Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Pink Mucus

lazy lazy lazy

Yesterday I start over the university classes

Type the first two days, I learn with great disappointment that the people with whom I was usually because they are shamefully back with the exams, have decided not to attend the first half pe ril to give two thousand exams in November (I am aware that it is impossible, right? O_o). Ergo, in these two days I made the commitment to find a nice face in the crowd and sit next to its owner. Yesterday I failed, but this morning I found a lonely girl and I've stuck button
XD Actually I joined a different group of people I know, the so-called (by me) the group of mannequins. So-called because they are filthy rich

-brand dress from head to foot-
are able to spit on me if you do not dress like them or if you're ugly / fat / poor / normal
But frankly, I prefer to keep wide. Enough for me when I greet all sugary as soon as we crossed. Not that I belong to the people they elect, the designer clothes in my closet are few, so in theory should deal with rejection. Not only do because I know some of them from kindergarten, and they know that should not piss me off XD
But while today I had a person that I thought that was normal at my right hand and an empty seat to the left, yesterday .. . er. On the right there was a girl instead of 'regional standards' wrote 'jounali standards' on the left was a couple that I tried to make a child during the lesson ...
Oh well, I should be pleased that this year I will not lecture in a theater into disuse, but in a classroom. Oh, what a nice change to have a table on which rest the book!

changed the subject. Just five minutes ago I saw the pv of LC5. Yes, I know that the name does not say anything to anyone. In practice there is the singer of Antic Cafe, I am the first Japanese group I met, and that at the beginning of 2010 were virtually disbanded T_T
Nothing ago strano vedere il cantante del primo gruppo che ho conosciuto, che ho amato, messo con altre persone. Ero abituata a vederlo in abiti tutti colorati con altri 4 idioti, ora è vestito di nero con 4 (o erano 3?) personaggi indefiniti T_T
Mi è tornata un po' la tristezza per lo scioglimento del gruppo. Devo davvero tanto agli AnCafè. Cazzo, se conosco gli Arashi è merito loro, praticamente. Ah...

Friday, September 17, 2010

What's In Digesticure?

Hearts' bounds [1/4]

Titolo: Hearts' bounds
Genere: angst, yaoi
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Disclaimer: queste persone non mi appartengono, e anche se mi belonged to them would live happily ever>. \u0026lt;
Notes: After 'is not a fanfiction', I decided that I'd never written stuff that did not have a happy ending. Instead ... And we are falling back T_T
'divided into 4 parts, two from the perspective of Sho, two to Aiba. And the phrases found at the cone drawn from the song 'Desire' of the Baru and Yasu Kanjani8

"Soba ni iru noni aitai
Hora kyou mo Tookie "

" I want to see you even though you're
See right there, even today you Seem so distant "


You would have thought that we'd end up like this?
that day when all five of us gathered in a room for the first time, tearing one of my usual afternoon study, you would have imagined what was waiting for us?
Or maybe you thought it would all become friends, we'd have fun, we would have done what everyone expected from us, without any major hitches.
Maybe, without changing so much life.
Sometimes I wonder if you would have said not to have a passport, if I had known the final would be this. If you'd rather not put my head under the shower and you ignore what caused the bodies of your fellow next to you.
thoughts are not honest, I grant you.
You always had too much courage and you've always been too stubborn to turn his head away. If you had not done that day forward, I'd do the next one, I'm sure of this.
time, however, did not know.
I did not know anything about you. Only that you were a kid that was put in my own group, with whom I had to work indefinitely, and you were too good to be able to ignore as I did with others, too beautiful to look at you with contempt.
Perhaps even too good to let hate.
In the bottom you have always been. Even after our many fights. All the times you hurt me, when I thought it would be much easier to let go. I never found the courage to do so.
And now that I did I would just go back and stay all these words, remove the bitterness from your eyes.
I was never brave like you. I never even pretended to be.
He looked lost, that first day.
They explained everything, you seemed not to hear. Or maybe just trying not to think too much, because it absolutely did not want to back out, whatever what had been. Perhaps you wanted to seem stronger than what you are, as you always have.
probably already the first time I've deceived.
I did not know anything about you, I knew nothing of your smiles, or the burning passion that lay behind them.
What is certain, I could not give in to the impulse to protect you. Tell
to think, to calculate the risks, would be a betrayal to you and to my own feelings. I wonder if this impulse stemmed from the fact that in some way already predict what the future would have tied. Or maybe it was your eyes he had awakened in me that tenderness did not think I have.
If it was your fault or my fault. Or we would have become of us and that now lies shattered at our backs, which was destroyed in pieces too small to be put back together.
Maybe it was a bit 'all this.
What I know for sure is that I had ulterior motives when I asked you to leave me your number. Although gaze slid over your shoulder while you lean to scribble on a sheet of paper, even though I could not help notice the subtle flexing of muscles and the construction of the back. Although it is impossible to deny that it felt even then that need for touch . It was not what
guide my movements, there was no more or less elaborate plan, no real desire, either.
In all honesty, the first time I saw it I thought that we would never have become friends, and me, nor that we would have developed any other type of bond. Facts have proven
soon as I was wrong, that first afternoon. But
predict the future is difficult, even when you think you have the tools. Even when you think you hold it between your fingers to tighten. And I
between his fingers had only a crumpled piece of paper, with your number written in a hurry. A note directed to me nearly aseptic as a courtesy, like a person passing through. Who could imagine how many rides would you have done in my life?
How could I believe that what had to happen eventually happened?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Do Guys Masterbate Vids


the only fiction that dear BuFr (me) has so far posted in the ether, was successfully transferred to the EFP and continues steadily. A brief summary
so far?
Christian is a loser with no paranormal powers, do not make it cool at all. But it's so tender and sweet, the perfect ball for the sadistic puncing author.
Christian has visions of the future that often lead to embarrassing situations, has a messy family from where you run screaming in the big city and also found a best friend who is crazy obsessed with him losing virginity (not in person, though. XD Too easy!).
What else? Oh right, the most important issue.
There are three men so cool for some reason - even unknown to the author - Christian covets.
Will is a policeman from the irreproachable character, who can not stand even the sight of Christian, despite condivisibilissimi intentions, it more or less cooked.
Tyler is an adorable character from the musician who falls in love at first sight, Christian, do not give more.
Harry is a bad boy bastard who lives at the limits of law and that has more or less decided to join Christian in their pants at all costs. And they hate Tyler. Those who choose
, Christian?
And what will pull out of the axle sleeve to the author, and meanwhile the city where you live, the quartet is slowly besieged by evil spirits?
not ask him, I do not even know her. But he enjoys it a lot.

E 'online from today, the first part of Chapter 9:


Section Supernatural, Yaoi, Rating: Red

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jelly Bracelet Meanings 2010


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore Like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and its individual members. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

-Well, Aiba-san, one last question and ended.
He nodded with a smile to the reporter of one of the usual magazines they work with monthly, after the last controlled the notes, the man made his demand:
-What 's for her happiness?
had not been able to answer, he had apologized to the journalist, saying he could not give an answer on time, but that perhaps he should think about. The man had not broken, but gave him his business card, telling him to call when he got the answer.
driving home, he continued to ruminate on the interview. Usually there were not that kind of problems, the questions were always similar and were repeated from year to year, so that now had the responses almost ready for certain subjects. There was never a question that had not been able to answer ... after finishing high school, of course: if they did an interview with the historical or geographical theme, things were very different.
The fact was that in almost 28 years, had never stopped to think of a thing. the world there were so many beautiful things, so many things that made him happy: his family, on sunny days, gigs, curry, baseball, animals ... The things I liked were so many. But happiness, for him, was it?
Once you're at home, as Every evening, there was no one waiting to give you welcome back, it was so since he left the house of his, and now we had got used to get depressed and had stopped whenever he came home. That evening he had done very late, so she had nibbled some scraps from the night before, had made a quick bath and went to bed.
However he could not sleep, as he turns in bed, his eyes had settled on the double frame that was on the nightstand. The photo on the left goes back many years before, and he withdrew, Jun, Nino, Sho and Ohno in Hawaii at the time of its debut, the right was taken two weeks earlier, on the evening of birthday Jun, and those were the same.
His eyes moved from one photo to another, comparing the children of the first uncomfortable with the relaxed and smiling in the second.
"It's been a while ..."
Continuing to look at their faces, a strange calm fell upon him, and soon fell asleep with a serene smile on his face.
That night he dreamed of many things, all somehow related to Arashi, the day of his audition, the day when he met Jan, one in which Nino had cried before him to her parents' divorce, that he had discovered Arashi's debut. There he could not to learn the choreography, he danced and sang in a stadium full of people. All
along with four other members of Arashi.
Upon awakening, the first thing he did was call the number indicated on the card that was given the day before and knew the answer. If you thought the word 'happiness', appeared in his mind a single kanji.
-Forgive me for now ...
"Do not worry ... So has the answer? "
-Arashi. To me happiness is to Arashi.
Maybe it was stupid and trivial, and could also look artificial, but it was the truth, was what he felt.
Over the last eleven years his life had been with and for Arashi. He could not imagine a world in which they exist, in which five of them were separated and they had never met ... now his mind is not conceived as such thoughts. Arashi were fantastic, that's what he thought every day.
in a good mood, he was headed to the bathroom and, for once, he allowed himself time to see his reflection in the mirror.
He liked to think that his appearance had changed since she was small, it was more mature, but his smile always seemed to those of a child and people still call it 'Aiba-chan'. Maybe it was not changed that much after all.
Even with the knowledge that he could not stop smiling. He loved his life.
had passed 11 years after the debut of Arashi, 14 since he joined the Johnny's Jimusho.
It was not yet able to play basketball with SMAP.
Well, she thought with a shrug, he had four people to whom he could always ask to play with him.

Circle Scarf Directions


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
safe Disclaimer: I do not belong Arashi u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I will never enough to bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

If he had been asked the question 'What person would you be?', Aiba he answered: 'A guy like Sakurai-kun'.
beginning did not like much. Not because it was unpleasant, but because he could not understand that he was doing there with them. It seemed apparent that Sho did not want to be with Arashi, since they always put her studies in the first place, not an idol thought that attending a prestigious university such as Keio (or an idol who just attended a university) was admirable, for he was just a selfish thing. Each of them had made choices and had to give up something for the good of the group, while Sho had not given up anything, keeping a foot in both camps.
Aside from its selfish, slowly began to consider it a pretty nice guy and kind, and he liked the way it was rap, but had never managed to forge a special bond: indeed, a part of the work, what else could talk to a guy like Sho? He was convinced that the other guy was not much interested in him, and that it considered frivolous and boring.
Things were a bit 'changed with the beginning of the program' Mago Mago Arashi ', where he and Sho had gathered to make a couple in most cases. Working together, without others around, had enabled him to reach out as they never managed to do until then, and there Aiba had understood what kind of person he was really Sho Sakurai.
They talked about many things, Sho had told him of his desire to study at university, and the joy she felt in having a college degree. He was aware of the fact that, to pursue his dream, had caused some inconvenience to the group, and he knew that, unlike her, people like Nino had to give up their aspirations. He had confessed that he did not know if ashamed of his behavior or be proud of, certainly did not regret his choices.
When she asked an opinion, Aiba did not know what to answer, until then had regarded as a boy Sho affable and kind, but also selfish and thinking only of himself. But to hear those things, having worked closely with him for many days, having so much fun with him, was unable to define that person as an egoist. With many pairs of granny who had visited, the wall was between them had begun to show cracks, and then collapse completely after a few months since the program began when Aiba had read his letter.
crying, she could not sing, and even being on stage, and Sho had embraced. In front of thousands of people. There was no significance in the romantic gesture, but his heart was strictly the same, because for the first time in five years, had heard the boy next to him. With that hug he wanted to say 'I'm here. I'm your friend '. And he had received.
Since that time, not just a friendship was born, but also an admiration unbounded by Aiba. He opened his eyes to the difficulties that Sho had faced: not only about the difficult decision to attend university, but also the hostility towards his father's career idol intended to take. Sho had been fighting against his father's opposition, and from there Aiba had realized that was not true that he did not care anything about the Arashi and work. Sho
admired not only because it was serious and intelligent, but also because he knew behave very stupid if you turn on the television, it could become ridiculous in the manner worse with their four and half an hour after it wrapped in a tailored suit who read the news of the day and preaches economy and politics. Sho drew so ashamed, he could not do a backflip (but not a forward somersault), was a piece of wood, had no hobbies and he was completely denied any recreational and sporting activities: he knew it and was quietly taken into bullied by other, often increased the coverage he dose.
In all the years they spent together, Aiba had not heard once boasting of his results list or something but he had only ever heard about his drooping shoulders. Sho was humble. One day, however, had
Clark Kent discovered that his staff was nothing but a fairly normal person. Fantastic, but normal.
Kokoritsu was on stage to try the steps before the concert along with Nino, when they heard behind them a bang and a cry of pain when they went to see that Sho had seen holding a hand.
Despite the fracture, and gypsum, Sho had still wanted to continue the tests, although of course they had to make some changes in the choreography. When watching him, Sho seemed very depressed, even if put it all to work at the most.
-I am creating a lot of problems.
She had told him one evening, after the tests. It was true that since the accident all had to work twice, but no one, Aiba in the first place, had never thought it was a nuisance, or it was the fault of Sho.
-Do not be silly, Sho-chan. We see it all as it is difficult for you and what you're trying. Do not worry.
Sho had been for a while 'in silence, and then murmured with a bitter smile:
-So that was how you felt, that time ...
Tonight Sho Aiba had understood that he loved him and that he had always understood how he felt, and that his idol was a simple human being. However, in his eyes, Sho shine on his own when he failed miserably.

Wild Thornberrys Wildlife Rescue Game Online


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) Know, today is ; the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch XD

I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

When he found himself writing a letter on Arashi read from a television show for charity, did not know where to start.
just had to ask him that at school he could never write a decent theme, it was not good at these things. Under normal circumstances he would ask someone, maybe Sho, to help him, but the story of the letter was remain secret, and therefore could not ask for advice from others.
He felt nervous, because even if it was never going to write something, it was certain that, once in front of the cameras, would or might impanicato confusion, making a bad impression. Not only that, he would make a bad impression to the whole group.
He sat at a table in her room and stayed for good 20 minutes staring at the first blank page of a notebook. The theme was 'Your dream becomes the dream of all', and thought it suited him to what they were Arashi: At the beginning there were five separate entities, but after five years together had created a strong bond, making a compact marching band together toward a single goal: to become number one.
So he started writing the first sentence, breaking down as they came without thinking too much, but favoring the flow of his memories.
-Nino was my first friend in the agency
-Jun has taught me a dance-
riid drew a monkey
-Sho-kun is always busy-I want to be as good as
Ohno-kun is
-Matsujun ;
kind but scary-I miss the saxophone-
We all thought that the name 'Arashi' disgusting
-Nino did not lend me ever its games
-Sho-kun has shared with me some candy-
I like concerts, I am happy

had drawn up a long list of phrases to fill an entire block, and thought to read everything on the air. In that block there was all that was Arashi, all he had thought he was entered in the agency. There were happy moments, funny moments and sad moments, there were four guys who could not help but love. As to relive those years we spent together, was moved, laughed alone, kept coming to mind many things he wanted to tell your friends, but that until then had been taken inside because it was too reserved to get them out.
Then he took a new block and began to write a real speech, there were many things that meant, but he made an effort to concentrate everything in a few important words. He wanted to tell his companions that he was pleased that there were, who loved him and respected them as artists. He wanted to apologize for the problems he caused during the period of the disease. He wanted to say 'thank you'.
Once finished writing, crying like a baby, he did not know why, it was a mixture of elements: happiness, sadness, longing, gratitude, there was a bit 'of everything. The fact is incredibly crying and could not stop, and had not been drinking even a drop of alcohol. On the day of direct
felt agitated, but since he had already paid its share of tears over the letter, was not afraid to cry again for the tenth time in reading, however, feared an attack of anxiety. Eventually, though, the situation was reversed: even the shadow of anxiety, but the emotion was reached and how.
The problem, it was said later, was the atmosphere of no jikan terebi '24 ': for the entire duration of the broadcast was entered in contact with so many brave and unfortunate people, they felt many harrowing stories, and it was hard not be moved.
And in that atmosphere, after all those things, he had to talk about his feelings, his scar, concealed in the heart of what, he had to say 'thank you', 'sorry' and 'I want good '. Moreover, he had had to do before and Matsujun riid already dissolved in tears, with the other two eyes unusually bright.
And he was always a type of tear easily, what the heck.
He cried on national television.

Nike Vapor Trails Limited Edition


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and videos, some are were invented out of whole cloth

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

If he had to indicate the person who, by Arashi debut, had undergone several transformations, would surely have shown Aiba Jun. In the '90s, no one would have thought that the kid with crooked teeth would become a man so mature and charming. In his earliest memories
Jun appeared as a boy dachshund with a big smile, which put the maximum commitment and professionalism in everything he did. Aiba had friends because it was incredibly small and cute and he liked the fact that, despite being younger than he, Jun had no problems ever to tell when something was wrong. Jun liked and enjoyed being in his company: he was actually a rather funny, so much so that he would not be sorry to enter the world of comedy. Aiba thought there would have been fine.
few years after the debut of Arashi, Jun began to change: his attitudes had become suddenly most adults, the more rare and less genuine smiles of the past. In private life was no longer friendly as before, or rather, in some moment it was, in other became totally unmanageable. Aiba groped began to fear that any approach to him, because he instilled enough fear.
However, he believed that to understand behavior, not only Jun was the youngest of the group, but was in a transition period, which did not yet know which character to choose between the comic and the idol-idol-darkness.
passed the threshold of twenty years, the smiles were finally back to Jun, but not its side breathing funny. Had matured physically, growing in height and drying the roundness adolescence: his face was beautiful, and he seemed to realize it. At the same time he was born in a sadistic streak, which so often emerged in television: not even to say, Aiba was the main victim. And when it joined Nino, was the end. Every time I said or did something stupid, received in response to a sharp comment or, worse, a shot letterhead since Jun was then secured with a large ring, Aiba had to check if you bleed every time he got hit. Jun
Only time had stopped trying to create a character on him and he was relaxed: it was sadistic, she smiled and laughed a lot, era sexy ed era tenero, tutto allo stesso tempo. Perché lui era tutto quello.
Nei primi tempi Aiba non lo capiva, ed era spaventato e confuso da quei molteplici mutamenti di personalità: a qualche anno dal debutto, Jun era ormai una persona irriconoscibile, e temeva di aver perso un amico.
Ma grazie alla sua malattia, non aveva compreso solamente quanto amasse gli Arashi, ma anche un’altra cosa. Prima dell’operazione Jun era andato a fargli visita solo una volta e per pochi minuti, dato che era fuggito subito dicendo che era impegnato. Quella volta aveva sofferto nel vedere la freddezza riservatagli da colui che considerava ormai un amico di vecchia data. Solo dopo aveva capito che Jun era così emotional that she could not bear to see him in a hospital bed, and would not cry in front of him to not worry about it.
The second time he had visited, Jun began to cry at the same time he had set foot in the room, then hug him close and continue to sob on his shoulder, 'I'm so glad you're okay' and 'I was afraid I did not see you anymore' were the phrases that he repeated several times. From that day
Aiba had realized that what he called 'change of character' were nothing more than various expressions of the multi-faceted personality di Jun, un ragazzo in grado di mostrare tanti volti diversi: aveva avuto il volto del ragazzino con i denti storti, del bel tenebroso, quello di Domyouji Tasukasa e quello dello sciocco ban Shogo. Volti tanto diversi l’uno dall’altro, ma su Jun erano sempre stati alla perfezione. Nonostante tutto, era Jun. Qualsiasi cosa facesse restava  sempre, incredibilmente, Matsumoto Jun .
Nel corso degli anni, Aiba l’aveva visto allegro, triste, arrabbiato; l’aveva visto ridere a crepapelle, singhiozzare disperato e urlare come un demonio. Nonostante tutti questi lati, per lui Jun sarebbe sempre rimasto il tappetto che gli aveva insegnato pazientemente (e un po’ presumptuous, to say the truth, but what you could see he was proud of his ability!) a dance at night.

Creative Soundblaster X-mb


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: then, as all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and its individual members. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

At 19, he understood how important Aiba Arashi in his life.
all began in a ballroom, with 'Nice Kokoroiki Na' in the background, for a long time was unable to hear that song without feeling a twinge of natural fear.
ball, but his movements seemed slow, the muscles of his arms suddenly heavy. He could not breathe, everything around him started to spin. He heard voices calling him by name, but was not able to understand to whom they belonged. Then he turned quite dark.
When she opened her eyes again, everything around him was white, and was therefore thought to be dead. It was not happy about: there were still many things I wanted to do, and certainly did not want to die like that, young and without saying goodbye to anyone. Then he realized
the slight discomfort caused by the noise of the machine and drip attached to his body, which monitors the frequency of the beating of his heart he knew that he was in a hospital room, but did not know why. Shortly after a nice-looking doctor had explained what constituted the pneumothorax, which was affected by the disease, a respiratory disease, affecting men thin and subjected to intense workloads. She had said she was serious. What should operate.
Even if you would have to worry primarily for his life, what haunted him most was the excessive period of time that would have to stay in the hospital: in that period had promote a new single from Arashi, and were also beginning the filming of their first film. He felt like shit, to stay in hospital while his companions had to work for him. And then, went really well for him to be a long time without working? What would they say the agency?
'sent away'
When he learned of the operation, the first thing he said to his mother was, 'I apologize to the guys on my part'. His mother wept, and said it was a really good kid.
In those days, she had often talked of his future, what would he do? During those conversations had never contemplated the scenario in which the transaction was wrong, because then there would be no future, so there was no point talking about it. His mother insists that he would not be driven by Arashi, although he will be convinced, but even so the problem remained. Mr. and Mrs. Aiba ran a restaurant for Chinese food, and Aiba had always been aware that one day, that restaurant would have passed to him. In this case, would have to leave Arashi. When he was in the Juniors
lived from day to day without thinking too much, and did not know if he wanted to become an idol or not, once Arashi's debut, he decided to go all in gratitude for all those people that support them.
Over time his feelings had changed: he had stopped doing things for inaction or for others, he began working for himself. In that hospital room, nothing was more clear that he wanted to continue to work with Arashi, and wanted to keep doing it forever. He could not imagine a life where those four boys were not included. In those days
fully understand what he liked to work and spend time with them. And he realized that his feelings were reciprocated, or at least, he liked to think so. Although his fault they had to work more and be delayed in some jobs, all four had gone to him visit and reassure him not to worry about anything, it was creating problems for anyone, they would have just waited. He only had to heal.
Nino was the first member of Arashi to visit him. He had been for a while and said in all three phrases: 'Hello', 'How are you?' And 'soon', but before leaving he had left on his bedside table games. Aiba could not use it, but I was happy because he understood the significance of that gesture.
the end, the operation had gone well, the only adverse effects were the scar on the chest and the fact that it would no longer could play the saxophone, but they were things I already knew. However, as she loved him, for the entire period of hospitalization, Aiba had not thought of the instrument even once: in his mind there were only Arashi.

Thongs For 12 Year Olds


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all ( ?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the point of view of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and its individual members. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

For many years, Aiba was still convinced to be one of the people who know Nino.
At the time of the Juniors was surely this: Nino was a mock sociable type, in the sense that he was able to talk and joke with everyone, but only a few felt fully at ease. Aiba knew that to Nino, he was the one person in the agency: he alone was invited to his house, only Nino revealed what he really believed (in most cases, evil of the worst kind) of the people who surrounded it.
Aiba was aware of the fact that Nino was a difficult person to approach and it was difficult to establish with him a strong bond of friendship, especially since the thought of two completely different ways: as Aiba was positive and spontaneous, Nino was so pessimistic and computer. Although he knew his faults, he liked to be a friend of Nino. He liked to take her every night the same train, play with the Playstation, make fun of the choreographers hoping not to be heard.
And the fact that Nino, which tends not to bind themselves to others, decided to accept that friendship, made him feel almost honored.
Even after its debut, Aiba could proudly claim to be one of the few people to have seen the true face of Nino. He was convinced that they were best friends.
was about the end of 2000 that he realized how things really were. One day during rehearsal, the choreographer had their made a mistake that even newbies like they had noticed. As usual, Aiba had turned his head slightly to the right, ready to hear the sarcastic comment from Nino and preparing the idea of spending the rest of the lesson to try not to make eye of his friend not to burst out laughing. But it was not arrived
no comment.
On the other hand, looking in the mirror of the room, he saw the reflection of close to that of Nino Ohno to whisper with a smile, and the two exchanged a look then amused.
Until then he had not done my case too, no one realized or the fact that the time spent with Nino was significantly decreased, and the fact that a few months ago his friend and Ohno seemed inseparable.
He realized suddenly that Nino had another important friend, not only that this new friend seemed much more 'friend' of him. Nino with him because he had never acted like he acted with Ohno.
was sad and painful for so long it was considered a sort of elected, and suddenly everything had been shattered. He had been brutally put aside. Nino hated because he was moody and miserable, because he hated Ohno had stolen his best friend and hated because Arashi was the fault of the group if things had gone well. In fact even hated for putting Johnny Ohno in the group, and especially hated the SMAP, because it was all their fault.
course, he could not hide his bad mood for too long. One day, after an appearance in a music program, Nino was able to stop before it came out of the dressing room.
-you want to come to my house tonight? I have a new game ...
-Sorry, Aiba, but tonight are riid ... another time, okay?
After that Nino was gone, and he could not help but collapse on the floor in the dressing room now deserted. He felt as if he had been left behind: the commitment Jun had multiplied, Sho, university-Arashi, did not even have time to breathe, and those two ... the two spent together at all times. He felt incredibly alone: Nino was getting tired of him, loved him best.
crying so hard that you had not noticed that Nino had returned to retrieve a sweatshirt.
-Aiba ...?
Seeing him, it was immediately wiped his face.
-What happens? Why are you crying?
-nothing, do not worry. How
-nothing? I want to say ...
-I said that is nothing! - He had been surprised by the rancorous tone of his voice, and then tried to calm down before you go - go, Ohno-kun will be waiting. Obviously
Nino had not paid attention, and had murmured amused
-Dark Masaki, eh?
-What are you saying?
-Dark Masaki. Your second personality, that pissed off by yakuza. I had never seen.
He was not paying much attention to the nonsense of which the other was speaking, because Nino was smiling, and everything seemed normal. However it was not, and had failed to stop the second wave of tears.
-Tell me, Nino, I did something that made you angry?
-What do you mean?
"Why you ... spend all your time with riid, so I thought ... I do not want more right ...
's where the emotion had peaked and had started to sob shamelessly. Begin to mock him or to leave the room would have been very annoyed by Nino, but the boy asked him a question that had the power to put a stop to her sobs.
-So now you understand?
-What? - Asked bewildered, Nino sat beside him.
-I asked you if you understood how I felt when you made friends with Matsujun, of course, continue to spend time with me, but I was afraid that Jun could take my place at any moment. I was wondering 'when is you get tired of someone like me? '. For you it is very easy to make friends with others, then you've never thought about these things, but I ... I was only you. Although since we are Arashi things began to change, at least in me.
was surprised that Nino was jealous because of Jun, was something that no one would ever expect, and flattered him.
riid-E? Satoshi
-Con ... is different. I'm fine with him, I feel ... I can not explain, is not simple.
Nino was then lifted and headed for the door, but he continued to speak, her back to him-you know ... You're a fool, you're too naive and casinos, and always do a lot of noise. You're not awake, you're a simpleton, smile too brightly and too often. ..- But the tone was then changed, and Aiba could bet on it, was smiling-people like you do not displease me at all.
was happy.
Nino had not told him she wanted him more good than Ohno. Perhaps because it was impossible to choose, or perhaps because Ohno was 'different'. In eleven years if all were realized: no one knew what, but something was different. When
Ohno believed that she hated him, he had spoken with Nino, and he told him not to worry, because Ohno was 'well done'. At the time he had felt a pang of jealousy for those words, but then he had understood: If Nino had tied it to Satoshi was because he was 'well done'. There were two particular types, different in their absurdity, but still absurd.
That was the first and only time that Nino said such a thing, because it was not from him but from that day, Aiba had not doubted his friendship.

Which Brand Of Paper Towels Are The Strongest


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) Know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what means the Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

After more than ten years, Aiba was concluded that, within the Arashi, what he did was more afraid Jun; is not that he did on purpose even though it was in character relatively quiet, Jun could be scary for 90% of the time. Even
Nino, more often, frightened: it was horrible to hear that little voice screaming with that found itself, and all the worse if There were half of his games.
Sho was also able to be angry, and, paradoxically, his anger was more afraid than the other two, as rare and generally more justified. When did irritate Sho, Aiba felt mortified and depressed for a week.
However, for some mysterious reason, for the first months after its debut, Aiba was thought that the scariest ever Ohno. And if he had been asked why it would not be able to give a precise answer.
Ohno was a delightful boy and vaguely feminine traits, the only one of them at the time of the debut dared to wear my hair so long. Not hardly ever laughed, smiled often and rarely spoke with the air of one who had reached the inner peace. For most of the time he was quiet and often with his head in the clouds, became a different person when he opened his mouth to sing, and especially when she danced.
She did not know what was in him so scary. Maybe it was the fact that he could never understand what he was thinking, or perhaps because he was afraid of making mistakes in front of him, that was so good. However, Ohno had never paid particular attention, and at one point Aiba was convinced that I was able to conquer the hate del senpai.
Un giorno, circa un anno dopo il loro debutto, stava passando la pausa pranzo mangiando degli onigiri portati da casa; dal momento che gli altri erano impegnati da altre parti, era da solo, e per far passare il tempo aveva tirato fuori una penna e si era messo a scarabocchiare su uno dei fazzoletti di carta in cui stava il suo pranzo.
Quando Ohno era sbucato dal nulla e si era seduto accanto lui, per poco non si era strozzato col riso; aveva fatto un cenno di saluto col capo, mentre il più grande osservava il fazzoletto pasticciato.
-Cosa stai disegnando?
-Eh?- all’inizio non aveva capito a cosa si stesse riferendo, poi aveva seguito la direzione del suo sguardo –Oh, dovrebbe be a monkey ...
Ohno smiled sweetly.
-I like monkeys. Can I?
He waved the handkerchief, Aiba had they spent together in the pen. He stayed to watch the monkey Ohno, like a thousand times more than what he was doing. He had thought that the boy could really stop being an idol and devote himself to art. -You are very good
, senpai.
-Really? - Smiled without ceasing to draw-senpai But do not call me, please.
-Eh? Ma ..
-I do not think we can be a senpai to someone, and then we are in the same group, there is a need for many formalisms.
Aiba nodded, turning to look at the way her hand flew to the paper.
Can I ask you a question?
-Why did you become an idol?
The other had stopped drawing to look wonderingly.
-I mean ... You are very good, but ... your character ... namely, how do you do not seem to ... ooooh!
He had put his hands through his hair, realizing that the situation was getting worse, and for once he was alone with Ohno and had the opportunity to approach a little 'to him, and he began to say those things without sense, now would ensure that the hated.
Instead, what he had blown away and laughed heartily.
-It's okay, Aiba-kun! You know, I really think that my character should not be much good to be part of the entertainment world.
-Da-really? Then why did you get in Johnny's?
Ohno had told him that he had entered in the agency because his mother took him to auditions almost by force, was not initially very interested, and continued to attend classes and carry out the work offered him only because he considered his duty. Over time, as he realized that dancing and he liked to sing and it was natural, was always more passionate, much to quit school to devote himself body and soul to that work. It was then arrived at a time when his interest began to wane: he had achieved in dancing and singing a level that fully satisfy him, so he decided to devote himself to something else. Just when he was about to inform his decision Kitagawa, had come the news of the debut.
-So ... even you wanted to be part of Arashi ...
thought then that he knew Kitagawa read minds and knew at least predict the future had given the news of his debut when three boys were about to leave the agency. Somehow, But Aiba did not feel happy: it was nice to be part of a group if you knew that three out of five members want nothing more than to leave.
-And now ... want to go?
He shook his head, coming back to draw.
-After seeing all those people ... I think it's been like a little 'for all, no? We can not help but go all ... and then - he's smiling again, this time with an air more timid-it's really fun to be with you all.
After that, he was able to chat with Ohno so only after about ten years, during the 2009 tour. The night before a concert found themselves in a hotel room to wait for others to have a drink together.
During the wait had come to speak of many things, the group of those ten years than they were happy to be in Arashi, was a talk other than that a decade earlier, but this time they had spoken to open heart. Maybe it was for the tour, maybe for the thrill of the tenth anniversary, the fact is that at some point found themselves looking at their faces streaked with tears, and at that point, had stopped talking.
'I'm happy to be here,' what they thought was both.

Bulk Ginger Beer Brewing


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and videos, some are were invented out of whole cloth

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

-You have a valid passport?
Often he had wondered what would become of his life if he had said no to that question. Years later, he still had in my memory the day when they had gathered in a room and Kitagawa announced that henceforth they would be Arashi.
Although he had worked so long in Johnny's Jimusho, the idea of his debut he had never touched in any way. So that was initially tempted to ask 'Are you sure that there is also my name on the list?'.
was surprised, confused, excited and terrified. He was aware that, with the debut, his work would change, but he did not know how. What did you expect him to do? If he hoped that his superiors gave him the directive states that reduce their doubts, they're wrong, and only after many months Arashi able to move out of the darkness in which groped.
While she was happy and relieved at the fact that Nino and Jun that were with him in Arashi, on the other was sorry for the absence of the fourth member of MAIN, Toma. On the other hand, in its place were two boys with whom he had never spoken, but they were fairly popular among the Juniors.
Sakurai Sho was famous for being the first idol in history willing to go to university; Aiba thought it could not be two people more different the two of them, and looked at him with utter amazement ignoring the fact that understand how someone could please the studio (his enemy for many years), had no idea how the boy would juggles between work commitments and school commitments. It is even rumored that, Junior, occasions she had lost very important because they always put school first, including trips.
Initially, when Arashi had not yet engaged, when the concerts had half the seats empty, Aiba Sho used to think of as a selfish: the group did not go well and he multiplied his absence and his delays in commitments university.
Sho was different not only from him but from them all too different. It was not cut out to be the idol, and Aiba did not understand why not just drop everything.
Only after a while 'time these feelings were transformed into the most admiration. Finally, there was Ohno
Satoshi. Aiba Although there had never spoken in person, he had often seen in the rehearsal room, and the stories circulating about him were endless and, for the most part, absurd. Ohno was known to be kissed by the young talented juniors and teachers acknowledged that the agency was the best dancer and one of the best voices. But Ohno was not only famous for his skill but also his way of doing ... particular.
not had high school, and according to many was not much interested in the entertainment world: it was not clear whether his dreams for the future related to a "Silver Haze" or a host club. Lately rumor that would leave the agency to devote himself to art.
In his eyes, was the senpai Ohno very good at dancing that he could deal with choreographers, teachers and his peers were the same as Johnny. He considered him a distant figure and incomprehensible.
Then Aiba discovered that the day it all began, every one of them was thinking of different things: there were those who wanted to kill Johnny because he was cutting off the dreams for the future, who could not take any more and already wanted to leave, and who was terrified and excited together. Their thoughts were different, they were different from each other, and often wondered what criteria Aiba they used to form the group.
Obviously he was right in the future Kitagawa, but in fact from day one, the old fox had managed to combine them into something, even though everyone thinks a bit 'to his cabbages, there was a first thought that they shared: the name 'Arashi' was just unlucky to be.