Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dell Webcam Central No Webcam Connected

continues ....

Well well well .. The absence of the Internet does not allow me many updates simultaneously, and we thank lovingly placed the pumpkins that occasionally using my account! In any case I'm finding little time even to write the post.

5 LUGLIO 2010 Giappone

Primo giorno di scuola! Ovviamente ci siamo perse e appena giunte alla scuola abbiamo trovato la Zucchi davanti alla segreteria e siamo state scaraventate nell`aula in cui c`erano anche Rid e Ste senza capirci molto.  E・poi giunta la prof e ha fatto l`appello. Devo dire che il livello ・perfetto, ogni tanto non ho idea di cosa stia dicendo la prof, ma credo sia normale.
La lezione si ・svolta tranquillamente, con varie pause qua e l・e alla fine sono FINALMENTE riuscita a sentire mia madre usando skype dai pc della scuola. Siamo state connesse mezz`ora e poi io, Topo e Zucchi siamo andate a pranzo a un soba restaurant in the Shibuya station.
After photos with Hachiko (practically a must XD) the Mouse, who was not feeling well, is back home and I Zucchi and we took the metro with destination Omotesando! When they arrived, starting with the output we have done on foot, across the main street, lined with expensive shops and famous brands .. practically equivalent to a `Buenos Aires XD
beautiful walk along the high street and comment Voice over good guys * _ *
After you find yourself in Harajuku Omotesando and here of course was the `c` and `Ideon: we look for Johnny` s Shop * _ * · We then go to one of the maps of the station, hoping it would be reported and a Once located, we tried to figure out how to get there. Only that for some reason we went the other way. We finished in the main street full of shops of all kinds and have found what we have called the dens of perdition · or all shops with pictures and posters, unofficial idol. Per ° we have not entered, determined to find the Johnny `s shop, which was not succeeding at all, then we stopped to rest in a little place where we drank a milk shake good, but unidentified, with inside strange balls of chewy taste is not well defined.
Eventually, after asking the store to two hundred people (including one girl with the mask, then we did not understand almost anything) we decided to return to the map and found that CHUCHO ..! we had the wrong road, going from `the other hand (why? Bha! Let's pretend it is still the time zone!). In reality • The store is practically at the corner. L `but we · Find a tad disappointing, given that it is a hole with the windows full of numbered photos that you sign up for a nice package to be delivered later to the cashier. C `and` the gadget department, but times there were only things and Kat-tun Hey Say Jump = _ = in any case, we let down · 900 yen per video with pictures of Monster XD

July 6, 2010 Japan

Prima gita con la scuola! Asakusa!
Siamo partiti dopo pranzo, alle due circa, prendendo la linea di Ginza che parte da Shibuya e finisce proprio ad Asakusa. Appena arrivati abbiamo subito notato la presenza degli omini in calzoncini che ti portano in giro sulle portantine XD  Dopo le foto di rito davanti al cancello del tempio, ci siamo incamminati lungo la via costellata di negozi di souvenir e quant`altro. Appunto mentale : comprare qui tutti i regalini minchiusi per parenti e conoscenti XD

Arrivati al tempio abbiamo fatto la nostra offertina di 100 yen per avere la predizione sulla fortuna, e a me ・uscita Regular・XD alla Zucchi e Rid Best・(lui non se la deserves XD) and I also believe in Sansan Regular · After what we have dedicated ourselves to throw smoke of incense and then rinse your hands on the fountain XD
Inside the temple we have made the photino and then we prayed (in this respect there is a video of Zucchi who prays with a background of Reid saying obscene things XD). Leaving the temple we discovered that our guide was none other than man IWAS-SAN, the one with whom we spoke before leaving and thought that now did not exist but was a computer! Yes ¨ proved to be a brave young man and also bad * _ *
But I said .. XD At this point we have taken hours to a `round the shops and alleyways and wandering here and there · I, Zucchi and we ran into a Ste Kiosk taiyaki very sbav * _ * I `I took the cover with the strawberry and cream filling and the yogurt and Zucchi Ste chocolate and banana. We then take a stroll alone, photographing the` now strafamoso Asahi building XD

July 7, 2010 Japan

present case ° was a day to the teaching of fangirl · most shameful XD I
Zucchi and we `d made according to Our two Chinese companions of the course, one of which · a big fan of Arashi, and together we headed to Harajuku to make that our worst XD First we went to Johnny `s Shop, where I and Zucchi were firmly convinced not to buy anything · ino when we did not find the new pictures in front of the video of To Be Free XD then we have already left · our dutiful 900 yen. Chen instead took photos of Yamapi (have good taste XD) and II took the beauty of 60 photos Arashi! Bella, we also want to have to spend all that money XD
· But over here. Why All you after we went on the road to shop Harajuku and here we entered each store, which stood unofficial idol! We were dubbed the 郑 ntri of perdition · XD here the charges were two beautiful posters with a all arashini and one with a picture of Sho service Anan * ° * `I'll Sho Nudes on the wall of my room XD

Finally we ended up at another store Idoll (with a HUGE and BEAUTIFUL poster Yuya that I bought only Why can not believe it was for sale and in any event there would have been in my room T_T) and here we tried the first approach with the phantom PURIKURA! Fantastic as in 4 girls are not in any way you can understand what he was saying the voice of the computer or what was written on the display and to make matters worse all had the timer! We had to choose the types of photos within a certain number of seconds! But daiiiii! In our opinion, this thing `s have made just for gaijin to make them go into panic uu
Without photos we had no idea what to do or where you have to come out, · Miss coming to save us and tell us that we had to first edit and print after that XD evil geniuses!

conclude here the story of these three days! The next reports of the neighborhood-like adventure and visit to the Korean restaurant's parents Aiba!! * _ *

Mata neeeeee!


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