Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bulk Ginger Beer Brewing


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and videos, some are were invented out of whole cloth

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

-You have a valid passport?
Often he had wondered what would become of his life if he had said no to that question. Years later, he still had in my memory the day when they had gathered in a room and Kitagawa announced that henceforth they would be Arashi.
Although he had worked so long in Johnny's Jimusho, the idea of his debut he had never touched in any way. So that was initially tempted to ask 'Are you sure that there is also my name on the list?'.
was surprised, confused, excited and terrified. He was aware that, with the debut, his work would change, but he did not know how. What did you expect him to do? If he hoped that his superiors gave him the directive states that reduce their doubts, they're wrong, and only after many months Arashi able to move out of the darkness in which groped.
While she was happy and relieved at the fact that Nino and Jun that were with him in Arashi, on the other was sorry for the absence of the fourth member of MAIN, Toma. On the other hand, in its place were two boys with whom he had never spoken, but they were fairly popular among the Juniors.
Sakurai Sho was famous for being the first idol in history willing to go to university; Aiba thought it could not be two people more different the two of them, and looked at him with utter amazement ignoring the fact that understand how someone could please the studio (his enemy for many years), had no idea how the boy would juggles between work commitments and school commitments. It is even rumored that, Junior, occasions she had lost very important because they always put school first, including trips.
Initially, when Arashi had not yet engaged, when the concerts had half the seats empty, Aiba Sho used to think of as a selfish: the group did not go well and he multiplied his absence and his delays in commitments university.
Sho was different not only from him but from them all too different. It was not cut out to be the idol, and Aiba did not understand why not just drop everything.
Only after a while 'time these feelings were transformed into the most admiration. Finally, there was Ohno
Satoshi. Aiba Although there had never spoken in person, he had often seen in the rehearsal room, and the stories circulating about him were endless and, for the most part, absurd. Ohno was known to be kissed by the young talented juniors and teachers acknowledged that the agency was the best dancer and one of the best voices. But Ohno was not only famous for his skill but also his way of doing ... particular.
not had high school, and according to many was not much interested in the entertainment world: it was not clear whether his dreams for the future related to a "Silver Haze" or a host club. Lately rumor that would leave the agency to devote himself to art.
In his eyes, was the senpai Ohno very good at dancing that he could deal with choreographers, teachers and his peers were the same as Johnny. He considered him a distant figure and incomprehensible.
Then Aiba discovered that the day it all began, every one of them was thinking of different things: there were those who wanted to kill Johnny because he was cutting off the dreams for the future, who could not take any more and already wanted to leave, and who was terrified and excited together. Their thoughts were different, they were different from each other, and often wondered what criteria Aiba they used to form the group.
Obviously he was right in the future Kitagawa, but in fact from day one, the old fox had managed to combine them into something, even though everyone thinks a bit 'to his cabbages, there was a first thought that they shared: the name 'Arashi' was just unlucky to be.


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