Sunday, January 30, 2011

Replica Ray Ban Wafers

We are three little pigs ...

cough cough ...
first thing I would like to alert the user that the extended viewing the header of my template addictive, so do not set Sho naked for too long.
For the second thing ... no, I'm fine that way.

Ok, joking. The second thing is the excuse for abandoning the blog, sent an apology to anyone who cares anything, but especially myself, for being the lazy confirmed yet.
E 'that just returned from Japan, I was really too tired even to think and say that now refers, refers tomorrow, I postponed beyond belief! (end corner of the pathetic excuses)

I'm not sure what has driven me to write today, maybe just my mood blogger reappears every so often or perhaps the lack of inspiration for my current fanfiction has led me to vent the need to put in another way.

write then.
I came back from Japan (obvious statement), and in hindsight I'm pretty happy with the trip. Of course not everything was perfect and that there were many things that if I could go back, I would not accept it or not. But it was the first experience and I still was very happy!
And just to stay in the topic, I Zucchi, and we are already planning for this summer.

Then came the 2011 (if the abrupt change of topic bothers you ... amen, so turning to me XD)
We hope that the 2010 is better and bla bla bla the usual things. Well, it's the best because I really hope the 2010 is not really a bright year for me.
But for now it seems a good start, I'm working (can not wait for the expiry of the contract XD) and I recovered two people very important to me, the Pet and Massy. On this front right now I consider myself lucky because there are next to me as always perky pumpkin, mice, Rache, the Melo .... and I really have to thank a person who I've come so far in recent months, and that is my trusty Sansan (our deep conversations on msn and mileage will go down in history XD).
So on the face "people" all right, apart from the absence of a Kareshi (maybe if I write boyfriend is better understood XD) but as I said Sansan returns. I look eh XD even if there are volunteers ..

I really like writing about everything and anything (another abrupt change of subject ... buahahahaah).
I just finished watching the drama Atashinchi no Danshi , with my beloved Orikata Maki. Yet another drama in which she is surrounded by a host of Bellocchio by fear and makes you really want to be in place. Apart from these outputs fangirl, it's really a lovely drama, I highly recommend viewing. Speaking of drama
adorable, I began to look Oh My Lady , Korean drama with that beautiful male specimen of Shiwon (member of Super Junior). More than anything I'm looking for despair, having already trained on the computer and finding any excuse to avoid studying.
As often happens on the Korean drama flaw is the slowness of the plot and the total of some amorphous character (the female protagonist, for one thing). But it's worth it just for Shiwon half naked and the girl who plays the daughter, the most pucciosa that exists.

Here, to witness my total lack of consistency , now close the post because I'm tired XD
If the muse is my help I could get a spider hole for my fanfiction or my book (write just anything would be of great comfort) but most likely I'll end stranded on the bed to see yet another episode of the drama.

Ah yes, I ended Liar Game 2 (but which centers?)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Action Replay Spectrobes (e)

Ennesima perdita di tempo! LOL

personal questions - 1 ; level [nothing more]
Favorite color? Black .. (but also shades of blue and green)
Favourite singer? Tomohisa Yamashita in the first place!
Sounds? .. but do not know the musical scale on the piano is the same? XD
Favourite Number? 3 * I was there will be subscribed to in high school *
smoke? No
Drink? Sometimes ... if I do not drive! > _>
personal questions - 2nd level ['ve never ...?]
Have you ever smoked? You are
never smoked a joint? No
Have you ever drunk enough to get drunk? No and I do not care much XD
Have you ever stolen? Oh God worth the ciuccetti stalls * 5 years *
Have you ever lied to those you loved? Yes
Have you ever deceived someone who was behind it? once ... but only because I did not know he was behind me!
XD Have you ever pretended to cry? No
Have you ever dreamed of being a woman? But rather the opposite!
LOL Have you ever wanted something so much ridicule? no
Have you ever envied someone who had something more than you physically? I do not know
Have you ever envied someone who had something more than you physically? Yes
Have you ever done something wrong, knowing that it was, but not caring and doing it anyway? I do not know!
Have you ever cheated? No
personal questions - Level 3 [crowd]
follies What did you do for love? for the moment nothing yet! no one deserves this!
Have you ever mad about money? No
Have you ever been mad about revenge? No Have you ever
follies that have cost you a punishment? It would not
an hour? Yes
Why is it crazy to you? Why then I find myself three feet under because parents.
personal questions - Level 4 [soundtrack]
What would you say was the soundtrack of your life so far? SHE notthing hill .. or at least I think ..
The soundtrack to your love story? Gomen Ne Juliet
The soundtrack to your school life? GIVE ME A RAZOR BLADE CUTTING ME veins.
The soundtrack of the first Cottarelli? Hmmm ... the fisherman De Andre!
The soundtrack of your first love? big love!
The soundtrack of the moments of sadness? Konayuki.
The soundtrack of the moments of joy? So many!
The soundtrack of the moments of tears? Konayuki
The soundtrack of the moments of fear? no!
The soundtrack of your thoughts now? Santa Maria .... ....
The soundtrack of your vacation days? wake up in the morning and the typical Italian girl * nightmare *
The soundtrack of this test I'm not listening to any songs ... but SHE hum! XD
personal questions - Level 5 [names ]
Your Name? Maria Chiara
The name of your best friend? Stefania ... but there are also other!
^ ^ The name of your best friend? Luca ... maybe .... boh .... forget it is known!
The name of your mother? Marina
The name of your father? Alberto
The name of your sister / s? Julia ... oh well .... but ....
The name of your brother / s? / /
The name of your first friend? Federica
The name of the last new person you met? Emanuela
The name of your boy / girl? Tomohisa type is called ... but ... LOL
The name of your cat? REMO and Micetta.
The name of the first boy or girl you kissed? but who remembers was ... then the spin the bottle ... Q:
The name of the first boyfriend / ina asylum? Gianluca
The name of the boy / girl of your dreams? Yamashita Tomohisa ... or ... Kim Heechul ... but it's good enough Nagase Tomoya
The name would you have? I like mine!
The name you give to your daughter? giulia ... ... ... At dawn Aki
The name you give to your son? alberto .. akira
Which of the names you have written is most common or important in your life? Yamashita XD
personal questions - Level 6 [dreams]
What is the boy / girl of your dreams? Yamapi, Chull and sex god!
The city of dreams where you live? Tokyo ... but I point everything is fine except the eagle.
The dream job? I have no idea.
The family of dreams? a happy family and loving
The last dream you've done? better not tell!
The dream that you have never done so but would like to do? mmmh boh!
The most recent daydream? anatomy see me at the coat check Nagase doctor who said a close examination of the human body!
personal questions - 7th level [education]
What grade are you? third year of university studies
What? Biotechnology
your choice or sets? half and half
Why? no coment
Have you ever regretted this choice? oh arrows.
you ever been rejected or? No
Have you ever risked being voted down / or? You have no
educated conservative or liberal? No
Based on what you say? o_O eh?
Your education weighs as much about your life and your judgments?
No Would you give your children the same education? No. .. I know find a good education for their
personal questions - 8th level [for or against?]
Are you for or against abortion? Against
Are you for or against euthanasia? Please
Are you for or against artificial insemination? Please
Are you for or against globalization? In favor
Are you for or against the legalization of soft drugs?
against you in favor or against the proposed new law to pave the driving school to 16 year old? Against
Questions personal level 9 [this or that?]
Day or night? Night
Sun or rain? Sun
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? LINDT
normal or Fashionable? Maria Clara style
Cinema or home? House
Pizza or McDonald's? Pizza
Write to pc or by hand? equal
Dog or cat? Cat dog
Blonde or brunette? BROWN
MP3 or MP4? Mp3
"I Cesaroni" or "Beautiful"? -.-
After bigiata: falsifying or leave alone? Eh?
Giving or receiving? ....... Get?
Coke or Pepsi? coca
meat or fish? Meat
leave or be left? Let
A - Who are you? Maria clear
B - Preview Not always
C - Do you consider yourself or do you suck? boh! XD
SELF ANALYSIS - Ball Psychological
1 - Have you ever Endoteriche practices (yoga, meditation)? no but I'll have to do sooner or later
2 - Have you ever been psychologically injured / traumatized you? Yes
3 - You have some great memories that brings you happiness in a particular way? Many
D - Do you think to please others? boh
E - Have you ever felt taken for a ride? Yes
F - Have you ever hurt a person psychologically? I do not know
4 - subjection ever blackouts that make you react impulsively? No
5 - Is there a song / movie that will bring beautiful memories? I do not know
6 - Is there a song / movie you bring to mind bad memories? boh
G - Have you ever woke up in terror for a nightmare? Do you have special memories of Nightmares? Yes
H - If I could not wake up from this nightmare how would you react? I kill me
- Have you ever had dreams that have influenced your life? For how long? The dreams I always affect
7 - Dreams never "open eyes"? Yes
8 - There are special circumstances or if they go to? Surrounding the particular case is that
9 - They are mostly muffled (yet you can sense the world around you) or semireali? Loom large for God.
SELF ANALISI2 - emotional
X - Do you suffer or have ever suffered from depression / anxiety / hysteria? depression but not anxiety and hysteria!
Y - How to drain the excess rage? The vent or do you hold now? I vent
Z - Do you consider yourself a violent type? No
SELF ANALISI3 - Track time
0 - What is the furthest you have good memory? I want to play football with Uncle!
00 - What is the furthest you have bad memory? No comment ..... ................
000 - Are you still troubled by this memory? Yes
e1 - Do you have any belief or ideal? Hmmmm
e2 - How would you react to the losses of honor? I do not know
e3 - Do you feel assured? Nì

Friday, January 28, 2011

Blisters In The Throat


Yesterday finally arrived on DVD! and I saw it! Oddi and STRAMERAVIGLIOSA ONE THING !!!!! * O *
Opening the concert was almost like that of Pi concert! those with green lasers and their !!!*___* that emerge from the balloons! waa figs! U_U

Massu: early KOI NO ABO I said but what the fuck of port glasses?? sees us?? ahahahaha Pino and laughed at some point!: D: D LOL Massu

Shagged shamelessly with everyone! Primarily pine and Tegoshi! XD oh God then all the whetted while singing ahahahaha From here you can see how I NEWS NOT WELL IN PLAYBACK SINGING! UU

Then .... HOLY JESUS! DANCING IN THE SECRET is a frightening thing hormonal! wonderful and beautiful! ** not to mention the beginning of Aki no Sora where both Pi Tegoshi that they had been framed with the background and autumn !!!!** Massu sakura girl who brings up a ' bird?? * O * KAWAII


and Ryo?? beginning never smiled ... BOW! but then broke up and laughed like an idiot! LOL Shige poor if not the spinning one ever! ç_ç keii SAY SAY NEWS NEWS NEWS NEWS I was missing too!!

ah one thing made me die .... TEGOMASSU OF ENTRY AND EXPRESSION OF Massu! LOL the type of kat-tun come with horses ... tegomassu with the elephants! ahahahahahahaahahahah tonight I see that I knew very little subtitled!: D

then ... SHARE ... Hoshi wo mezashite .... HAPPY BIRTHDAY (after keii-chan said is our seventh birthday we sing Happy birthday together) I cried like an idiot! and luckily did not put DREAM !!!!! > __ \u0026lt;M

the part that surprised me most was the fact that they spoke A BAG!! LOL MC many small scattered here and there! * O *

KOYASHIGE ...... oh I forgot ... I love that song! LOL ballet idiot and they are phenomenal together! \u0026lt;3


was nice but I expected better! ç__ç I wanted to like the diamont!>. \u0026lt;but oh well it's cool at the same ... of Massu (red haired) and drying her hair and pretending to blow Pi ... ahahahaha oh god that crazy .... XD The Tile with leopard bathrobe made me think of some FF and laughed lol like an idiot Shiga and KEI .... well they get naked AGAIN WITH THE CAMERA THAT THEIR PIEDONZOLI ... AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

my oh my!
Giongo then the conclusion I say this:
best concert LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!
best documentary: DIAMONT PARTY! Lol

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Susceptible To Bruising

helloooooooooooooooooooo!!!! LOL

Yo People! comment ça va??
lately I feel very French ... o.o all the fault of Veronique and her accent! * Nods * but certainly is also the fault of the fact that all my idols are in France ... but fuck you go to France?? and come in Italy !!!>___> possibly from me .... LOL but it's impossible because to me there is a Ciufolo! Sold by the prime minister is ok, and a guy giappico important embassy .... better than nothing .... LOL
Comunqueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I WANT MY DVD OF LIVEX3!! o.o for Merlin is coming .... to everyone except me !!!!!!! o.o why?? Italian post stupid !!!!!!!! I do not think I can last long .... sooner or later I'll see what you downloaded and will break his promise to the six moron!>. \u0026lt;

shots a little cabbage ; galore! yeah!

the other night I could finally see the enterprise of peace and quiet in the "super super junior show 1" ** my mom how many emotions! Only news so far have managed to make me cry! ! I love them too! now my heart is torn between Super Junior and News! that I have a big heart!! full of love just for them! # foreveralone ..... now I'm downloading the second super show ... also because I can not wait until September (?) to see it in Vicenza dall'onee! LOL

Yattaman: the usual sucker I am! o.o I wished to see me maxi big face of the sho Movieplex and those sons of /&%$£!$%& not transmit!! o.o if they do it in Rieti by vo ChiareBu and I see them! ! * pain in the ass for allowing okaachan * but I say it cost you?? you have the room 7 which has only 35 POSTS put them right?? >____> # Perdoneinutili

University: Start time X!! O.o NAGASEPINOSOHEECHULLOSO God save me and you watch over me throughout February !!!!! ç _________ç

ghghghg ah sq km Then yesterday I sent a mess to mabushi mabushi A4 poster .... how I want to Heechul so I put it close to that of Pi! **
ghghghghg few days and send the package back to the sensei! ** Pino's new album in April will be mine ... as the magazine's January ANAN ggghghghghghghghghghhghghg .... Love my sensei !!!**

God I can not wait to be in April! FOR MANY *____________________________________________* * *

Monday, January 17, 2011

Solaris Wooden Clock Plan

Wounds that can be healed [2/3]

Title: Wounds That Can Be Healed
Author: [info] rosa_elefante
Group: Arashi
Characters: Aiba Masaki, Sakurai Sho
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Genre: yaoi, angst
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: sequel to Hearts 'Bounds
Summary: with Hearts' Bounds, were examined Sho and Aiba's thoughts on their relationship, now ended. Here we return to the present, to see how they are living this break.
Notes: is divided into three parts: one for Sho, one for Aiba, and one for both. The sentences at the beginning of each part are from the song Aitakute Aitakute of Kana Nishino
Disclaimer: With my writing, published without any profit, I will not give true representation of the character of these people, or offend in any way.
Parties previous HERE

"Baby I know
Kimi wa mou watashi no mono ja nai koto kurai
doushitemo Demo kimi ja dame nakya
by Kara
You are the one "

" Baby I know That you're not mine anymore

But I can not help it, you are the
one for me You are the one "

Tokyo: seven in the afternoon. Aiba
closes the door with his shoulder and quick steps along the corridor of the building, casually dropping the buttons of his coat.
always starts to undress before getting into the house: it is a habit that has not yet lost, he was a boy.
Sometimes in the summer, when it's hot, is capable of reaching the first landing that has already taken off his shirt. Sho
the fuckin 'normally for that.
And for a lot of other things - to be honest.
jokes about each other's eccentricities was fairly common occurrence, among them: a way to exorcise the daily difficulties of living together so long, perhaps. Or maybe just
game lovers.
But sometimes things are just like that, those who are missing more: seemingly unimportant things, often taken for granted. Futile.
As the copy of the New York Times that Sho was made to send every day to train with the English and that even today Aiba collected by step, through.
Why do people go away, but they leave behind objects. Habits.
And you seem to see it everywhere, sometimes, the imprint of their passage. Even when you do not want to see
nothing. Even when you
seems to have done, to take back your life.
Just a nothing and emptiness of absence returns to dig the stomach. A worm sneaky, voracious.
The folly of being lost to fantasize that opening the door is still possible to find his coat, sull'attaccapanni. His ashtrays scattered around the house. And his body, left the chair.
The heart speeds up slowly while Aiba rewinds the tape of a film already seen hundreds of times - learned by heart: he bends his knees in front, Sho raising his eyes slowly.
The eyes that meet. A hint of a smile.
The palm of the hand down the crotch - the form of sex to stretch the fabric, under your fingers. And the crazy sensation of hearing to grow in the mouth after. The slow
is urgent, and the taste of her pleasure.
for his silence.
Certain images have the bad habit of puncturing the skin at inopportune moments, like tiny pins sunk into his back.
Diverting the mind is useless.
is not easy to manage, the nostalgia.
-Fuck-hisses between his teeth.

sometimes lower their guard because of fatigue.
exhaustion, or simple inattention.
Sometimes when you grant to undress for a moment the usual armor and you stop to watch what color your skin has really - and what form the bones little drawing wrists - even the ringing of the phone can penetrate the meat.
was always too easy to be surprised. Too.
Months have passed, but Aiba is not yet accustomed to the vacuum of air that blows in the stomach when the voice of Sho pronounce his name into the phone, and suddenly the smile died on his lips.
is like a gust of wind shuffles the cards, which confuses and stuns. How
fall in flight, feel the ground as you swallow.
And hurry to reassemble the pieces later, with the desperate frenzy of those who must at all costs to stand up. For pride, mostly. As always
The only concern at that moment, there seems to be to ascertain the extent of the damage - to assess how much blood is lost on impact, or have broken bones.
The priority is to stifle the silence because I can not speak. Why not extend the time beyond the limit of embarrassment, and one can not understand. See.
cards are back on the table, suddenly.
The game is already playing, and no time to decline the invitation, as always it is up to you, the burden of the first move.
strategy game - nerves. The face stripped
of each expression and the look that must remain perfectly still, when our eyes meet.
Choose the time of recovery could be a matter of win or lose the opportunity to discover another hand and the cards is a gamble that must be assessed with all the attention the case: a single misstep would be enough because the piles of fishes rubble collapsing on the table. And Aiba
has always known: The purpose of this comparison is not to win but just stay in the game. Frustration and adrenaline junkies until another round of cards becomes the only thing that you can think.
Repetition Compulsion.
Madness, perhaps. But seven years
Sho were mainly this: a never-ending challenge. An unequal struggle, with arms carved in stone and arranged precarious trenches in the sand.
We would laugh, thinking about it.
Why even children on the beach build something so unstable, wet earth and yet those barriers are still there: ancient ruins of a fort that the other has never even noticed.
not on the beach that is taking its own steps Sho - its land is complicated paths.
curves and hills and brambles. And
Masaki has always been alone and watch the sunset over the ocean: a photograph - fix on glossy paper - in the hope of making it less pathetic. More interesting. A particular
them with blood.
have been a slow trickle, those seven years.
A continuous transfusion of lifeblood, in the hope of one day to change the skin to not look too young.
And it was a massacre.
Every time I talked for hours - every time Sho nodded absently, trying to give him attention - it was a massacre.
was a massacre when any provocation at war with its silence, when all sank in calm hysteria perfectly rational for an eyebrow raised.
There were days he could take a knife, Aiba, and cut his fingers one by one force only to lift his head by Sho books, its useless bundles of papers. To feel his hands tight on the wrists - to see her fear.
But it was worth it. Only
penalty. Caring for a child
unstable to give him the opportunity to become an integrated adult - its mission. The task for which he voted for life.
passion has nothing to do with all this.
passion going in different directions, and scheduled to be Sho. It should be built day after day, pretending to safety even while everything collapses. As you swallow the need to pray for strength. To hear him repeat your name. While
die within him and want to cry, and you know you can not.
You can not.
again become the child to be saved, otherwise. A clot of passions to unravel and order - the greatest stimulus.
And be your man dying at the margins.
The definitive renunciation of yourself.
no alternatives.
But Sho is a powerful poison - continues to act in the blood even now.
Her voice glides quietly, in the handset, and there is nothing: not the air that filled the lungs, not letting go of the enthusiasm for life. Not the battery, the relief of not having to measure words and gestures.
Only the need to stay in the game once again. And the frustration that seems to dig the meat - the anger. The urge to scream for him snatch finally, some sort of reaction. But would not it
I miss . Would not I need you .
It would perhaps say a quiet: All right, Masaki?
And his attention to his advice. Its support. All
nausea rising in his throat - which takes you back to the top. Seven years ago. When really, you were a child. When you could have anyone and did not see him.
Because no matter how many people are looking for you, for your looks or your reputation.
No matter how you felt well with others - as I was free.
Sho was not nice, or much fun. It was good, yes.
Still, it was the engine of all. Was the glorification of indescribable
stirred in your hands - in your mouth - with the knowledge that his pleasure was intoxicating for you. That we had.
What were perfect, that the world was perfect.
What he was perfect.
bullshit stories like those that now, as the entry forms on its own tone check and make sure everything goes fine. What have you already put his belongings in boxes, the remaining ones, and that if you want to send it tomorrow. Nay, you need space.
You've bought a battery, you want to put it in his studio.
Bullshit. Why
only now you realize that you've never even tried to get rid of his stuff.
We have not even thought of.
You move among us every day, like a sleepwalker who knows the route by heart.
And the tragic thing is that it does not hurt.
Simply, those objects are part of you. Are reflections of who you are - how absurd the states that are staging the phone. As the rage of find yourself having to repeat once again. As the empty stomach, which again feeds the calmness of his voice.
its control.

Fate can be very funny. Or very bastard.
Aiba was convinced, after two months, to be successful and regain the reins of her life without Sho.
To be freed.
Curiously, he realizes to be otherwise during a tour. That is what he loves most after Arashi.
During rehearsals, precisely.
He says several times that he is tired, not feeling well. Who prefers to come to rest rather than just watching the Sho. There
But it remains there, cursing everyone and everything.
Then his eyes fell on stage and, suddenly, everything else simply stops there.
The feeling - very clear - to recognize the shape of the hips moving against the light and the mind that is slow to develop. The blood stops.
Then, suddenly, snapshot. A
body. His. Aiba
straightens his back, while the blood falls to the foot for no reason. Without him more able to recognize the boundaries of that place, and its present. Of the moment.
One step after another, Sho moves on stage.
Like a wave, like fate. Like those things that you know that I can afford and that is why you find yourself to be desired, with the glorification of suicide gestures meaningless.
As the sudden burst of electric guitar.
As the vibration of the bass. He walks
plan - which is wrapped in a black night, and ink - and Masaki seem to hear move on the skin. It might be inspiration. Or excitement.
Or else - the memory of a scent imprinted in my mind, the curve of her pouting mouth. Those mysterious eyes - remote. Savages. And when
closes his fist on the shaft of the microphone, looking up from behind the eye, the vertigo is so violent that it almost feels Aiba die.
Nor is it more erotic. There is nothing
already experienced nor known: it is the absolute tip of each perspective, the trace of this you draw the curve of her hips.
His voice.
A shiver.
Aiba gets wet lips, and while the words on the slide tracks of music heard - with crystal clarity that only give you the folly knows - that a period of his life ends there. The tone of his voice.
Then, whatever happens, he will never be the same person is now.
But again the boy madly in love with twenty years of his workmate. Why Sho
dig her body, still, it bends like a bow, because there is a sense of inevitability that almost scares in the air, and there are whispers. His words
imagine the skin.
Time collapses in verse as old as the rocks, caressing movements of his wounds forgotten, and when the music turns off Aiba could not say whether it is after one hour or overnight.
A lifetime.
It takes a decision.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Toiletwooshing Sounds

AAA vendesi madre

obvious reasons that I do not honestly can no longer stand!! but holy God of the universe ..... made a bunch of your business and you will see that all the evils that you feel you pass ...
1) if you are pissed off about your business to avoid taking with me because then I would say that or evil or stupid jokes or I'll ignore you completely
2) I'm not breaking my balls. it is useless to me "If this continues the search does not do the" I do not want to search for God. if I stay in biotechnology is a pleasure just to get you because I do not like Hell And you know that I hate BIOTECHNOLOGY, CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY AND RELATED. and even if it were in place for researchers ITALY IS THERE.
it is unnecessary for me to come and say that are messy. tell me one person is ordered ... and then my disodine is very organized and happens to find everything!
can not even to say "I feel bad when I read things you post on Japan, that your head thinking only and exclusively to the stupid Japanese do not have a future if I continued to step etc etc etc." Ah, yes .- -.... could not miss the phrase "ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE BOYFRIEND AND YOU ARE ALSO uglier. HERE WE HAVE 22 YEARS AND HAD TO BE THE QUATRANI ROW, BUT YOU ARE NOTHING ... a spinster "but also" all the sacrifices I made ... you make me feel bad eccecceccecc "

Statte silent but speaks she was married for 28 years. I do not do a damn thing from morning to night and get up at ten o'clock?? christ my age but if you pesavi a quintal (luck that is thinner then) and you woke up one o'clock in the afternoon, but what the fuck you want from me?? if you think the university is easy UNIVERSITY SIGN 'AND YOU STUDY. Then see if you can keep up with all the exams.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How Much Should I Pay For Pearls

Drama Season - Winter 2011

The upcoming dramas I'd like to watch this year are quite a lot ... and I Already Know That I'll not be Able to see all of them!

Genre: comedy drama
Date: from 4th February 2011, Fridays 23:15
Station: TV Asahi
Cast: Masaki Aiba , Kanjiya Shihori , Arakawa Yoshiyoshi, Mitsuishi Ken, Omi Toshinori, Nishi Keiko, Kaneko Nobuaki, Tsugawa Masahiko
Synopsis: Bartender Kase Goro announces that Sasakura Ryu (Aiba Masaki) is sacked despite winning a European cocktail contest at the age of 26. Not understanding Kase’s intentions, a dejected Ryu returns to Japan and leads a wandering existence. However, Ryu’s encounter with the magazine reporter, Kurushima Miwa (Kanjiya Shihori), who is actually the heiress of the Kurushima conglomerate, brings about a change in him. He sets his sights on being a bartender who can save the lives of hurt people with a drink, while he gropes about the way of life of a bartender.
Reasons: AIBA MASAKI. Also, Aiba Masaki dressed as a bartender. Sexiest thing in the entire world. This time I really don't care about the story (joking, the story seems interesting XD)

Taisetsu na Koto wa Subete Kimi ga Oshiete
Genre: Romance, school
Date: from 17th January 2011, Mondays 21.00
Station: Fuji TV
Cast: Toda Erika, Haruma Miura, Takei Emi, Suda Masaki, Goriki Ayame, Hirose Alice, Nakajima Kento, Ishibashi Anna, Nose Anna, Shinoda Mariko, Uchida Yuki, Nishimura Masahiko, Azama Morio
Synopsis: Uemura Natsumi (Toda Erika) is an English high school teacher at . It had been her dream to teach. She has a good relationship with her students because of her passionate and straightforward personality, and has a fulfilling professional life. Furthermore, Natsumi is in bliss for she is engaged to marry Kashiwagi Shuji (Haruma Miura) six months later. Shuji who was her classmate in high school as well as university, and is now a fellow teacher. Shuji is a popular biology teacher well-respected by students, parents and colleagues. Everyone blesses the marriage between Natsumi and Shuji. However, Shuji makes a mistake by having a relationship with Saiki Hikari (Takei Emi), a second-year female student in one of his classes the night before the start of the new school term. Hikari is, for some reason, under the impression that she is “defective goods” and has an inferiority complex. As a result of that one night with Shuji, Hikari approaches Natsumi … Shuji’s betrayal makes Natsumi learn about her jealous and cruel side, and she has to come to terms with her own self again. On the other hand, Shuji, who is caught between Natsumi and Hikari, is in agony but gradually finds himself hoping to save Hikari when he finds out about the darkness in her heart …
Reasons: School, love story... thing I usually like. And Toda Erika is one of the few japanese actresses I like. Last but definitely NOT LEAST, there's that pretty boy of Miura Haruma. Really, really like him. Yum *ç*

Fuyu no Sakura
Genre: romance
Date: from 16th January 2011, Sundays 21.00
Station: TBS
Cast: Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, Imai Miki, Sato Takeru, Kato Rosa, Takashima Masanobu, Yamazaki Shigenori, Denden, Oshima Yoko, Shirahane Yuri, Yoshida Hideko, Enami Kyoko
Synopsis: Inaba Hiroshi (Kusanagi Tsuyoshi) is a glass craftsman in Yamagata prefecture who has devoted himself to caring for his mother. He has a kind, gentle personality but has never fallen in love even though he has turned 36. 41-year-old Ishikawa Monami (Imai Miki), a full-time housewife, has travelled alone to Yamagata in search of winter cherry blossoms. However, she meets with an accident and loses her memory. She cannot even remember why she is here. Or the fact that she has a husband, Koichi (Takashima Masanobu), and daughter in Tokyo. Hiroshi looks after her and she falls for him, but is disturbed when she regains her memory. It is first love for Hiroshi, who is worried when he learns that she has a short time to live. Meanwhile, Koichi becomes aware of Hiroshi’s existence and soon undergoes a sudden change in character …
Raesons: Angst, oh, the angst! I'll cry a lot XD But I really like stories that make me cry... Am I a DoM??? And pretty boy here too: Sato Takeru ♥ (hopeless fangirl is hopeless)

Misaki Number One!!
Genre: School
Date: from 12th January, Wednesdays 22.00
Station: NTV
Cast: Karina, Fujigaya Taisuke, Kitayama Hiromitsu, Omasa Aya, Ichikawa Tomohiro, Ono Takuro, Tanaka Kei, Usuda Asami, Tsuchiya Yuichi, Hajime, Tejima Yu, Tsukaji Muga, Toda Keiko, Zaizen Naomi  
Synopsis: Tennoji Misaki (Karina), the popular, number one hostess at a Roppongi cabaret club, transforms into a sexy high school teacher at the request of the club’s female proprietress whom she feels indebted to. Misaki becomes a teacher at the prestigious Mido Gakuen for a 3-month period, and is put in charge of Class 2Z which is full of problem children. She stands up to the students with her innate passion while hiding her identity as a cabaret club hostess.
Reasons: Maybe I'm a bit strange, but I'm kinda fascinated by hosts' world... And there's school here too, so I think it'll be quite good (for me). With 'Freeter, Ie wo Kau' I've started to like Karina... she's a good actress, she's beautiful and she doesn't have that stupid, annoying voice that most of japanese girls has O_O (but there's a little problem: I really HATE that Fujigaya guy... don't know why, but his face really annoys me)

Lately I'm a bit into Korean Dramas too, so there are also a few of them

Dream High
Genre: School, Romance
Date: from 3rd January 2011, Mondays & Tuesdays 21.55
Station: KBS2
Cast: Kim Soo Hyun, Taecyeon, Suzy, Ham Eun Jung, Wooyoung, IU, Uhm Ki Joon, Lee Yoon Ji, Jun Ah Min, Han Ji Hoo, Yoon Young Ah, Park Jin Sang, Kim Bo Reum, Bae Yong Joon, Park Jin Young, Lee Byung Joon, Lee Yoon Mi a
Synopsis: Six students at Girin Art High School work to achieve their dreams of becoming stars.
Reasons: At the end of the last two episodes of 'Mary Stayed Out All Night', instead of the preview of the next episode there was a commercial for this drama, and... well, I was really happy: I've searched for this type of drama for a loooong time!

My Princess
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Date: from 5th January 2011, Wednesday & Thursday 21:55
Station: MBC
Cast: Song Seung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, Park Ye Jin, Ryu Soo Young, Lee Soon Jae, Maeng Sang Hoon, Kang Ye Sol, Im Ye Jin, Lee Ki Kwang, Son Sung Yoon, Hwang Young Hee, Lee Sung Min, Lee Dae Yeon, Choi Yoo Hwa, Heo Tae Hee, Chu Hun Yub, Min Joon Hyun, Ahn Nae Sang
Synopsis: An ordinary college student, Lee Seol, finds out she's a princess. The grandson of Daehan Group, Park Hae Young, is put in charge of educating Seol on proper etiquette.
Reasons: seems that in Korea this thing of 'ordinary-girl-that-suddenly-finds-out she's-a-princess' is quite popular... so I'm... uhm... a bit interested, I think.

Paradise Ranch
Genre: Romance, melodrama
Date: 24th January 2011, Monday & Tuesday 20:55
Station: SBS
Cast: Shim Chang Min, Lee Yeon Hee, Yoo Ha Na, Joo Sang Wook, Yoon Ji Min, Im Soo Hyang, Yoon Ye Ri
Synopsis: Dong Joo and Da Ji were once a couple who were married at 19 but they quickly divorced. Years passed, they both return to their old house and discover that their feelings for each other have been endured.
Reasons: Because I've seen there's Chang Min as lead character XD Really, he's too cute *_* And it's a love story, so I think it'll be ok ^^

So, this is the end... they're quite a lot O_O (And I also have to finish Q10 from autumn of 2010, but... there's no subs T_T)

Sources: Dramawiki and, for Jdramas' synopsis, japan_world

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Operations For Frontal Aneurism

Arashi meme

Taken from my wife [info] hika86  

Favourite Member:
this is quite simple for me... Aiba , without a doubt! Not only because he's a gorgeous and cheerful guy, but also because he's the joy-of-living's personification :) Also, he's sensitive and terribly cute! Love him!

Least Favorite Member: argh. This is hard, because I really like all 5 five of them. I'm sorry, but I think... Matsujun . Though I really like him... but, thinking about it, he gives me a bit less then the others, emotionally speaking. But, really, I love him!

Member with the Best Hair: uhm, in these years they've had so many hairstyles!! But I always like Aiba 's ones (especially the last one ♥). But, speaking of recent hairstyles, I really like Ohno's Kaibutsu-kun-hair, and Jun's last one! Seriously, he's too cute! He seems ten years younger!

Member with the Best Eyes: absolutely Jun ! His eyes are really beautiful, their shape, their colour! They're also very expressive, I think. So yes, it's him.

Member with the Best Smile: Aiba-chan !! ...Do I really need to give a reason?? He has the best smile of the entire world u_u

Member I’d Most Want to Kiss: I'm tempted to tell Sho, because his lips seem so... inviting? But... maybe Nino , because he said that he's a 'tongue-type', so... why no? *gets bricked*

Member I’d Most Like to Have Sex With: orgy? No? Errr... then Ohno , because he can move those hips in a way that.... *gets bricked again*

Member I’d Make Lunch For: I can't cook very well... so Ohno , because he'll say 'umai' for everything XD (and he'll be so damn cute while saying it)

Member I’d Go Singing in the Rain With: in the rain? Aiba , because he's totally crazy. Also, if the ground is wet because of the rain, he would slide for sure (is this phrase correct? ...uhm O_O)

Member I’d Go Shopping With: easy: Aiba ! Because we both like leopard print on clothes, shoes, everything XD (I've liked it for ages, not because now it's popular u_u)

Member I’d Go Dancing With: I suck at dancing, so... Riida , would you teach me? *_*

Member I’d Take Over the World With: Nino , because he's the King of Darkness, and I wouldn't like having him as an enemy. He's too powerful (beware, Voldemort!)

Member I Most Want to See More Of:
can't choose, the five of them XD

Favorite Pairing: Sho + Aiba ... because... I really don't know why, but I really like when these two interact between them. They're dork and sexy at the same time O_O

Least Favorite Pairing: maybe Sho + Ohno ? Or Sho + Nino ? Again, don't know why, but these two pairings are nothing special, I think.