Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Creative Soundblaster X-mb


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: then, as all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and its individual members. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

At 19, he understood how important Aiba Arashi in his life.
all began in a ballroom, with 'Nice Kokoroiki Na' in the background, for a long time was unable to hear that song without feeling a twinge of natural fear.
ball, but his movements seemed slow, the muscles of his arms suddenly heavy. He could not breathe, everything around him started to spin. He heard voices calling him by name, but was not able to understand to whom they belonged. Then he turned quite dark.
When she opened her eyes again, everything around him was white, and was therefore thought to be dead. It was not happy about: there were still many things I wanted to do, and certainly did not want to die like that, young and without saying goodbye to anyone. Then he realized
the slight discomfort caused by the noise of the machine and drip attached to his body, which monitors the frequency of the beating of his heart he knew that he was in a hospital room, but did not know why. Shortly after a nice-looking doctor had explained what constituted the pneumothorax, which was affected by the disease, a respiratory disease, affecting men thin and subjected to intense workloads. She had said she was serious. What should operate.
Even if you would have to worry primarily for his life, what haunted him most was the excessive period of time that would have to stay in the hospital: in that period had promote a new single from Arashi, and were also beginning the filming of their first film. He felt like shit, to stay in hospital while his companions had to work for him. And then, went really well for him to be a long time without working? What would they say the agency?
'sent away'
When he learned of the operation, the first thing he said to his mother was, 'I apologize to the guys on my part'. His mother wept, and said it was a really good kid.
In those days, she had often talked of his future, what would he do? During those conversations had never contemplated the scenario in which the transaction was wrong, because then there would be no future, so there was no point talking about it. His mother insists that he would not be driven by Arashi, although he will be convinced, but even so the problem remained. Mr. and Mrs. Aiba ran a restaurant for Chinese food, and Aiba had always been aware that one day, that restaurant would have passed to him. In this case, would have to leave Arashi. When he was in the Juniors
lived from day to day without thinking too much, and did not know if he wanted to become an idol or not, once Arashi's debut, he decided to go all in gratitude for all those people that support them.
Over time his feelings had changed: he had stopped doing things for inaction or for others, he began working for himself. In that hospital room, nothing was more clear that he wanted to continue to work with Arashi, and wanted to keep doing it forever. He could not imagine a life where those four boys were not included. In those days
fully understand what he liked to work and spend time with them. And he realized that his feelings were reciprocated, or at least, he liked to think so. Although his fault they had to work more and be delayed in some jobs, all four had gone to him visit and reassure him not to worry about anything, it was creating problems for anyone, they would have just waited. He only had to heal.
Nino was the first member of Arashi to visit him. He had been for a while and said in all three phrases: 'Hello', 'How are you?' And 'soon', but before leaving he had left on his bedside table games. Aiba could not use it, but I was happy because he understood the significance of that gesture.
the end, the operation had gone well, the only adverse effects were the scar on the chest and the fact that it would no longer could play the saxophone, but they were things I already knew. However, as she loved him, for the entire period of hospitalization, Aiba had not thought of the instrument even once: in his mind there were only Arashi.


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