Monday, June 21, 2010

How Many Kcal In Chicken Chow Mein

Convinced but not too ° _ °

Again here wasting time!
ok, No, today I finished my dose of study nauseating (though I would read two novels ... wooooosh)
E 'fault of zucchini that made me want to write ...
But how nice is the new template ?????? eh? eh? eh? I can die happy XD
Sin convince me little dark ... everything makes me headache ° _ °

Coooomunque, yesterday in triple skyFosa conversation with pumpkins and Mouse we have "compared" ; lists luggage for Giappolandia (I put quotes because my list has been lost ... as previously stated, I repeat that the horizon of expectations and the spread of the novel in the 700 to confuse the brain and make me these small errors of course)
In any case I should be more or less in place, leaving out the "list of things to buy at the last moment because we are of Bonehead. "

moments of life * bloody *

Zucchi, "So ... the gift for the family"
Mouse: "What course?"
Me: "Speck"
Zucchi, "Do not know"


An interesting point of the list (divided into structures and superstructures, because Marx is able to merge the brain up to this point) is the part on the adjustments of sockets.
Like a good child-sighted, I have previously informed about the existing outlets in Giappolandia (type A and type B), then went boldly electrician, feeling that these two names (type A and type B, to be precise) he said saying they do not know what they were.

To which I wondered if it was for there to sell peanuts.

After I pulled out a UK plug from € 12 (followed by the expression on my "beautiful, what can I do?") And a kit from € 18, provided with plugs to go halfway around the world, we arrived at compromise of a spinet from 3 €, which I think it would be type A (and if not go and when back in August I'm going to stick it to him on the nose), to which was added a plug FURTHER type L, because the connector in question has only two entrances, too bad my PC for example also has the ground .. . (3 entries to understand)
All this mess to 4 €. I got one for me and one for the Mouse. Turning now to know that the Mouse can be found at the airport. CHUCHO.

But talk about good things and fun, the Zucchi (also known as the omnipresent and omniscient Goddess) has developed the personal profiles of participants in the ryokou (travel) which makes us seem like a lot of superstars (or criminals, depending on the points of view XD)

* inform me in september, direct output of the dates of the exams (but I speak as polished uu) and I'm laughing like a hyena for the surname of prof. muahahhaahaah of contemporary history, however, the 10 English, 14 Korean, 21 story ... I can do it ... I think °_°)*

Returning to personal profiles ... I said, this thing makes us seem very criminals XD (especially considering plans SOMEONE .. do not make names cough cough)

Everything always with a view to someone who affect our blog XD (but remember that I and we are the ones that go Zucchi minutes entirely convinced of living in The Truman Show and a speaking with its imaginary audience ... but we really do these things? oh lord ...)

However as soon as the zucchini publish criminal profiles, I shall also listed here ... because it's fun.

I leave you my joy (I talk to my imaginary audience) I get to dance around the ZukkinTotem and will delight you with this picture genial uu


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