Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Which Brand Of Paper Towels Are The Strongest


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) Know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what means the Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

After more than ten years, Aiba was concluded that, within the Arashi, what he did was more afraid Jun; is not that he did on purpose even though it was in character relatively quiet, Jun could be scary for 90% of the time. Even
Nino, more often, frightened: it was horrible to hear that little voice screaming with that found itself, and all the worse if There were half of his games.
Sho was also able to be angry, and, paradoxically, his anger was more afraid than the other two, as rare and generally more justified. When did irritate Sho, Aiba felt mortified and depressed for a week.
However, for some mysterious reason, for the first months after its debut, Aiba was thought that the scariest ever Ohno. And if he had been asked why it would not be able to give a precise answer.
Ohno was a delightful boy and vaguely feminine traits, the only one of them at the time of the debut dared to wear my hair so long. Not hardly ever laughed, smiled often and rarely spoke with the air of one who had reached the inner peace. For most of the time he was quiet and often with his head in the clouds, became a different person when he opened his mouth to sing, and especially when she danced.
She did not know what was in him so scary. Maybe it was the fact that he could never understand what he was thinking, or perhaps because he was afraid of making mistakes in front of him, that was so good. However, Ohno had never paid particular attention, and at one point Aiba was convinced that I was able to conquer the hate del senpai.
Un giorno, circa un anno dopo il loro debutto, stava passando la pausa pranzo mangiando degli onigiri portati da casa; dal momento che gli altri erano impegnati da altre parti, era da solo, e per far passare il tempo aveva tirato fuori una penna e si era messo a scarabocchiare su uno dei fazzoletti di carta in cui stava il suo pranzo.
Quando Ohno era sbucato dal nulla e si era seduto accanto lui, per poco non si era strozzato col riso; aveva fatto un cenno di saluto col capo, mentre il più grande osservava il fazzoletto pasticciato.
-Cosa stai disegnando?
-Eh?- all’inizio non aveva capito a cosa si stesse riferendo, poi aveva seguito la direzione del suo sguardo –Oh, dovrebbe be a monkey ...
Ohno smiled sweetly.
-I like monkeys. Can I?
He waved the handkerchief, Aiba had they spent together in the pen. He stayed to watch the monkey Ohno, like a thousand times more than what he was doing. He had thought that the boy could really stop being an idol and devote himself to art. -You are very good
, senpai.
-Really? - Smiled without ceasing to draw-senpai But do not call me, please.
-Eh? Ma ..
-I do not think we can be a senpai to someone, and then we are in the same group, there is a need for many formalisms.
Aiba nodded, turning to look at the way her hand flew to the paper.
Can I ask you a question?
-Why did you become an idol?
The other had stopped drawing to look wonderingly.
-I mean ... You are very good, but ... your character ... namely, how do you do not seem to ... ooooh!
He had put his hands through his hair, realizing that the situation was getting worse, and for once he was alone with Ohno and had the opportunity to approach a little 'to him, and he began to say those things without sense, now would ensure that the hated.
Instead, what he had blown away and laughed heartily.
-It's okay, Aiba-kun! You know, I really think that my character should not be much good to be part of the entertainment world.
-Da-really? Then why did you get in Johnny's?
Ohno had told him that he had entered in the agency because his mother took him to auditions almost by force, was not initially very interested, and continued to attend classes and carry out the work offered him only because he considered his duty. Over time, as he realized that dancing and he liked to sing and it was natural, was always more passionate, much to quit school to devote himself body and soul to that work. It was then arrived at a time when his interest began to wane: he had achieved in dancing and singing a level that fully satisfy him, so he decided to devote himself to something else. Just when he was about to inform his decision Kitagawa, had come the news of the debut.
-So ... even you wanted to be part of Arashi ...
thought then that he knew Kitagawa read minds and knew at least predict the future had given the news of his debut when three boys were about to leave the agency. Somehow, But Aiba did not feel happy: it was nice to be part of a group if you knew that three out of five members want nothing more than to leave.
-And now ... want to go?
He shook his head, coming back to draw.
-After seeing all those people ... I think it's been like a little 'for all, no? We can not help but go all ... and then - he's smiling again, this time with an air more timid-it's really fun to be with you all.
After that, he was able to chat with Ohno so only after about ten years, during the 2009 tour. The night before a concert found themselves in a hotel room to wait for others to have a drink together.
During the wait had come to speak of many things, the group of those ten years than they were happy to be in Arashi, was a talk other than that a decade earlier, but this time they had spoken to open heart. Maybe it was for the tour, maybe for the thrill of the tenth anniversary, the fact is that at some point found themselves looking at their faces streaked with tears, and at that point, had stopped talking.
'I'm happy to be here,' what they thought was both.


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