Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jelly Bracelet Meanings 2010


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore Like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and its individual members. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

-Well, Aiba-san, one last question and ended.
He nodded with a smile to the reporter of one of the usual magazines they work with monthly, after the last controlled the notes, the man made his demand:
-What 's for her happiness?
had not been able to answer, he had apologized to the journalist, saying he could not give an answer on time, but that perhaps he should think about. The man had not broken, but gave him his business card, telling him to call when he got the answer.
driving home, he continued to ruminate on the interview. Usually there were not that kind of problems, the questions were always similar and were repeated from year to year, so that now had the responses almost ready for certain subjects. There was never a question that had not been able to answer ... after finishing high school, of course: if they did an interview with the historical or geographical theme, things were very different.
The fact was that in almost 28 years, had never stopped to think of a thing. the world there were so many beautiful things, so many things that made him happy: his family, on sunny days, gigs, curry, baseball, animals ... The things I liked were so many. But happiness, for him, was it?
Once you're at home, as Every evening, there was no one waiting to give you welcome back, it was so since he left the house of his, and now we had got used to get depressed and had stopped whenever he came home. That evening he had done very late, so she had nibbled some scraps from the night before, had made a quick bath and went to bed.
However he could not sleep, as he turns in bed, his eyes had settled on the double frame that was on the nightstand. The photo on the left goes back many years before, and he withdrew, Jun, Nino, Sho and Ohno in Hawaii at the time of its debut, the right was taken two weeks earlier, on the evening of birthday Jun, and those were the same.
His eyes moved from one photo to another, comparing the children of the first uncomfortable with the relaxed and smiling in the second.
"It's been a while ..."
Continuing to look at their faces, a strange calm fell upon him, and soon fell asleep with a serene smile on his face.
That night he dreamed of many things, all somehow related to Arashi, the day of his audition, the day when he met Jan, one in which Nino had cried before him to her parents' divorce, that he had discovered Arashi's debut. There he could not to learn the choreography, he danced and sang in a stadium full of people. All
along with four other members of Arashi.
Upon awakening, the first thing he did was call the number indicated on the card that was given the day before and knew the answer. If you thought the word 'happiness', appeared in his mind a single kanji.
-Forgive me for now ...
"Do not worry ... So has the answer? "
-Arashi. To me happiness is to Arashi.
Maybe it was stupid and trivial, and could also look artificial, but it was the truth, was what he felt.
Over the last eleven years his life had been with and for Arashi. He could not imagine a world in which they exist, in which five of them were separated and they had never met ... now his mind is not conceived as such thoughts. Arashi were fantastic, that's what he thought every day.
in a good mood, he was headed to the bathroom and, for once, he allowed himself time to see his reflection in the mirror.
He liked to think that his appearance had changed since she was small, it was more mature, but his smile always seemed to those of a child and people still call it 'Aiba-chan'. Maybe it was not changed that much after all.
Even with the knowledge that he could not stop smiling. He loved his life.
had passed 11 years after the debut of Arashi, 14 since he joined the Johnny's Jimusho.
It was not yet able to play basketball with SMAP.
Well, she thought with a shrug, he had four people to whom he could always ask to play with him.


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