Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Circle Scarf Directions


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
safe Disclaimer: I do not belong Arashi u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I will never enough to bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

If he had been asked the question 'What person would you be?', Aiba he answered: 'A guy like Sakurai-kun'.
beginning did not like much. Not because it was unpleasant, but because he could not understand that he was doing there with them. It seemed apparent that Sho did not want to be with Arashi, since they always put her studies in the first place, not an idol thought that attending a prestigious university such as Keio (or an idol who just attended a university) was admirable, for he was just a selfish thing. Each of them had made choices and had to give up something for the good of the group, while Sho had not given up anything, keeping a foot in both camps.
Aside from its selfish, slowly began to consider it a pretty nice guy and kind, and he liked the way it was rap, but had never managed to forge a special bond: indeed, a part of the work, what else could talk to a guy like Sho? He was convinced that the other guy was not much interested in him, and that it considered frivolous and boring.
Things were a bit 'changed with the beginning of the program' Mago Mago Arashi ', where he and Sho had gathered to make a couple in most cases. Working together, without others around, had enabled him to reach out as they never managed to do until then, and there Aiba had understood what kind of person he was really Sho Sakurai.
They talked about many things, Sho had told him of his desire to study at university, and the joy she felt in having a college degree. He was aware of the fact that, to pursue his dream, had caused some inconvenience to the group, and he knew that, unlike her, people like Nino had to give up their aspirations. He had confessed that he did not know if ashamed of his behavior or be proud of, certainly did not regret his choices.
When she asked an opinion, Aiba did not know what to answer, until then had regarded as a boy Sho affable and kind, but also selfish and thinking only of himself. But to hear those things, having worked closely with him for many days, having so much fun with him, was unable to define that person as an egoist. With many pairs of granny who had visited, the wall was between them had begun to show cracks, and then collapse completely after a few months since the program began when Aiba had read his letter.
crying, she could not sing, and even being on stage, and Sho had embraced. In front of thousands of people. There was no significance in the romantic gesture, but his heart was strictly the same, because for the first time in five years, had heard the boy next to him. With that hug he wanted to say 'I'm here. I'm your friend '. And he had received.
Since that time, not just a friendship was born, but also an admiration unbounded by Aiba. He opened his eyes to the difficulties that Sho had faced: not only about the difficult decision to attend university, but also the hostility towards his father's career idol intended to take. Sho had been fighting against his father's opposition, and from there Aiba had realized that was not true that he did not care anything about the Arashi and work. Sho
admired not only because it was serious and intelligent, but also because he knew behave very stupid if you turn on the television, it could become ridiculous in the manner worse with their four and half an hour after it wrapped in a tailored suit who read the news of the day and preaches economy and politics. Sho drew so ashamed, he could not do a backflip (but not a forward somersault), was a piece of wood, had no hobbies and he was completely denied any recreational and sporting activities: he knew it and was quietly taken into bullied by other, often increased the coverage he dose.
In all the years they spent together, Aiba had not heard once boasting of his results list or something but he had only ever heard about his drooping shoulders. Sho was humble. One day, however, had
Clark Kent discovered that his staff was nothing but a fairly normal person. Fantastic, but normal.
Kokoritsu was on stage to try the steps before the concert along with Nino, when they heard behind them a bang and a cry of pain when they went to see that Sho had seen holding a hand.
Despite the fracture, and gypsum, Sho had still wanted to continue the tests, although of course they had to make some changes in the choreography. When watching him, Sho seemed very depressed, even if put it all to work at the most.
-I am creating a lot of problems.
She had told him one evening, after the tests. It was true that since the accident all had to work twice, but no one, Aiba in the first place, had never thought it was a nuisance, or it was the fault of Sho.
-Do not be silly, Sho-chan. We see it all as it is difficult for you and what you're trying. Do not worry.
Sho had been for a while 'in silence, and then murmured with a bitter smile:
-So that was how you felt, that time ...
Tonight Sho Aiba had understood that he loved him and that he had always understood how he felt, and that his idol was a simple human being. However, in his eyes, Sho shine on his own when he failed miserably.


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