me down, was the song I liked less, but with the live version I'm liking it more! The dance was so good and I like the Timothy's Sho's rap
kagero: sweated Aiba. With hair on his face. I couldn't wish for something more.
Oh Yeah!: is there something cuter than Ohno who's jumping shouting 'Jump jump!!'?? And how much is beautiful Oh Yeah? And Farfallini have their own moment... with Jun watching them with a look that I didn't understand if is tender or other...
Lucky Man: the initial verses, oh God *_* And during the 2nd rap there's an incredible mess!! (and a bit of fanservice? O is me that is hopeless?)
One Love: first of all, why does One Love's dance always make me giggle? I don't understand... (and I don't think it's because of Kanjani8's version at the countdown of 2009). And Nino does his verses here too!! Argh, during his solo part, Jun seemed to have swallowed a trumpet, but after that he goes well
Refrain (リフレイン): I only have to say that this time the clothes' choice was very appropriate (and those clothes are wonderful). That white goes... well, with the song. And they sang it WELL. I mean, Arashi sing always well (I'm talking about the parts not in playback, obvious), but in this song I like them in a particular way. Maybe that chorus... *_*
Gift (ギフト): cameraman-san does close ups of everyone's serious faces, and I prepare myself to cry... but, that's strange, I don't cry!! I was moved a little during the refrain, but nothing more. That's REALLY strange. I mean, during 5x10 I was crying since the overture O_O
My Girl (マイガール): when the song started, I had a big smile on the face! I love My Girl, for a lot of reasons. And I like seeing everyone (Aiba) that sings it while smiling. But then I saw that Jun was disappeared, and I have to admit that I was a bit worried. I never know what can I expect from him. What did he invent, for this solo? I'm afraid. (I was afraid also before 5x10 solo, but it went beautifully *_*)
Come back to me: for all the arrows of Zeus. He has an absurd overalls, he flies, and he's inside a videogame. then Nino makes him level up. After having destroyed the bad asteroid, he goes down to the stage and... well, for now, he's been adorable. He ruins everything a little bit adding those glasses and that cap, but who cares. He was... how to say this? Cool? I do well being afraid of him, because he usually does things that I like :)
Magical Song: those glasses!! Thanks God he puts them away quickly, e most important he has a leopard outfit! I love leopard things *_* And he shines of his own light, he's a human lamp! the dance, and his faces!!! It's all so wonderful!!! Aiba!! You little weirdo! You make me fangirl like nobody else!! (I'm sorry, but the ichiban is the ichiban)
PIKA★★NCHI DOUBLE : how much are beautiful those outfits? I love love love them (even if Sho's one makes me think of Merlin O_o). Maybe it's because of those sparkling jackets, those scarves/foulards that I want in my closet, maybe it's because of those satin shirts (even if with those questionable patterns)
Love so sweet: I have a serious problem, because when I hear the intro of Love so Sweet I always think to the HanaDan 2's opening. And so I think about Hanazawa Rui that sleeps in that garden with the rest of his crew... And it's not the most beautiful thing in the world to do, thinking about Makino Tsukushi when in front of my eyes there are Arashi. GIVE ME THOSE SCARVES (possibly with them attached to them). It's very funny the conviction with which Sho and Nino do those absurd movements, as the fact that Ohno is pretending to be fishing since the beginning of the concert
Kotoba Yori Taisetsu na Mono (言葉より大切なもの): somehow I loved Ohno's 'opening' XD and also seeing him alone on the platform waving  to the crowd as he was leaving of his own life
Believe: yes, Riida, continue to shake your butt, that you make me happy *_* Aaaaaah, the rap!!!! It'll make me die *_* But... why did they not dance it? Better: why was Sho the ONLY ONE who danced? And where are Jun and Aiba? The mystery deepens, Sho starts talking while doing mystic movements, Farfallini open the umbrellas (??). Then.... A CLOWN APPEARS!!!!! God, I'm afraid of them!! And he was LAUGHING, omg!! Fortunately he disappears soon, giving the space at a remake of ?Yabai Yabai Yabai' made by Jun and Aiba, that is far more cool than 'Yabai'
Circus (サーカス): however the performance itself was wonderful, it started in a not so good way: Nino, Ohno and Sho appears with outfits that seem a mixture between the masks of Venice Carnival and Pokemon (yes, they remind me of Pokemon). The worse thing is that in the screen there are lot of clown's faces!! I've already said that they make me anxious, right? They wanna eat Ohno-Mary Poppins! (this is because he flies with an umbrella u_u) They don't care about poor young Farfallini? I bet that lot of them taht night have had nightmares. Then all goes up near that horrible and bad clown's face (whose left eye opens and closes, omfg!!). And since the song was 'Circus', starts a circus music, Farfallini play the trash cans and do stunts
Re(mix)able-dance:  when music started, I've thought: 'Thanks God they've had the decency to not sing Truth with those Pokemon outfits'. After a short time I realize that the song is NOT Truth, but a mix of various thing, like Truth, Re(mar)kable, Ashita no Kyoku and so on... as much it was very beautiful, I'm a bit disappointed, because I understand that they won't sing those songs T_T
Monster: I think that, during 2010, Monster is the song that Arashi have sung more... I mean, they've sung it everywhere O_O And in this dance Sho is always funny... really, I'm sorry for this, but the way he moves really makes me laugh! Blaze of fire and fireworks!!
Final Farewell: AIBA MASAKI ♥♥♥ Is being more adorable than him possible? Is it possible? Obviously no. And Nino proves to be a total genius XD

And here I've stopped with detailed comments (well... 'detailed' XD) because it was late and I had run out of nonsense.

Maybe I can add something else:
-Aiba is the God of Sex come down to Earth
-In this concert I seriously loved Nino. He had this don't-know-what that drove me crazy *_*
-Satoshi was also more wonderful than usual. Apart from his complete being adorable during the MC ('By and By'?????? omg XDD), I've liked him very much. And he had those arms that... uwah *strange fetish*
-I'm a bit sad because they didn't sing songs like Truth etc, but is understandable, because they aren't songs from this last year, and they had to make a choice (but the fact they haven't sung A.RA.SHI... uhm O_O). But I'd liked to 'see' them singing 'Mada Ue Wo', one of the album's song that I was waiting like a crazy, and the two My Girl single's side-tracks, 'Super Fresh' and 'Tokei Jikakke no Umbrella'. I'd liked to see them
-Another thing that made me a bit 'sad' (well, not that sad... you've understood, right?) is the fact that Jun and Aiba's solos were in playback T_T I know that some parts of the concert are always in playback, but at least the solos... (but I know that Aiba didn'have voice XD)

Finally, I like this concert. But maybe it’s too early to say If It's Better Than 5x10 or AAA 2008:)

So ... I could see the concert on Sunday 23, but I was able to transcribe the papyrus that I wrote as a comment only now (when I can ; to translate it into English? Maybe ever. more appropriate question: I can translate it in English?)
Luuunghissimo comment (I commented every song to be Free To O_O), and of course totally random and meaningless (if anyone has read the comment to 5x10 ... well, this is worse).

I have to admit my complete ignorance, when I saw the first shot, that a little 'round, as though viewed through the lens of a telescope (not that I'm so practical rifle, eh), I thought' Oh shit! The file is damaged! I'll see the whole concert through a telescope! '. After only a few seconds, I realized to be an idiot XD

I really liked the 'Overture , with dolphins, flowers, piece of music that reminds me of' Pirates of the Caribbean ', and the island with the final word Arashi (beginning I thought something like Stonehenge O_O). and then ...
Movin 'on : with less triumphal entry of other times ... no, still, there is a waterfall. How beautiful are the original costumes? More than anything else are beautiful jackets, all brilliant, but little by little, I also appreciated his pants (only because they squeezed in a sublime way). And rightly so faint at the first close-up (primoprimoprimo) Sho * _ * So wonderful.
Yurase, ima wo (揺ら せ, 今 を) : just listened, I realized how much I miss this song! And with my eye lynx I noticed that ... Aiba's boots are the same as it was in 5x10? (Why I dwell on details so useless?)
Troublemaker: Towards the end, when they get up round the shelves, that sort of chasm opens in the middle, and I think it would be very funny if someone prey of the sacred fire dance, we end up in by accident ... or perhaps it would be tragic. But that hole is not there just to make me laugh, because ...
Happiness: Farfallina sprout! (Which in my language are the dancers that infest JE concert XD). Then they bow seem even older ... but in fact Japanese kids are, so they may have 15 years as well as 20 or 25 (I should mention that Ohno is 30 years old? With that face that you found it?). Oh, and we were about to see something wonderful, but Aiba started to pull up his pants u_u
Attack it! : I liked this version more than made up to 5x10! And please, next time let her sing the whole to Nino! Its shares were ... I can not explain, but they were wonderful!
Then it's time to say goodbye e. .. AIBA. Poor dear, dear ♥ in public (which also was the last of 5 to take off his jacket ... I feared to have a TIME2-revenge Matsujun, but fortunately remembered to take it out on time)
Everything : great history of video of other concerts (AAA, 5x10, right?) and a very beautiful part to l & rsquo , where Ohno and Jun start singing together (and Ohno is the smilies and movements that are adorable)
1992 * 111 # 4 # : Oh my God! What are those clothes?! (Note that before the concert I avoided looking at the photos, so that's why I was surprised a few clothes). It '... is ... bo! Jumble of different tartan ... and those pants! Eh, oh well. On the other hand is full of bow ties. The final very beautiful warbling a true diva of American music (??). what left me puzzled was the kiss 'sexy' final ... eh? I mean, you were dressed like a something, you were surrounded by bow waving colorful heart-shaped balloons, and then ... why? But in fact it does not matter!
ROCK U : note that when the song started, I had a total vacuum 'What do you call this?', Then I remembered, but perhaps only because my mind has suffered a shock because clothing (OMC that have defined 'skin pop outfit '... but what are you saying?), certainly made with pieces of cloth picked up the drums. And above all, because Aiba, which is known to sweat like a crazy wild sheep, is the only one not to be in short sleeves?! I hear warbling, and I know that the diva is back in black music, which, again, I delight with her performance (no, really, I liked it!). my heart trembles in expectation of fan girl when I see that towards the end can be divided into two platforms: a Sho and Aiba (♥) and in the Ohno, Jun and Nino. The two DoS Arashi want to start a struggle with no holds barred for Ohno? No, because Jun in this concert seems likely to fan service (thanks, Jun). But ...
Kitto Daijoubu (きっと 大丈夫) : ... The trio begins that ache can only be a tribal dance O_O Meanwhile, on the other platform, because of the sweat (and MAICHE long), the beautiful hair that was beginning Aiba went merrily down the drain.
Hadashi no Mirai (ハダシ の 未来) : So there were bars on the ground! Strange that no one (Aiba. .. as well sho) there is tripped during the previous song! Hadashi no Mirai live is always beautiful, and this time there were even the violinists who have joined the 'Clap clap and clap!' XD
a Day in Our Life : one of Arashi's songs (along to 'Wave') that I like least of all. Just live you save more than anything else for entr'actes Ohno and Jun ... curtain and there was this time! What a nice thing! And Jun is rightly upset XD Then, for some reason, Nino is proud of Ohno. Very proud. So proud that gives discomfort while singing.
Summer Splash! : PURE LOVE. Frantic and crazy * _ * all in preparation for the best, or ... Shizuka na Yoru ni
(静か な 夜 に) : I waited for this moment since the album came out! Satoshi is beautiful and talented, the song is wonderful, and once again proves to be the only group with a minimum of taste in choosing clothes for himself. What then ... Ohno just when I look at, I always feel a bit 'of sorrow for the bow which must dance with him, because it is so riid good that makes them always look like O_o void
Mukai ni Iku yo (むかえ に 行く よ) : Why are they orange? They seem ... not the fire department ... those of ambulances? On the other hand Nino with that hair is very sexy. And who sings the part of Sho Ohno * __ * its voceeee!
season : oh, Season ♥ With much of the verses of Nino (Nino has the habit, during the parts where he does not sing, to make verses with his mouth, like 'boom boom pan pan'. Things like that O_O) and riid, which is great as usual. Oh, and there Sho also in a blaze of sweat
Hero: I saw the show two times, and I always think that Jun would not have had to shake so much on the footrest. It should be noted pirouettes random verses of Ohno and Nino (I always have a camera on him, to see how many times he does). But at some point stops Hero interested, because I notice that Sho is gone, and I understand that after there is TABOO TABOO Oddeioddeioddeioddei
: the first second I'm already cursing: 'I do not give anything what is beautiful / big / crowded Kokoritsu, let me see that video closely! '. After I satisfied 'AAAAHHHH!'. Bare shoulders (sloping, but Sticazzi). Sighs. Mouth. Facheescanudofacheescanudo. Arriva e. .. It would seem TIMOTHY Dumb! O_O but after two seconds I forget (almost) in this hilarious likeness. Oh yes, Sho ecstasy of the senses. It even seems to have learned to move in a manner not ridiculous. I do not have time to think back to move in a silly, but really, NOT 'IMPORTANT because it is what they are doing well my hormones . Jokes aside, there were times when he danced well! As he moves the flaps jacket ... Too bad that did not decide to enter the choreography that movement of the hips that is so well (which I called 'launch of the pack').
let me down: When the album came out, "Let Me Down was the song that told me maybe not. With this performance (and the adorable choreography) instead, bought a lot of points. And I really liked the rap part of Timothy Sho.
Kagero: Aiba sweaty. Hair in his face. I can not wish for anything more.
Oh Yeah! : Is there anything cuter Ohno bouncing yelling 'Jump jump !!'?? And how beautiful Oh yeah? Even the bow have a moment for them ... Jun and watching them with an air that it is not clear if it is softened or something ...
Lucky Man: the opening lines, good God * _ * On the second rap is an incredible mess! (Vague and fan service or do I see it just me?)
One Love: First of all, because the ballet One Love always makes me a bit 'funny. Whenever me chuckle to myself ... I do not explain (and I do not think it's the fault of Kanjani8 who made it to the Countdown last year). And Nino is the verses here too! Argh, when Jun is left alone it seemed, initially, that he had swallowed a trumpet, but then was fine.
Refrain (リフレイン) : I can only say that they have really guessed the white clothes (which are beautiful). There was ... bo, good. And they sung really well. That is, they always do (yes, I know that many parts are in playback, I speak of those that sing seriously, of course XD), but here I particularly liked ... those choirs * _ *
Gift (ギフト) : make a parade of faces of all 5 series, and I am preparing myself mentally to cry ... incredibly, do not cry. I am moved a little to the chorus, but nothing special. This is very strange O_O I'll become a woman without a heart? (????) I mean, even at 5x10 the overture made me cry XD
My Girl (マイ ガール) : the smile that I checked just started! I'm so tied to My Girl, for many reasons. I love it! And I like to see all (Aiba) that the singing smiling. Intan see that Jun has disappeared, and I admit being a bit 'worried. I never know that expected of his own. That will be invented? I'm afraid (which I was also afraid for the 5x10, but has been divinely * _ *)
Come back to me: For all the darting thunderbolts of Zeus. It has an absurd suit, flies, and it is in a video game. Nino And it does go up. After destroying the asteroid bad falls on stage e. .. Well, for now it was adorable. Ruin a bit 'all hat and glasses by adding tamarro true, but oh well. But it was, you know ... cool? It is okay to be afraid of him, because then he comes out, usually with things that end up to please me XD
Magical Song: those glasses !!!!! Thank God that takes them off immediately, and most importantly it is leopard! I love the leopard * _ * And shines its light, a light bulb is human! The ballet, their faces! It's beautiful! Aiba! Little weirdo that you are nothing! You make me fangirl like no other! (Sorry, but it is the ichiban ichiban)
PIKA ★ ★ DOUBLE NCHI : how beautiful those costumes? I love them I love them I love them (even if that makes me think of Sho Merlin). Will be those jackets sbrilluccicose, those kind of scarves / scarf I long to have in my closet, or satin shirts (even if they have questionable fantasies)
Love so sweet: it is a serious problem, my own, but when I hear the beginning of Sweet Love I know I can not help but think of the acronym HanaDan 2. And I immediately springs to mind Hanazawa Rui sleeping in the kind of garden along with the rest of his crew. And it's a problem when Tsukushi Makino think before you all that poop stuff (Arashi). GIVE ME THOSE SCARVES (possibly with their attached). It is very fun with the conviction that Sho and Nino are those movements rash, as well as the fact that Ohno is pretending to be fishing when the concert started
Kotoba Yori Taisetsu na Mono (言葉 より 大切 な もの) : I loved the attack Ohno, for some reason XD as well as see it on the platform alone and greet \u0026lt;s> the damn Japanese who were there while I was in my house \u0026lt;/ s> as he was leaving of his own life
Believe : yes, riid, continues to sculettare that make me happy * _ * Jun Bravo who is stealing a scarf from Aiba-Gongolo (which no longer knows what to do). Aaaah, the rap! I will die * _ * But most of all ... why did not they dance? Or rather, why did he dance only Sho? And where Jun and Aiba? The mystery thickens, Sho starts to talk while doing mystical movements, the open umbrellas Bow (?) E. .. IT IS A FUCKING CLOWN!! I am frightened, by golly! And then he laughed, oh my! Fortunately, almost immediately disappears, leaving room for a remake of 'Yaba Yaba Yaba' made by Jun and Aiba (that's where they were gone), but it is much, much cooler than Yaba
Circus (サーカス) : As the performance in total I've enjoyed very much, started really badly appear Ohno, Nino and Sho with the costumes that I can not do is define a cross between those masks of the Venice Carnival and Pokemon (yes, they remind me of Pokemon). What's worse is that the screen there are many faces of clowns! And I already told you that make me anxiety, right? They want to eat Ohno-Mary Poppins! But do not think the little bow ties? I'm sure that many of them have had nightmares that night! And then, all up close to the face of horrible and evil clown (whose left eye opens and closes, holy God!). And because the song was Circus, after a typical piece of music part of the circus, the bow sound of drums and make stunts (the others are trying to get Sho and Jun from the cube, you do not know because I'm always the last)
Re (mix) able-dance: the music starts just think, 'Thank goodness they had the decency to do with those costumes Pokemon Truth'. After very little, I realize that is NOT Truth, but a mixture of various things including just Truth, King (Tue) Kable, Ashita no Kioku and so on ... as it was very nice, I frowned a bit 'because I realize that will not T_T
Monster: I believe that Monster was the song that, in 2010, Arashi sang more than ever ... I mean, they have sung everywhere O_O And Sho is still quite funny in this choreography ... really, I'm sorry, but the way she moves really makes me laugh XD blaze of flames and fireworks! Thanks
: AIBA. Masaki ♥ ♥ ♥ We can be more adorable than that? You can? Of course not. And Nino shows ever to be a genius
And here I stop with detailed comments (detailed on what, then, I know) because it was late and I had spent the nonsense XD

Anything else to add there is also:
-Aiba is the God of Sex
come down to earth - In this concert I seriously loved Nino. He had a certain something that made me crazy * _ *
-Satoshi, well, it was more wonderful than usual. Leaving aside his adorably complete during the MC ('By and By'??), I loved it. And he had arms that ... bo. * *
strange fetish-I am sorry that they have sung songs such as Truth and so on, but you can see why are not songs of this year, and had to choose (the fact that they have sung A.RA.SHI, but left me a bit 'so). What I 'sorry' (not that this great sorrow, we understood each other anyway ...) is that they have sung 'wo wo Mada', which was one of the songs on the album that more than expected to see live, and the two side-track the single My Girl, 'Super Fresh' and 'Tokei no Jikakke Umbrella'. I wanted to see
A-'other thing is that I was sorry that the only Jun and Aiba were clearly in all parts of the concert playback T_T usually always are, but at least I only took them all live (it also true that Aiba had no voice XD)

In general, I really enjoyed it. For the moment it is at the AAA level 5x10 or 2008, but the ones I've seen them so many times ... perhaps it is too early to tell!


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