Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nike Vapor Trails Limited Edition


Title: XI
Genre: collection
Pairing: none
Rating: safe
Disclaimer: Arashi not belong to me u_u
Notes: therefore, like all (?) know, today is the eleventh anniversary of Arashi. On this occasion, I publish a collection of eleven short 'stories', all from the perspective of Aiba, reflections on the most significant events since joining in Johnny's, on his relationship with Arashi in general and with individual States. Some information was gathered from interviews and videos, some are were invented out of whole cloth

XD I will not dwell on what they mean Arashi for me. Simply, what happened to me with them I had never happened before. I can never quite bless the day I discovered their existence. ♥ Happy Anniversary

If he had to indicate the person who, by Arashi debut, had undergone several transformations, would surely have shown Aiba Jun. In the '90s, no one would have thought that the kid with crooked teeth would become a man so mature and charming. In his earliest memories
Jun appeared as a boy dachshund with a big smile, which put the maximum commitment and professionalism in everything he did. Aiba had friends because it was incredibly small and cute and he liked the fact that, despite being younger than he, Jun had no problems ever to tell when something was wrong. Jun liked and enjoyed being in his company: he was actually a rather funny, so much so that he would not be sorry to enter the world of comedy. Aiba thought there would have been fine.
few years after the debut of Arashi, Jun began to change: his attitudes had become suddenly most adults, the more rare and less genuine smiles of the past. In private life was no longer friendly as before, or rather, in some moment it was, in other became totally unmanageable. Aiba groped began to fear that any approach to him, because he instilled enough fear.
However, he believed that to understand behavior, not only Jun was the youngest of the group, but was in a transition period, which did not yet know which character to choose between the comic and the idol-idol-darkness.
passed the threshold of twenty years, the smiles were finally back to Jun, but not its side breathing funny. Had matured physically, growing in height and drying the roundness adolescence: his face was beautiful, and he seemed to realize it. At the same time he was born in a sadistic streak, which so often emerged in television: not even to say, Aiba was the main victim. And when it joined Nino, was the end. Every time I said or did something stupid, received in response to a sharp comment or, worse, a shot letterhead since Jun was then secured with a large ring, Aiba had to check if you bleed every time he got hit. Jun
Only time had stopped trying to create a character on him and he was relaxed: it was sadistic, she smiled and laughed a lot, era sexy ed era tenero, tutto allo stesso tempo. Perché lui era tutto quello.
Nei primi tempi Aiba non lo capiva, ed era spaventato e confuso da quei molteplici mutamenti di personalità: a qualche anno dal debutto, Jun era ormai una persona irriconoscibile, e temeva di aver perso un amico.
Ma grazie alla sua malattia, non aveva compreso solamente quanto amasse gli Arashi, ma anche un’altra cosa. Prima dell’operazione Jun era andato a fargli visita solo una volta e per pochi minuti, dato che era fuggito subito dicendo che era impegnato. Quella volta aveva sofferto nel vedere la freddezza riservatagli da colui che considerava ormai un amico di vecchia data. Solo dopo aveva capito che Jun era così emotional that she could not bear to see him in a hospital bed, and would not cry in front of him to not worry about it.
The second time he had visited, Jun began to cry at the same time he had set foot in the room, then hug him close and continue to sob on his shoulder, 'I'm so glad you're okay' and 'I was afraid I did not see you anymore' were the phrases that he repeated several times. From that day
Aiba had realized that what he called 'change of character' were nothing more than various expressions of the multi-faceted personality di Jun, un ragazzo in grado di mostrare tanti volti diversi: aveva avuto il volto del ragazzino con i denti storti, del bel tenebroso, quello di Domyouji Tasukasa e quello dello sciocco ban Shogo. Volti tanto diversi l’uno dall’altro, ma su Jun erano sempre stati alla perfezione. Nonostante tutto, era Jun. Qualsiasi cosa facesse restava  sempre, incredibilmente, Matsumoto Jun .
Nel corso degli anni, Aiba l’aveva visto allegro, triste, arrabbiato; l’aveva visto ridere a crepapelle, singhiozzare disperato e urlare come un demonio. Nonostante tutti questi lati, per lui Jun sarebbe sempre rimasto il tappetto che gli aveva insegnato pazientemente (e un po’ presumptuous, to say the truth, but what you could see he was proud of his ability!) a dance at night.


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