Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Does Swollen Ankles Indicate

Ga lwa y G irl


A Ceci simply for everything. From your
Galway Girl. For
Ely, to be able to always beside myself. A
nacchan for Under a tree of wishes: not thank you enough.
A Nemo From Mars, as promised .


[Source: Google Images]

Chapter Rating: vm 18

And I ask you now, tell me what would you do If her hair Was
her eyes Were black and blue.
So I Took her hand and I Gave her a twirl And I lost
my heart to a Galway girl.
[Steve Earle & Sharon Shannon - Galway Girl]

Galway, March 17, at 0:53

"... and give me enough That of rare old stuff that's brewed near Galway Bay! "
A round of applause greeted the last notes of the song, and the four young musicians bow. "Thank you! Thank you all! 'Screams the singer, overlooking the laughter and the cheerful chatter of the customers of the pub, and looks around. "Now, folks, we need a girl in your midst, but not any of them. "He feels the wait fun meandering between people now quieter. "Because this is not any song. At last, the object of his research catch his attention: a dozen boys occupies one of the tables in the corner, and each sees a face with delicate features, caressed by the gentle cloak of black silk of her hair. Approaches brushing his shoulder, and she pulled it to his lips once again holding the mug from which he was drinking. "I would I, the girl you're looking for? She asks, laughing, but nodded his silent, somewhat incredulously. "Me?! "

" Yes, your hair blacks and two beautiful blue eyes. 're Perfect. "He smiles, holding out his hand. "No ... I do not know if ..." He bites his lip, undecided, ignoring comments from friends who try to convince her. He always hated those situations, especially if you include the title role. "Oh, come on,'re not obliged to sing! "Seeing the look on his face does not change, he gives up:" Okay, if you get an offer around you and all your friends. Do it for them! 'Ride, followed by all the guys sitting at the table.
"Come on, Saoirse! Think of us! "Urges the girl at his side, and echoed by others, until Saoirse, defeat, he stands up. "Only for you! 'Growls, trying to hide a laugh that is struggling to blossom on his lips' Remember this! "
" This song "resumed the young voice of a new high," about a girl. Suddenly a goffissimo bow to Saoirse, "a girl with hair from the eyes of blacks and ocean color, and above all, a girl from Galway, our beloved Galway! "As the public takes to applaud and shout, bends down to talk about the girl's ear:" And if you're in Galway, do not tell! "With a wink, picks up the microphone and makes a sign to his friends:" One, two, three, four! "For the first chords of the guitar, everyone recognizes the song and began to beat time with his hands.
"Aye! Well, I Took a stroll on the old long walk of a day-y-y-ay-ay ... I met a little girl and we stopped to talk Of a fine soft day-y-y-ay-ay ... "It takes Saoirse's hand dragging it to a stunted pirouette, while she, without even meaning to, joins the chorus: "And I ask you now, tell me what would you do if her hair Was her eyes Were black and blue ... 'cause I've traveled around, I've been all over this world, But I is not never seen nothin 'like a Galway girl! "
With that part of herself that stubbornly continues to repeat to hate that situation, is convinced that it is the fault of the beer if you're leaving now drag and dance with the singer, not even push him away when he approached the microphone closer to his lips to sing in chorus.
"I know I Took her hand and I Gave her a twirl, and I lost my heart to a Galway girl! Happy St. Patrick's Day, Galway! He bowed to the public side by side cheering them, they are all a standing ovation, many rise up the glasses in their direction, and Saorise decides to silence for a time his rational part that is probably already very ; drunk a few hours.
shakes his head, laughing as he watches his friends jump in enthusiastic shouts. After all, is the evening of St. Patrick. And that evening, it can also be simply a girl from Galway.
"Hey, Galway Girl, I like Guinness, Smithwick's or something? Asks the boy take her back to the table, "Guinness, thank you! "She smiles, as he rised next friend, that embraces a laugh:" But you were really you? "
" Do not ask me, Dana ... I would not be too sure! 'Replies, a little' confused, with the blank stare. Yes, it's probably really drunk already.
"Here, you! "The singer supports the tray on the table, then turns back to Saoirse:" But tell me one thing: you're really in Galway? "
" Yes, yes, "she laughs, - also want an identity card? "
" Oh, no, trust me! Good evening, guys ... and thanks! "Squeezes the eye and then go back to the center of the room, and immediately joyful notes of another piece already fill the air swells the music of laughter.
Dana does not know if it's the fault of alcohol, but can not help but notice that the blue eyes that night Saoirse is deeper than usual. It shines.

"Whoever finishes first pay the next round, who finishes last is for penance! "Inprovvisamente announces one of the boys, and now stands a chorus of voices and laughter.
"This is already the sixth, Dean ..." the timid protests from the girl sitting next to him is not at all convincing, and the Dean silences, laughing: "But do not say shit, it's St. Patrick's Day! If you do not get drunk tonight, when you do it? "
" You said penance? "Dana seems to wake up just at that moment from a long daydream. "Welcome among us! Yes, that penance ... "
" Uhm ... "When they saw the flash of amused malice in the eyes of a friend, she grabs the mug and takes a long sip. He does not want to get between the clutches of Dean, definitely not too late ....
Not even five minutes later, Dana is the only one that has not finished yet: "I give up, are the latest. What should I do, Dean? "She stares at him with a look that should pity in its intentions, but something is wrong ..." Hey, Dean, stand still! Why are you moving? "
's friend before you laugh, team with affectionate condescension:" Honey, I'm afraid ... very firmly that you are drunk! "
" I Drunk? Never! "
But his language does not obey to commands, kneading all the words and the world turn, turn ...

Shit, maybe he's right.
Trying to keep a glimmer of lucidity, speak again: "Um, so what? Have you decided what to get me to do? "
" Wait, we need to contact us ... "Dean and those sitting around taking a confabulation, giggling occasionally, until suddenly all burst out laughing not loud. "Ok, you have decided ... kiss Saoirse! " he announced, turning to Dana with a smile.
"Kissing Saoirse? "
" Mh-mh. "He nods, sounding innocent," Think of a little revenge for the ten years that have passed to piss us all with the rights of homosexuals ... "
" Asshole. "Dana mutters between his teeth. He elegantly put their backs to the wall, and the faint glimmer of lucidity that remains is still so vague that it could not understand him: escape would show glaring inconsistencies in the last decade of his life.
" Oh, okay. "He has no reason, after all, to reject: it is March 17, and none of them can boast the apex of sobriety. "Provided that Saoirse Not Giving a slap ..."
The girl, who was laughing alone abstruse for whatever reason, it is time, "Talk to me? "
Dana moans," Do not tell me that you have not heard anything about what we are saying ... "
" No, I do ...? "She stammered, unable to stop laughing.

Perfect. Saoirse is much more drunk than she.
'Well, Dana has lost a bet and penitence that we have decided to kiss you. "Dean misunderstands staring Saoirse and hesitates, fearing to upset her. "Mh ... just die, of course. "His expression did not change: it seems to contemplate the void. "Ok, if you do not patience, we will find something else to do them ..."
"No, no," Saoirse shooting of a sudden, "Okay. What will "mutters, shaking his shoulders.
"Ah-ah, great! "He exults, laughing, and suddenly everyone is silent, staring at the two girls waiting for one of them moves.
Dana grabs the jug, completely drained. The pounding of his heart is noisy now hangs among his friends the silence, although the environment is anything but serene.
senses throbbing waiting, and it is sure that his friends expect at any moment you pull back.
But promises must be kept, especially those close after six pints of Guinness. Staring
his eyes in those of Saoirse, takes her face in her hands and brings him closer to her until there are only a few inches apart. Remain motionless, looking at for some time. Saoirse Then he smiles, encouragingly, as if to give her permission, and then closes her eyes and rests on that of his lips, gently. His heart leaped. It is almost certain that he had never tried before, in nineteen years of life, a sensation like that, but then at that time is also sufficiently drunk enough to be certain not to remember the more his nineteen years of life.
Savor this moment, undecided. The still bright side of herself tells her that now might be detached, in the end was happy and Dean kept his promise. But the part about her still bright voice too faint to be heard in a pub in Galway, the night of St. Patrick.
As if he read my mind, Saoirse at that time barely moving his lips, opening, and she took the initiative slightly caressing his tongue with those of the other, to meet a rush and surrenders, rocked from that river of intoxicating sensations.
Neither has ever known how much time has passed, but suddenly a chorus of voices makes its way into the minds of the two: "Hey, girls? You may as well stop now, eh? As penance is enough ... girls? "Sean laughs, shaking his head would have been better to stop them before they decided to go to other shores ..." Dana! Saoirse! 'Calls, more loudly.
"Eh? "Dana is part from what little annoyed enough to turn to Sean, with the intention of blatantly insulting, when in a flash, he sees the situation.
"Oh ..." he stammered, bursting into wild laughter, immediately followed by all. Saoirse is abandoned on her shoulder, her body shaking convulsively from too much laughing.
"Um ..." a girl sitting in front of Saoirse trying to recover: "Since I was the first to finish, as promised I offer the last lap ... I would say that we need at all! "

" Girls, you need a lift? "
" Yes, yes, thank you! "Dana gets unsteady and does not end miserably on the ground only because manages to grab his arm in time to Saoirse. "Oh, I'm not even ..." you live, succumbing to a bout of laughter, "... the walk-in! "
" Oh, come on! It does not hold seven rounds of Guinness? "
" You shut up! "Saoirse mutters," you can not understand, you have only made four! "
" Of course, otherwise how could you go home? A bit 'of gratitude, at least, I sacrificed my St. Patrick's Night for you! "
" Oh, you got it, Saoirse? What a Knight! "
Sean shakes his head, guiding them outside the room without even stop laughing for a while.
"Bring cash to my house, Sean, Saoirse asleep on me tonight! "
" Okay, "Sean smiled, changing gears," But please, have pity, let alone my poor battered ears! "
" Do not tease, Sean, our voices would be worthy of singing a duet with Ronnie Drew! "
" Mh ... agree, then try to propose your ... er, innovative version of the Wild Rover ... "
" certainly will say so! "
Sean decides that there is no need to remind them that Ronnie Drew died in 2008.
"Of course, Dana, meanwhile, believe it ... but go down, we arrived," announces approaching next to the sidewalk.
"Thank you, darling! "Saoirse's print a kiss on the cheek and down trying not to lose his balance.
"Of nothing," he smiles, turning the engine, "And girls ... sleep tonight! "Throw them a look alluring, but the confusion on their faces is obvious. Can they be so drunk as to have forgotten that less than two hours before they were to make an exhibition in a pub in the middle?
"Good night! "Concludes giggling, and walks away slowly along the avenue, the headlights cut through the misty darkness.

Dana closes the door behind them, and slipped down the side of the entrance: "What a wonderful evening! "Lift up your eyes on the environment, that is staring at the wall with eyes apparently driven by an intense interest. "I'm sleepy. "Mutters with a yawn.
"An-go to bed, then. "Dana gets up and takes her hand, until come staggering up to the bedroom.
"I've been a wild rover for many years ..." takes all of a sudden Saoirse, circling the room in a precarious balance.
"I Spent all me money on whiskey and beer ..." Dana answered, taking her hands and dragging it to a goffissimo dance.
"But now I'm returning with gold in great store ... "Spin
, convulsive laughter.
"And I never will play the wild rover no m ..." A second pirouette
Saoirse falters and then finally lost the balance on the bed shaking with a shriek and dragging along her friend.
"mooooore ... nooo! "
Their bodies laced quiver with laughter unstoppable. Saoirse's hair touching the face and neck of Dana, blacks as a night sky lit only by the glow of his eyes - two gems from the deep, dark color of the ocean. Dana is silent. Perceives the jump of the body of Saoirse, who is still laughing all of a sudden it feels with every fiber of his flesh. Without being fully aware, as if to confirm that contact, wanting to be sure, until it moves slightly touch their breasts are not under the thick wool sweaters, and feels her friend to hold your breath, holding back the last laugh.
Like a distant shadow of evasive lucidity, hear his voice whispering: "What aspects of the written invitation? "
And immediately, while his heart beats faster, you know that that last soft edge to it escaped.
"Happy St. Patrick's Day ..." he murmurs, his lips rushing with impetuous tenderness, and mild burning at the same time, and then starts to play with his tongue, while a part of herself, that is, it is surprising effect on the taste of her lips Saoirse, play biting and touching her.
separated for a moment, when the need for oxygen becomes unsustainable, it is almost painful.
Immediately, Saoirse draws him back to Dana's face, taking with her tongue to trace the outline of her mouth, then slide down with a studied slow - the other does not take long to find it exasperating. When he finally reaches to touch the soft skin of the neck, unable to suppress a groan, and Dana feel her lips stretch into a smile. But the plush Saoirse has become an obstacle, and all of a sudden stop, caught a fleeting flash of awareness. Immediately deleted from the now more hoarse voice of the beloved: "No ... more, please ..." ;
"What ... are ... doing? 'Manages to stutter in response, while laying kisses on her skin glowing light. " N-I do not know ... but it does not matter ... the only thing I know is that if you stop dying ... "
Fight with the sweatshirt until they manage to place, and then out of the way also to Dana, with an ardor he would never have imagined, and she starts to kiss her, takes possession of every bit of skin that will achieve, and with trembling hands impatiently fiddling with the buttons of her blouse, which ends quickly with the company to make its to pile on the floor. Saoirse
This time it took the initiative, and hugs to hear again brushing against their breasts. At that touch, Dana receives a heat rash flares up and invade their bodies, seized with a sudden and disruptive urgency, leaving a trail of kisses on the chest of Saoirse, until you find the fabric of the bra. "Can I? "Whispers in the ocean of his eyes. "No, you can not ... you! 'She said, guiding his hands to unfasten the hook. "You too ..." murmured the other, asking it to do the same, and then leans back on her, following an instinct never discovered before. Saoirse groans when laying a kiss on the pink flesh, promoted, Dana gets to play alternating small bites to small strokes until he feels almost screaming with pleasure. So nasty, down to the navel, teasing, while the parade is the skirt pantyhose.
mind clouded by alcohol and excitement, it lingers for a moment with her lips only inches from the strap of the slip. "Dana ..." Saoirse able to pant, trembling, "Do not stop now! "
He stopped thinking long before and no, it would not stop. Neither would survive a while longer.
first touched with his lips and then with his tongue, letting her moans the guide to find the most sensitive spot, and then replaces his fingers to the language, the faster and then slower again and again, while the cries of the Saoirse show that has already been eclipsed its limit, "Dana, please ..." is to beg the other, while wishing that the sublime perfection remains eternal, bright and vibrant.
smiles on his lips and adjusting the pace to hers, and then increased again, until he hears coming from his fingers - eyes closed, her lips still joined, the breath broken.
And the silence of a sudden the winds calm, punctuated only by the beats as the most placid of their hearts.
Their lips meet again, very gently, while Dana reached out to grab a blanket, wrapping both.
There is perfection? Only a few hours before
would laugh, skeptical, without thinking even for an instant response.
But now ... now, when they close their eyes and their bodies are still tied, a doubt insinuates itself, silent, serene, with the crack that conviction. And stays there.
Maybe it's almost a certainty.


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