Saturday, January 29, 2011

Action Replay Spectrobes (e)

Ennesima perdita di tempo! LOL

personal questions - 1 ; level [nothing more]
Favorite color? Black .. (but also shades of blue and green)
Favourite singer? Tomohisa Yamashita in the first place!
Sounds? .. but do not know the musical scale on the piano is the same? XD
Favourite Number? 3 * I was there will be subscribed to in high school *
smoke? No
Drink? Sometimes ... if I do not drive! > _>
personal questions - 2nd level ['ve never ...?]
Have you ever smoked? You are
never smoked a joint? No
Have you ever drunk enough to get drunk? No and I do not care much XD
Have you ever stolen? Oh God worth the ciuccetti stalls * 5 years *
Have you ever lied to those you loved? Yes
Have you ever deceived someone who was behind it? once ... but only because I did not know he was behind me!
XD Have you ever pretended to cry? No
Have you ever dreamed of being a woman? But rather the opposite!
LOL Have you ever wanted something so much ridicule? no
Have you ever envied someone who had something more than you physically? I do not know
Have you ever envied someone who had something more than you physically? Yes
Have you ever done something wrong, knowing that it was, but not caring and doing it anyway? I do not know!
Have you ever cheated? No
personal questions - Level 3 [crowd]
follies What did you do for love? for the moment nothing yet! no one deserves this!
Have you ever mad about money? No
Have you ever been mad about revenge? No Have you ever
follies that have cost you a punishment? It would not
an hour? Yes
Why is it crazy to you? Why then I find myself three feet under because parents.
personal questions - Level 4 [soundtrack]
What would you say was the soundtrack of your life so far? SHE notthing hill .. or at least I think ..
The soundtrack to your love story? Gomen Ne Juliet
The soundtrack to your school life? GIVE ME A RAZOR BLADE CUTTING ME veins.
The soundtrack of the first Cottarelli? Hmmm ... the fisherman De Andre!
The soundtrack of your first love? big love!
The soundtrack of the moments of sadness? Konayuki.
The soundtrack of the moments of joy? So many!
The soundtrack of the moments of tears? Konayuki
The soundtrack of the moments of fear? no!
The soundtrack of your thoughts now? Santa Maria .... ....
The soundtrack of your vacation days? wake up in the morning and the typical Italian girl * nightmare *
The soundtrack of this test I'm not listening to any songs ... but SHE hum! XD
personal questions - Level 5 [names ]
Your Name? Maria Chiara
The name of your best friend? Stefania ... but there are also other!
^ ^ The name of your best friend? Luca ... maybe .... boh .... forget it is known!
The name of your mother? Marina
The name of your father? Alberto
The name of your sister / s? Julia ... oh well .... but ....
The name of your brother / s? / /
The name of your first friend? Federica
The name of the last new person you met? Emanuela
The name of your boy / girl? Tomohisa type is called ... but ... LOL
The name of your cat? REMO and Micetta.
The name of the first boy or girl you kissed? but who remembers was ... then the spin the bottle ... Q:
The name of the first boyfriend / ina asylum? Gianluca
The name of the boy / girl of your dreams? Yamashita Tomohisa ... or ... Kim Heechul ... but it's good enough Nagase Tomoya
The name would you have? I like mine!
The name you give to your daughter? giulia ... ... ... At dawn Aki
The name you give to your son? alberto .. akira
Which of the names you have written is most common or important in your life? Yamashita XD
personal questions - Level 6 [dreams]
What is the boy / girl of your dreams? Yamapi, Chull and sex god!
The city of dreams where you live? Tokyo ... but I point everything is fine except the eagle.
The dream job? I have no idea.
The family of dreams? a happy family and loving
The last dream you've done? better not tell!
The dream that you have never done so but would like to do? mmmh boh!
The most recent daydream? anatomy see me at the coat check Nagase doctor who said a close examination of the human body!
personal questions - 7th level [education]
What grade are you? third year of university studies
What? Biotechnology
your choice or sets? half and half
Why? no coment
Have you ever regretted this choice? oh arrows.
you ever been rejected or? No
Have you ever risked being voted down / or? You have no
educated conservative or liberal? No
Based on what you say? o_O eh?
Your education weighs as much about your life and your judgments?
No Would you give your children the same education? No. .. I know find a good education for their
personal questions - 8th level [for or against?]
Are you for or against abortion? Against
Are you for or against euthanasia? Please
Are you for or against artificial insemination? Please
Are you for or against globalization? In favor
Are you for or against the legalization of soft drugs?
against you in favor or against the proposed new law to pave the driving school to 16 year old? Against
Questions personal level 9 [this or that?]
Day or night? Night
Sun or rain? Sun
Milk chocolate or dark chocolate? LINDT
normal or Fashionable? Maria Clara style
Cinema or home? House
Pizza or McDonald's? Pizza
Write to pc or by hand? equal
Dog or cat? Cat dog
Blonde or brunette? BROWN
MP3 or MP4? Mp3
"I Cesaroni" or "Beautiful"? -.-
After bigiata: falsifying or leave alone? Eh?
Giving or receiving? ....... Get?
Coke or Pepsi? coca
meat or fish? Meat
leave or be left? Let
A - Who are you? Maria clear
B - Preview Not always
C - Do you consider yourself or do you suck? boh! XD
SELF ANALYSIS - Ball Psychological
1 - Have you ever Endoteriche practices (yoga, meditation)? no but I'll have to do sooner or later
2 - Have you ever been psychologically injured / traumatized you? Yes
3 - You have some great memories that brings you happiness in a particular way? Many
D - Do you think to please others? boh
E - Have you ever felt taken for a ride? Yes
F - Have you ever hurt a person psychologically? I do not know
4 - subjection ever blackouts that make you react impulsively? No
5 - Is there a song / movie that will bring beautiful memories? I do not know
6 - Is there a song / movie you bring to mind bad memories? boh
G - Have you ever woke up in terror for a nightmare? Do you have special memories of Nightmares? Yes
H - If I could not wake up from this nightmare how would you react? I kill me
- Have you ever had dreams that have influenced your life? For how long? The dreams I always affect
7 - Dreams never "open eyes"? Yes
8 - There are special circumstances or if they go to? Surrounding the particular case is that
9 - They are mostly muffled (yet you can sense the world around you) or semireali? Loom large for God.
SELF ANALISI2 - emotional
X - Do you suffer or have ever suffered from depression / anxiety / hysteria? depression but not anxiety and hysteria!
Y - How to drain the excess rage? The vent or do you hold now? I vent
Z - Do you consider yourself a violent type? No
SELF ANALISI3 - Track time
0 - What is the furthest you have good memory? I want to play football with Uncle!
00 - What is the furthest you have bad memory? No comment ..... ................
000 - Are you still troubled by this memory? Yes
e1 - Do you have any belief or ideal? Hmmmm
e2 - How would you react to the losses of honor? I do not know
e3 - Do you feel assured? Nì


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