Saturday, June 26, 2010

Free Wooden Clock Plans

Continuing ...

continued to prepare ...
Between yesterday and today I waved a bit 'relatives, all that before they ask me "are you prontaaa?" I say "no " and their "but you're not happy? ".
Yes, my joys, I'm glad, but the added stress of starting more stress examination and see if I have the right to be irritable

= _ = However, one nice thing about these days is that I received an email from Ms. Sachiko our host! It 'was very young! * _ * And more confirmation that I had in that house have the connection! (And it was discovered that Mrs. Sachiko went quietly to the internet point ... WOOOOOSH )
now I hope there is only the wireless, otherwise we are apart!
In addition there is also a Chinese girl at home with us ... beginning to wonder if the couple run a hostel Onozaki XD

Having started this blog after the arrival of the information concerning the host family, that part has not been documented.

It all started a few weeks ago when, as a happy Easter, I found a mail- Iwase St. (Shibuya Language School of the holy man who has the patience to communicate with us XD) that I communicate the information about the family .. Taketomi Taketomi good note.
communicates it to the Mouse, Joy and rejoicing, we begin to try to locate the house on google maps and beginning to make me all about my mental preparation between home and school and trains to take.
few days passed and I called the Ste trust that, after talking to Rid we do not know 'as was pointed out that I had told him the name of my family tells me that the two of them are from Taketomi.
Ok, at this point I start to think that Iwase-san has been made or that a cane Taketomi have a hotel. Check email and found an email in which the holy man tells me that because they wanted the family to tie the two subjects mentioned above accepts only girls have exchanged their families. MA CHUUUUU . _.
And I that I had already loyal to Mrs. Chizuko!

At this point the sclera starts to understand the way to school (we now have to make a change of train and pay more since they are private lines, although the distance is less than before Shibuya-_-) and of course I spent my beloved 3 days to fix google maps obsessively, hoping to have found the right place!

For the train we should take the Odakyu Line by Kyoudo to Shimo-Kitazawa and then switch on the Keio Line Inokashira up to Shibuya! And on this line we find the Zucchi *-*

In all this I'm talking about people who are with me without having made the least XD then, hang up the post of Zucchi who had made a presentation to us poor wretches that we must go, I've also done a similar thing:
mugshot / design + profile
start by saying that the drawings of people seem pretty normal, but A whole is PPARENZA.

Name: Reru. Reru-chan. BarerĂ¹.
In summary That is myself.
What can I say? I love cats, books and movies. XD They are easily irritated and I am delighted to feed my junbini with annual supply of brownies.

Name: Zucchi. Zucchini. Tsuki-chan.
In summary: Our proclaimed goddess dell'onniscenza: Do not have time to rise to a doubt she already has the solution ready XD
lover strawberries, cats and frequent drinker you. Affectionately known as Fat Plant \u0026lt;3

Name: Topo. Tupaster. Raton.
In summary be of limited size, but much pucciosa!
cat lover (we are all un'ossesione for cats, are not you understand?) And manufacturer of polymer clay trinkets so nice to come from the decay XD perennially late.

Name: Stesansan Ste. Sansan.
In brief: Man characterized by appetite and eternal grin from porn star XD
obsessed lover of fantasy and so heavy that video games and the like.

Name: Rid. Discomfort. Mr. Shrimp.
In summary disturbing the person you love Jrock and bass player. Nerd callous.
He has a tendency to drool uncontrollably in front of an Asian. Breeder murderers of pigeons.

We then Jade, our artist and Honorary fellow of Miyazaki, which will be hosted by a friend in our own time.

Finally Letizia and Angelica, our otaku XD who have joined the project later in the trip.

conclude this post with the song of Super Junior who is haunting me these days.

Mata neeee \u0026lt;3


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