Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thongs For 12 Year Olds


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all ( ?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the point of view of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and its individual members. Some information was gathered from interviews and video, others have been invented from scratch

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

For many years, Aiba was still convinced to be one of the people who know Nino.
At the time of the Juniors was surely this: Nino was a mock sociable type, in the sense that he was able to talk and joke with everyone, but only a few felt fully at ease. Aiba knew that to Nino, he was the one person in the agency: he alone was invited to his house, only Nino revealed what he really believed (in most cases, evil of the worst kind) of the people who surrounded it.
Aiba was aware of the fact that Nino was a difficult person to approach and it was difficult to establish with him a strong bond of friendship, especially since the thought of two completely different ways: as Aiba was positive and spontaneous, Nino was so pessimistic and computer. Although he knew his faults, he liked to be a friend of Nino. He liked to take her every night the same train, play with the Playstation, make fun of the choreographers hoping not to be heard.
And the fact that Nino, which tends not to bind themselves to others, decided to accept that friendship, made him feel almost honored.
Even after its debut, Aiba could proudly claim to be one of the few people to have seen the true face of Nino. He was convinced that they were best friends.
was about the end of 2000 that he realized how things really were. One day during rehearsal, the choreographer had their made a mistake that even newbies like they had noticed. As usual, Aiba had turned his head slightly to the right, ready to hear the sarcastic comment from Nino and preparing the idea of spending the rest of the lesson to try not to make eye of his friend not to burst out laughing. But it was not arrived
no comment.
On the other hand, looking in the mirror of the room, he saw the reflection of close to that of Nino Ohno to whisper with a smile, and the two exchanged a look then amused.
Until then he had not done my case too, no one realized or the fact that the time spent with Nino was significantly decreased, and the fact that a few months ago his friend and Ohno seemed inseparable.
He realized suddenly that Nino had another important friend, not only that this new friend seemed much more 'friend' of him. Nino with him because he had never acted like he acted with Ohno.
was sad and painful for so long it was considered a sort of elected, and suddenly everything had been shattered. He had been brutally put aside. Nino hated because he was moody and miserable, because he hated Ohno had stolen his best friend and hated because Arashi was the fault of the group if things had gone well. In fact even hated for putting Johnny Ohno in the group, and especially hated the SMAP, because it was all their fault.
course, he could not hide his bad mood for too long. One day, after an appearance in a music program, Nino was able to stop before it came out of the dressing room.
-you want to come to my house tonight? I have a new game ...
-Sorry, Aiba, but tonight are riid ... another time, okay?
After that Nino was gone, and he could not help but collapse on the floor in the dressing room now deserted. He felt as if he had been left behind: the commitment Jun had multiplied, Sho, university-Arashi, did not even have time to breathe, and those two ... the two spent together at all times. He felt incredibly alone: Nino was getting tired of him, loved him best.
crying so hard that you had not noticed that Nino had returned to retrieve a sweatshirt.
-Aiba ...?
Seeing him, it was immediately wiped his face.
-What happens? Why are you crying?
-nothing, do not worry. How
-nothing? I want to say ...
-I said that is nothing! - He had been surprised by the rancorous tone of his voice, and then tried to calm down before you go - go, Ohno-kun will be waiting. Obviously
Nino had not paid attention, and had murmured amused
-Dark Masaki, eh?
-What are you saying?
-Dark Masaki. Your second personality, that pissed off by yakuza. I had never seen.
He was not paying much attention to the nonsense of which the other was speaking, because Nino was smiling, and everything seemed normal. However it was not, and had failed to stop the second wave of tears.
-Tell me, Nino, I did something that made you angry?
-What do you mean?
"Why you ... spend all your time with riid, so I thought ... I do not want more right ...
's where the emotion had peaked and had started to sob shamelessly. Begin to mock him or to leave the room would have been very annoyed by Nino, but the boy asked him a question that had the power to put a stop to her sobs.
-So now you understand?
-What? - Asked bewildered, Nino sat beside him.
-I asked you if you understood how I felt when you made friends with Matsujun, of course, continue to spend time with me, but I was afraid that Jun could take my place at any moment. I was wondering 'when is you get tired of someone like me? '. For you it is very easy to make friends with others, then you've never thought about these things, but I ... I was only you. Although since we are Arashi things began to change, at least in me.
was surprised that Nino was jealous because of Jun, was something that no one would ever expect, and flattered him.
riid-E? Satoshi
-Con ... is different. I'm fine with him, I feel ... I can not explain, is not simple.
Nino was then lifted and headed for the door, but he continued to speak, her back to him-you know ... You're a fool, you're too naive and casinos, and always do a lot of noise. You're not awake, you're a simpleton, smile too brightly and too often. ..- But the tone was then changed, and Aiba could bet on it, was smiling-people like you do not displease me at all.
was happy.
Nino had not told him she wanted him more good than Ohno. Perhaps because it was impossible to choose, or perhaps because Ohno was 'different'. In eleven years if all were realized: no one knew what, but something was different. When
Ohno believed that she hated him, he had spoken with Nino, and he told him not to worry, because Ohno was 'well done'. At the time he had felt a pang of jealousy for those words, but then he had understood: If Nino had tied it to Satoshi was because he was 'well done'. There were two particular types, different in their absurdity, but still absurd.
That was the first and only time that Nino said such a thing, because it was not from him but from that day, Aiba had not doubted his friendship.


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