Thursday, June 17, 2010

Raven Rileymobile Raven Riley

c_h_original @ 2010-06-17T17: 35:00

LACRIMOSA-Requiem in D Minor
Anyver_ Deb

Chapter VI [Parts XIII-XIV-XV]

vm 14


the Lord I said: "A *** Where is your brother?"

And I answered: "I do not know. Am I my brother's keeper? "

Inside, I felt nothing, not even anything that would be something, I was frozen.

disembodied, a asensoriale to be moved without notice.

He was dead. I had killed. Me, I'd sold his soul to him, I had killed.

Oh, Cain, have mercy on yourself.

"What have you done? The voice of thy brother's blood is crying to me from the ground Now you are cursed, far from that ground, which of your hand he drank the blood of your brother. When you work the ground, it shall no longer yield its crops will be a restless wanderer on the earth. "

deserve something better? I was not listening, God was only the presence of a distracted conscience in my mind, where a thick darkness of the moonless nights blunts most everything, thoughts, sounds, memories. I sensed the voice of my brother screaming from the stained earth. I heard him swear vengeance, I heard him call me and cajole and lure him to dismiss them just yet, I would never have released him. And as he said my name like my name was his last word, I swore to myself that his name would be mine, and decided that I would never, if not in agony release of my death.
"My fault, I muttered ... and I cried, and talked to my brother, although he believed that God I am addressing to Him-My guilt is too big to get lost! You have driven me today from this soil, and I shall be hidden from you. I'll be a wanderer, a fugitive on earth, and whoever finds me will kill me! "
I wanted it to him I wanted with all my heart, that he was to kill me. I wanted both, and I thought that if you want still worth something in the world, so it would be.
"Whoever kills Cain," said the Lord, he will suffer vengeance seven times. "
I imposed a sign, because it was struck by my encounters.
is something that you can not see, but you hear all around me: I can not be loved or hated. Do not stir up feelings strong enough or large enough to make ideas come to someone's desire to kill me ... they are transparent, as if I had only half-shadow, as if I did smoke. They thought for a moment that you touched her, but does not stay in your mind long enough to impress my presence, my existence. Only a few were chosen by God can feel, without love me, hate me not. They have to do with me, and do so with absolute indifference. I'll
andai, senza più incontrare né mia madre né mio padre, augurando loro di avere un altro figlio, che poi ebbero, e di essere felici; non era colpa loro. Era mia.
Dio mi scelse una moglie, e lei mi diede un figlio, Enoch, da cui venne tutta la mia discendenza; fondai una città, per lui, ma sparivo lentamente. Mi consumavo nel nulla, perpetuando il ricordo di mio fratello in questo universo, finchè un giorno Dio parlò ancora con me.
“Tu soffri, Caino, ma la tua colpa è troppo grande perché io la perdoni. Questo ti dico: per espiare il tuo peccato, vivrai lungo tutte le ere a venire, e vivrai in my name. Because I have created men weak and prone to evil knocking on their door, and just the right way they get to heaven on the last day. You will then run along that route, and show them the glory of the Lord when they stray. You do this, and give you the look of a child because no one ever get up the hand or voice against you. The day of your death, will be the last day of the men, and will be the day that you have served your sin. "
I nodded, indifferent, and listened to my body younger, smaller, and become one of a boy of only twelve years, my hair was as white as the day I was born, my violet eyes, bushy eyebrows ... I was my brother. And while the power of destruction was born into my hands, I found myself smiling bitterly: the glory of the Lord. What hypocrisy. I would not have shown the way to men, I would have punished them when they stopped keeping. What did I care? He was dead. I had killed him, and there was nothing left in the world of beauty to watch.

An instinct stronger than he urged him to move back, knees crawling in the ground and holding his arms still planted on the belly aching, behind him there was not much space, and he seemed to perceive the cold stones of the wall, wet, moss-speckled here and there. Around the night and the desert, where no more singing for some time now.
"Please, do not move-his brother scolded him, good-natured, I might be wrong and cut your pretty little head ... and instead, should be left in that neck for a while '."
He should have, could react and he knew it, Cain, but he seemed strangely fair, an arm in exchange for his life. Perhaps, finally, he stopped feeling indebted.
"... selfish."
"How?" did his sister, interdict, sickle already raised slightly, but Cain curled his lips in what we would call a smile, but not really with it had any similarity.
"I'm a selfish-repeated, almost without looking, always have been. I thought to myself ... to my feelings, my desires, without worrying about yours. What did you want? What was first thought of the day, and what was the last of the evening? -You looked up at him, and the air seemed to tremble for what that intensity- were you feeling? Because that time I kissed you? Because today you are here, yet? Why can not you forget me? "
" You ... you ... "
" I know-Cain continued undaunted, ignoring the surprised expression of the other-I know because I can not forget you & hellip and it is not because I killed you, you're always in my thoughts. It is not because my eternity depends on this, I remember that day as the most of my life. I do not know why I'm telling you ... but ... "
" ... are you ... "
" You do not need to rip the heart-smiled, with a strange innocence, not here nothing more to rip, for some time. "
" ... shut up! "
A blinding light, brighter than a thousand suns and straight into the retina to the brain, and Cain had the absolute certainty of being become blind to their entire world became black and hot, but there were no prosperity, no paradise, in that embrace stritolante. He heard a blast, and something that was taken down beside him, sticking in the ground ... then, a gnawing pain, which ran through the nerves until it crazy and scream, so loud that the larynx would have splashed out of the throat if he could. Yet, those agonizing screams could not hear them: there was only one sound in the air: an intermittent sound, but not rhythmic. Guttural, coming and going, but not as a sob. It was a cross between a sob and a laugh, between a groan and a hymn tune, a sound dysphonia that melted in the light majestic, glorious, but without any protection or softness. Cain closed his eyes and muttered something as the pain left him arsonist, sliding out of the body ... when he fell to the ground, exhausted, no more air into the lungs, opened his eyes and saw only darkness. The thick, dark labyrinth of the night.
There were stars, and there was his brother.
Do not go away. Back ... back ... to me ... answer

... The movement is everything.
This is what I learned, a little 'to time, one day after another: if I stopped moving, for whatever reason, I would be buried by the passage of time, and I would become a fossil, which observe the ages, without doing anything. I could not allow myself to continue that way my life ... and I was moving, according to my feelings and the orders of God I was, again, where I had to be gripping the world with the purification.
could feel my power as a kind of herbicide, and I hated, I was disgusted, but I could not help it ... I thought of him, of course. Always. It was in every gesture and every sound, every step and catastrophe. It was in the fire, was in the stars. Even though I knew nothing but the stars were the eyes of God, and I constantly monitor, even when not seen.
I have a clear memory of the first time I met him, long after that terrible day that had disintegrated both their lives ... I was watching Atlantis, his government benefits that are not worshiping any god, and I knew that sooner or later would come the time to destroy it. The Lord would have demanded. Still, I liked Atlantis: a way of life seemed easy, the other, the peaceful existence of men who wished only to live in peace, there was a purity in their air, I never found anywhere, and that I remember the old days, my childhood, when still There were no clouds in my sky.
watched Atlantis in the night, and saw the stars veiling, and off one at a time: I did not understand why God had stopped looking, and a shiver ran down my spine, between anxiety and pleasure. Perhaps it was the moment of the Apocalypse. I knew that in reality there was no long, long time, but still ... maybe God got tired of the Earth, and decided to call it quits. For a moment, I imagined the gates of hell open wide in front of me, and I was raised: to be a torment to the other, would be a change ... but there was no Hell, by anywhere.
sensed the vibration of an angel, not far away, the feeling that the air grew thinner and lighter, crystalline like a paradise that I had never seen, but I had touched upon speaking with the Lord, sometimes, a creature Angelica was there, but I did not know why, and I turned. I recognized him instantly, even before my brain was able to record its image and send it to the right ... Her hair was shorter and seemed to grow, and he was dressed elegantly opulent elegance that was not fashionable, probably several thousand years before ... and it was simply beautiful as a dream made flesh.
those were the things I noticed at the time, unable to think of something more significant, he approached with a slow and full of expectation, as if savoring a moment waited far too long, and did not want spoil. He ... oh my God, my brother ...
He paused, tilting her head sideways as he always did in the tease, and smiled.
"Good evening, brother."
His voice was still the same, with a melodic accent, and it was ... inexplicable desire that I put him to turn around and run, putting him between me and a universe away.
"You ... you ..."
"... alive? -Ended for me, still smiling, not exactly. I am an angel. "
was obvious, and yet ...
" Angel? "
" Yeah, said in a tone and strange artifacts, and his smile took on a tinge amused, but not at all sympathetic - after you killed me, God has allowed me to choose between eternal life and eternal life in heaven as an angel. I chose the latter. "
" Why? "
I wanted to really know? There was nothing encouraging in its expression in his eyes burned with a savage feeling, or in the way of the angels holding the spear fighters, I looked at him, and he vanished, to reappear in front of a few millimeters from the face . For a moment, I seemed to be affected, as on that day, his lips on mine, so hot from being moved.
"Why, you ask? I'll explain it, brother: to be able to review ... "hissed poisonous, and the final word was accompanied by a killing blow to the sternum that I inflicted, slamming away in a sea of light painful. And I, I was not accustomed to physical pain, it took an infinite time to catch his breath, and an effort will focus on abnormal for him.
What I was approached, crouching beside me, lying on the ground, tried to recover, but he put his hand on his chest, without pressing, but keep lying down with the sheer force of his gaze, through the lens and eyeglass curtain of white hair.
"Stay down, brother-sighed, so slight that I had to strain to understand-I like you, so lying. Are you really inviting ... it's like watching lying in your coffin. "
" Brother ... "
" Yes, brother. I hear you have sworn not to pronounce my name until they die ... I think a good thing-const, standing and looking from above, a glove on the wrist-hiller Let's do this, then: day pronounce my name, I will kill you. Think about it, Cain must have really wanted to die, because there will be no mercy for you ... and I will put to the test: your desire must overcome the desire to die now that still has for me. How many thousands of years must we wait? "
His every word was a lash to the heart, and even now is this: I listened to him without believing in what he said, even though I knew it was, again, a perfect truth her.
knew everything. He always knew everything about me, as if I read into it.
"My death is the Apocalypse, the end of mankind! No matter what I want ... I can not decide for everyone else ... "
One click, and I found myself pinned to the ground by his spear, stuck next to my shoulder through the fabric of the jacket and the ground; no longer smiling.
"The others? Should I care anything about the men? "
" You're an angel! "
" And you said-a fratricidal, pulling the weapon-Who is most paradoxical, you or me? "Not
let me answer, because he turned and disappeared without leaving behind anything, I was sure he'd be back, soon ... but all I could prove it was a joy to have revised its obscene eyes, and heard his voice. He was alive, somehow. Still existed, somewhere in the universe ... he was cut off. And for me, was more than enough.


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