Friday, July 16, 2010

Ume-36 Pro How To Update

c_h_original @ 2010-07-16T17: 39:00


of BuFr

Four urbanity is fantasy with a single protagonist - indeed four.
He is Christian, and could be described as a bit 'a Cassandra of our time: it has the ability - not at all popular - to see the future, but nobody seems to ever expected to hear his voice.
pulled in two directions, by the desire to live a normal part of his blood and the other supernatural, Christian tries to find a possible answer and a way out. This is a
story of four souls looking for a balance to weave, to chase and confrontation. Three missing pieces that complete a whole, and that in turn need the only piece that closes the picture.
because happiness is always, inevitably, in the wrong place.

GENRE: fantasy, comedy, drama, homoerotic

RATING: vm 14

OUT: no


Pilot Episode

2 - will not see again never
Part 1


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