Monday, July 26, 2010

Aeropostaledo Drug Tests

c_h_original @ 2010-07-26T13: 16:00

of BuFr

2 - There'll never see them -
Part Two

Rating: VM 14

After meeting with Will, the moral Christian was under the lows.

A part of him took seriously the idea to move again. Away from it all, from untenable situations, and by appointment in the dark waiting for him that night. Another part of him would be content just to shut the house, get under the covers and hibernate. And you try again next year, when perhaps his dignity will be grown back by herself.

ultimately prevailed, however, yet another part, his good character, a person was waiting for that evening, and though he had little desire Christian did not feel or to cancel, nor to leave the poor boy to his fate.

So, almost in a psychological apnea, had dressed and gone out of the house. The sheer terror that was the only one feeling that flowed into him like a wave.

Who has never experienced can not understand the incredible tension that links the stomach of a boy who for the first time comes out to wander in a world without references, a stranger, placing himself totally in the game. Not with a girl, traumatic enough experience, but with an exponent of its sex. It should be easier, and yet the very idea is a stinging poison that inflames the breast. The eyes are male judges without appeal, and the fear of not being equal is unnerving. With a man you can not pretend that you do not have experience, Chris is a rookie and he is totally in the hands of those who get in front of him, completely naked in front of a court, a possible laugh, or contempt, without masks. A paradox, a total act of faith into the unknown.

When it comes to the obelisk, while the sky is tinged with red, Christian believes and prays to be the first. But a boy sees him, gives him a smile and waved his hand. Possible Rick's has also shown a picture of her? Yet Maggie's boyfriend had always seemed a kind so discreet ... Appearances are deceptive.

For a moment, paralyzed Christian. A little 'about the situation, a little' for the appearance of Cooper. My colleague Rick is far beyond that of a type that goes unnoticed. Frost-resistant and short hair dyed pink, five or six piercings on his face. Leather pants and a salmon-colored shirt, short sleeves and tight. It is almost as high Christian, that is not much, but definitely spiccante the crowd. Christian obviously he had imagined a completely different type.

Meanwhile, Cooper makes a huge smile and enthusiastic runs towards him, holding out his hand: "You're Christian, right? Heaven, you're still nicer than in photos on the phone. "

embarrassed, the kid looks a bit 'over the other and mumbles something, unable to put together a sentence.

Despite the striking appearance, Cooper has a face attractive and friendly. There is something about him that puts at ease, as she says, giving a pat on the arm of Christian and an accomplice with a laugh: "Come on, not be so tense. No need, really. Have you eaten? "

now almost silent, Christian makes his head no.

"Well," Cooper concluded with an amused smile, "We can start from there ..."

"So, Chris ..." They were sitting

facing each other in a burger restaurant, partly hidden by their menu. The room was in the same square where they had met, that possibility had allowed quietly to Christian not to utter a word but simply make brief affirmative or not. It was only the early evening and already hated.

He picked up his head from the list, immediately and without specific controls, "Christian. Um ... No one calls me Chris, usually. "

immediately felt like an idiot. There was no need to be unpleasant, but there really was putting the whole.

But Cooper only smiled, putting down the menu and looking into his eyes without hesitation: "Sure ... Christian. I wanted to apologize for bringing you to a place so inelegant, but unfortunately my finances are limited ... "

" There is no need to offer you! "He stammered in embarrassment Christian, and again a second later he would gladly kicked under the table alone. Ten bars to annoy a person to an appointment. Diminish a favor spontaneous was one of the best ideas.

"No problem" Cooper said, with the same amused tone, calm. It did not seem to have no anxiety in the face of that situation. Christian envy so much the psychological condition, probably for him there had been one thousand nights like that. Indeed, a dinner for two was parergli something completely informal.

the waitress came, and Cooper took care of ordering for both, asking the Christian consensus on what he wanted to take. When she had gone with the orders, Cooper clasped his hands placing elbows on the table and leaned toward Christian.

"You look really nervous. More than I expected. I want to say that it is the first time you have an appointment with a guy you do not know, or maybe I have that you like most? "

With hands clenched into fists on his knees under the table, Christian opened ; his mouth, but his jaw was so, in the middle. Admit the truth was too embarrassing.

Cooper then pulled back, docile, "I know that's not me. Probably not your type, I understand that things are in a hurry. But there's nothing wrong with that. Ever since Rick told me about you, I never thought I could really blossom between us something. "

eyebrows Christian moved to form a small wrinkle, quickly recording those words did not even know if he was feeling down, or rejected. Cooper did not understand what he meant.

So it was back to him to continue, "Rick said something to me about you. He says you just moved, and that works much, and I more or less made it clear that you do not have much experience. You know, basically, I have a particular transport situations like these, I do not have the spirit of the ship-to-school. "

Rise, then in front of the expression of displaced Christian continued: "But you're certainly very nice, and I wanted to meet you. If I speak, I'm sure you'd also like him. "

" I ... I'm sorry, "said Christian syncopated" I ... I must not have you made a good impression, right? "

Saying these words, he was gradually deflated like a balloon. But Cooper tried his eye and continued: "Do not get me wrong, I did not want to be rude. I seemed to understand that ... you needed a starting point. You are in a new city, you have to start all over again. I'm glad if we become friends. "

At that moment came the orders. Christian thought he had grasped the spirit of the boy who stood before them, and unconsciously began to relax: "I'm sorry. It's true: I have never gone out with a guy. "

To mask the shame, began to bite into his hamburger. But Cooper did not have rice, had simply nodded.

"You're very cute. You are very small, and so young. And you're also a bundle of nerves, "he laughed," If only I wanted to, you would have a lot of success with men, "then added as a betrayal," Is there someone you like? "How

textbook, the bite of Christian choked and began coughing, with tears in his eyes. He put back the burger on the plate.

"Come on, do not be shy" encouraged him Cooper, who had all the air, while keeping back and doing the part of the essay, the stars having fun a world.

"I do not have much luck in these things," Christian said, lowering her eyes, almost apologetically.

Cooper seems to think a bit 'up, then said: "I did not know what kind you were and whether delivers it, but now I think it's just fine. I have a car, not far from here. Tonight, a few miles, there is a rave party that I would not mind participating. You need to have a change ', no? Well, here is your starting point. And I swear I will not spend the night without you have in your pocket the phone number of someone. "

In a bang, Christian flushed completely and put a hand firmly on the table: "No, no ... I do not feel very ..."

"You you feel all right," smiled Cooper and behind his air of kindness began to emerge something completely different, complicity, cunning and personal desire to make fun of Christian. "You have accepted a blind date, and I will offer you dinner. For the following evening, you are totally at my mercy. "

Cooper had figured out how Christian take, even before meeting him. And just at that moment it began to realize that Cooper and Rick, maybe even with the complicity of Maggie, had been plotting behind the plans much more articulate than he - poor deluded - and had imagined feared.

They were allies for a trap slap.

night while Cooper was now driving slowly abandoned civilization. To his right, Christian is convinced that he was tense in the last place it was supposed to be.

was just an idiot. That same day he had said he wanted a normal life without the supernatural. That would be enough, and now he was devoured by anxiety to a more than ordinary night out.

When he was many hours in the company of strangers, then Christian could not erase the fear of having one of his prescient crisis at any moment. Not a good way to make a positive impression.

Provided that Cooper was actually bringing him to this alleged rave. Drive relaxed, almost playful, after giving the background music. A melodic female voice was propagated in the air in the meantime, the driver continued speaking, Christian and struggled to keep up with him.

"But you see, Airman, it will be fun ... The party will be full of people and there are many that you could be of interest to many ... I know them well."

out the words that deviated from the speeches ephemeral to return to the main point, Christian blushed again.

"What did he say about me Rick?" He finally asked quietly: "That is a pathetic little boy with no friends, who have never gone out with a guy and that the maximum of my existence is read a book or go to the movies with her friends? "

heard him say that with sadness, Cooper had almost not look to keep their eyes on the dark street. At the end sucked.

"No, I said you're a nice guy and very sweet. You've just moved and do not know anyone. What you need new friends, and that I perhaps could be the right person to bring a little 'around. "

" You see, "Christian said with a smile disappointed:" The same thing that I I said. "

"You do not have it written down," Cooper said without batting an eyelid: "O people will think you do the victim. And I do not seem the type. You just fear, no more, and believe me, you are not the only one. We all go sooner or later. Give yourself some 'respite. "

Christian was stunned, speechless. He did not expect those words. He felt something inside himself loose, and clearly for the first time you really want to make friends with Cooper. It seemed someone to be able to ask anything, without embarrassment or fear of being misunderstood. Maybe Rick had reason to believe that Cooper could be what he needed right now. A friend.

I wonder if it was one of three people so important to him had mentioned the gypsy Myriam. Chris smiled to himself to this idea.

now were in full forest area, rather thick. At the same time when, with a start, Christian heard the bass from a music button in the distance, Cooper turned and placed an arrow on a dirt road.

"The party is close to the river," Cooper said only, already bevendosi the noise at night with eyes as if she could feed him. Christian wanted to share this spirit, and stop feeling that sense of impending instability.

sprawling Toyota parked next to other cars. It was a totally isolated area of the world, plunged into darkness, the only evidence of human life that night had to be represented by all participants in the festival.

not just come out of the car, Chris Cooper is queued with the attitude of a chick who is sheltering under the wing of the mother. The latter noticed it right away and laughed.

"Do you want us quite a bit 'of alcohol, believe me. "

" I have not yet twenty-one years, "said Christian concern, moving away.

The fuscia haired boy snorted, "Do not make me think that you've never even tasted a drop of alcohol, or else do not I take you to rave, I'll take you directly to a nunnery. On this evening I give the orders, and do everything you suggest. Ok?

Talk about bad company. But Cooper was always smiling in her ways so that even at that time had the air of a white father confessor.

There was a lot more people than that Christian would have imagined. The music was deafening and the party seemed to already live in: he noticed that boys laughed uproariously drunk with beer bottles in hand, others jostle in a fight, girls who rubbed on the makeshift dance floor with their partners, that couples making out in every corner. I was petrified when he noticed two young men kissing and beautiful clinging to one another, without anyone particularly badasse.

Cooper was aware of his interest and, approaching slyly to one ear of his friend, said: "One of them is Marvin, my ex. He was madly in love with me, you know? It will surely be in love even now. "

There was no shade of resentment in the voice of Cooper. As it plunged into the crowd, the tour leader Christian continued to greet people who reciprocated with warmth.

Unlike Cooper, Christian moved among the crowd as a spectator ghost, which was slightly reassured him. It was barely used to the situation when he was putting his arm around neck and draw alongside a boy who did not know at all.

"Hey Hello" said the voice of the man who pressed him, clearly drunk, "I do a little 'company?"

Surprised, Cooper turned to see what had happened to companion of the evening, then narrowed his eyes in a friendly "Hello Mitch ... Never mind the poor boy has just arrived and did not drink even a sip of beer."

"Your friend is cute, "said These include a fairly muscular guy whose close by Christian had no way to wriggle out of his will. Mitch returned to direct his gaze on him.

"I offer you something to drink? Dai. "

There was no possibility that Christian was able to answer, it was like the ice cream blood. Cooper felt the touch of condescending to rally around his wrist to bring him to safety.

"Give him time," Cooper said: "We got all night and the little I should still set. Before I submit a bit 'of people. "

Obeying docile, Mitch finally broke the grip around the neck of Christian, who was gently pulled away from Cooper. The eighteen year old saw that if he were alone would not have been released so easily.

"You have to forgive, Mitch. It is not so expansive, sober. But you must understand, your air helpless boy spreads throughout the party, do not be surprised to attract all the flies. "

Chris Cooper presented with many faces, many names among his best friends. Some together, they asked him if he was having fun.

was a very difficult question. From when he was with Cooper, Christian did not think of anything more than absolutely necessary if he was already doing. He realized now, with wonder. In a sense, only now understood the meaning of the phrase apparently trivial you need to distract .

There, in the midst of that rave in which he moved like a piece of wood, there was no Christian in the experiment. Only the boy Christian. What he wanted.

"Then," the Cooper murmured ear, making him wince: "Is there anyone among them who might be interested?"

"Oh," uttered Christian, back in alarm, "I do not know ... ... Really ... "

But the other made into a mock exasperation, amused:" Aaah, you're really exhausting ... I know that if I continue to ask you, can expect to grow old. Better if I find a suitor. We're going to try again Mitch? "

providentially The conversation was interrupted by a girl who appeared before him in their with a smile and a tray float: "Would you like a jelly alcohol, boys?"

"Yes, it will be better .

Without even asking Cooper took two, and made a gesture of handing a Christian, who vainly shook her head in a gesture of polite refusal. But Cooper did not hear reasons and reached out his hand, leaning on the small glass in the chest.

"Tonight is the your mercy in every way. Your needs come before mine, but I know them better than you. Swallow. "

Mechanically, Christian picked up the glass with white jelly, not at all sure even really want to drink. At that moment, behind him was the sound of electric instruments that were granted, and the look of Cooper seemed distracted by what he was saying to rest as well as Christian.

"Look, tonight the band plays one of their pieces."

"The group?" Curious asked Christian, turning slightly.

"Yes, they are very good," said Cooper, approaching a lively Christian: "Among other things, their guitarist often frequents the Clover, and a couple of times they have played there too. It is very nice, and fortunately for us he likes boys. God, how I would like a ride. "

Christian's eyes were absently past the skin of four boys who were giving the tools to hang up, electrocuted. His quickened heart rate, and gasped, recognizing immediately the profile of the boy. The thin reddish hair that caressed her face, legs long and slender, the natural elegance and subtly masculine young. The damn air of a James Dean with long hair and bright face.


While they realized that name in the head, the eyes of the musician stood up, that look almost drawn to watching him. At first curious, stood with an enthusiastic astonishment in the face. Time to process information, and Tyler already climbed over a jump with the speakers and amplifiers running toward Christian.

"You!" She said, stopping in front of him and Cooper, second floor, looked stunned: "Christian!"

Embarrassed, he raised his hand in sign of greeting drive; wanted to smile, but all that came out was a kind of light grimace.

In contrast, Tyler had the joy in his eyes: "I never expected to see more. In fact, I was as convinced that you really did not exist ... That maybe you were a sort of spirit guide appeared from nowhere. No one could tell me about you. "

Without waiting for Christian to find anything to say, intervened Cooper senza nessuna remora particolare: “Voi vi conoscete?”

Tyler, che era abbastanza alto da sovrastare entrambi di tutta la testa, annuì con dolcezza e disse: “Ci siamo incontrati una volta sola. E Christian mi ha salvato la pelle.”

“Come…?” fece Cooper non facendo segreto di un’onesta incredulità.

“No” si affrettò a dire Christian, spaventato, mentre i suoi occhi saltabeccavano da Tyler a Cooper: “Non è così!”

Nobody had to know that kind of thing. Tyler looked at the situation and did not lose its look of pure light.

"We play an hour and a half. Want to take a ride with me? "His eyes moved on to Cooper, worried:" O you trouble? "

Christian was too naive to know, Cooper lived on the contrary that question as a clear language code, and said quickly: "No, no, absolutely! If you want it all for you. Do not be no problem. "

" Co-like? " Christian disoriented whispered, approaching more to his friend: "But I do not want to come too? You said ... "

" Do not joke, I also have to do my rounds. Indeed, they are lighter as well, "said Cooper insinuating, although Christian was still too naive to understand. In one gulp he swallowed his alcoholic gelatin and left the glass in his hand to his friend: "My dear, see you on the ride home."

looked Christian Cooper away and thought that it was lucky that he had a driver's license. For a moment he wondered if the real purpose of the boy, rather than help him, was to have a sober driver to return. She sighed, throwing both glasses in a basket that was still holding, that the full and empty.

Then, hesitantly, he turned to Tyler: "So ... Where are we going?"

The nice boy smiled, reciting what anyone, instead of Christian, would consider the magic words: " Where there is less chaos. "

docile Christian Tyler, no questions asked. There was no way to decipher the situation now, I might as well be dragged. The guitarist first came to his bandmates, he took two cans from a box and handed one to Christian. It was lemonade.

"Of course I do not bother you?" Asked Christian and everyone in the group greeted him with a nod and a smile. But Tyler kept walking, expecting to be followed by him.

"Absolutely not, indeed. There are days ... Oh, I would not say something stupid or you take it the wrong way. "

Christian quickened his pace in an attempt to keep up with the other:" What? "

" It ; that you are appearing from nowhere in the dressing room of the Silk Palace. Then you're gone, nobody knew who you were or if I worked really there. No one had seen him around but me. And in this short period of time between appearance and disappearance, you saved me life. I began to really think that was my guardian angel or something similar. One of my personal hallucination. Now it is almost more strange to see you here, as if nothing had happened. "

had reached a small hill that separated the yard from the dense forest of rave parties, where couples went to the burrow. Tyler sat on the grass, the view addressed to the party, and Christian did mechanically the same. From that point of view, in fact, the mass of humanity was almost visible as the crow flies.

Eventually the boy looked for the words and the musician said: "You're wrong. It was all a case ... I have got there by chance, and I was able to help a lucky situation. Nothing else. "

There was sadness in his voice, he recited the usual script, now known by heart. Tyler looked at him curiously.

"You do not really worked there, right?"

Christian gasped, caught live on, looked for a valid excuse: "It's a long story."

"Never mind," Tyler tried to raise it again, driving out the problem with virtually a wave of his hand: "I do not care to know. Of your concern. The point is that you saved me, and I ... I could not even thank you, "she smiled, thoughtfully," Actually, I had taken almost taste, to consider a kind of magical appearance. But I'm glad to see you're flesh and blood. "

Embarrassed by the situation, Christian, as usual, did not know what to say. Slowly drank the lemonade, thinking that he should not be the best companies. Too worried by the change the subject from anything even remotely implied that his extra-sensory abilities, could not concentrate on anything else.

And of course, it was not just that factor. Tyler was too attractive to talk to him with due naturalness. Like the first time, Christian seemed to come out of a photo sixties. The beautiful and damned artist, with a smile that just lit the fire of his eyes. It was impossible not to hypnotically follow the line of hair that came down just below the neck, who gathered behind the ears, and he often ordered and ruffling her fingers, although those tend to fall on the front face.

"So ..." Tyler said, trying to strike up a conversation, but vaguely interested: "You and that guy you came to the party you are not together? "

received the request, Christian churches quickly that guy was talking about. Then he stammered, "Cooper? No, he is a friend ... That is, in fact we met only today. We had an appointment ... "

" A date? "Echoed Tyler frowning eyes.

"Yes, this is also a long history of" Christian sighed internally broken having to use quell'escamotage for the second time, giving the idea of not wanting to share his business with Tyler: "He is a friend."

"For now," Tyler said in a simple, almost tease .

Christian blushed, then he tried to explain: "There seems to be that, his plan."

"And yours?"

The boy tried to think: "Not mine, I think. In any case I have the impression I want to fix ... "

He said this as if talking to himself, and almost did not believe to hear it really go out of his mouth. He stopped, wanting to sink. But Tyler laughed in a way that warmed the heart, without any mockery in its tone.

"You know," she found herself explaining Christian, slowly feeling more at ease: "I have recently moved. I think Cooper will only help me to settle. It was very nice of him to want to spend the evening with me without any personal gain. "

Tyler was silent, nodding. He looked long the show of people laughed and enjoyed surrounded by the few lights of the rave, thinking. He spoke after a moment.

"Well, if you like, I'd love to become your friend too, Christian," she smiled, no shadows, "I think the minimum, after what you did for me. You ... "she hesitated, laughing:" My angel. "

Christian's heart quickened immediately and for a second was found only aware in a rational way of risk to be born within him some illusion. The one thing that Tyler had told him it was too beautiful, too out of place, too white to be true. Yet the face of the guitar had never been so absorbed and unmoved, until that moment.

He wanted to say something, but hesitated, noticing that Tyler was charged as, remembering something, like wanting to hold, hinted involuntary and random place one hand on the Christian leaning grass, and the other looked for something in the pocket of his jeans.

At that physical contact Christian had a thrill so strong that he thought that even if they had noticed Tyler. He felt sorry for himself, thinking that years of abstinence had now taken the control of their bodies.

But Tyler did not give any clear indication, it seemed only satisfied when he took out four pieces of paper and showed them triumphantly, "Behold, I have four tickets ... Take it all you, come on, and bring whoever you want! You have to come at all. "

Tentatively, Christian grabbed them, using his hand on Tyler which had supported his own. Even in those moments was so insecure as to make clear body language, so quiet that Tyler had portrayed his fingers, no resistance.

"For what are they?" Chris asked, looking concerned.

"day after tomorrow we hold a concert at Pittbull. It is a pub, I do not know if you know it, but there is the address on the tickets. If the sky it will this time be able to hear us play. "

" Thanks. "

Tyler bent legs, leaning his arms. He wore a denim jacket, but maybe he was cold, because her dress was still light for an autumn night.

With the complicity of silence challenging Christian's heart began to throb. It was too much for his nerves unprepared, nice guy, cheerful and polite. Looking at him as if she really loved him.

But then the heartbeat of Christian turned out to be something different, more painful, and his mind clouded, for a few seconds. An icy sweat began to appear all over his body.

A hand grabbed the arm of Christian, firmly, and managed to bring him back.

"Are you okay?" Said a frightened voice. Tyler was back, and there was nobody else apart from him, near Christian. But he still felt bewildered, frightened. Do not flinched at the touch of Tyler, but he looked around frantically, trying to recognize a territory, a form just seen. Then, in a time that seemed endless, the past.

"That shed," he said, pointing. His hand was still trembling.

hang from his lips, worried for his strange behavior, Tyler turned back and said, "Yes ... I believe that hunters there tenessero tools, once ..."

'C' is too much noise ... "he murmured Christian shivering:" I do not feel anyone ... "

He sprang to his feet, knowing that he would be going. That he was the only one who knows. Tyler rose more indecision, thrilled, frightened by the behavior of Christian. He understood that something was wrong, and strangely he also sensed that it was not a Christian per se, but something about someone else. In a sudden resolution, Tyler decided to run his team and ask for help.

For this reason Christian at one point was no longer alone, and not notice. He felt an immediate sense of gratitude, because for once could rely on aid. He walked in great strides, almost running, shooting toward the shed, and walked around. Behind the exact image of his vision: a girl in tears, held in place by four men in an unnatural and painful position, torn clothes, blood on the side of his mouth. The cry that burst from the lungs, but that was so stifled by the loud music of the rave as not to be heard by anyone.

Locked in the same image that had appeared before his eyes in a trance, Christian was paralyzed for a moment. The time to see someone behind him was taking forward action: Gunfire Wings were the guys in the band, which was part of Tyler, in a move that immediately ran forward to help the girl. Nobody could see her, no one could save her, if Christian had not circumvented this shed.

The four attackers threw up their heads almost in unison, and the immediate reaction was to take flight. But friends of Tyler were too close, and took them. Other people came. Someone gave relief to the girl in tears. Christian remained mostly stagnant, motionless, fixed to look like a court scene from hell.

building as him, a few steps back, Tyler shared the general shock. His eyes, however, did not remain fixed, but by traveling feverishly animated scene and foiled the rape out of control now to the shape property of the boy who had broken through the wall where evil is protected.

He saw Christian

take and go, and when Tyler did not find the energy to move too, too incredulous. Later, he searched for a long time Christian, but could not find it anymore. He had left the party.

While driving, fighting the Christian guilt have gone without saying anything to Tyler. Without a greeting, a nod. Only with the tickets in his pocket. Absolutely had to use that excuse to redeem at least a little.

Cooper was able to pick up almost by chance, between two guys that you rub on him. It was already full of alcohol, and had not noticed anything. Most had not protested when Christian asked him to leave. Now Cooper was dozing in the passenger seat.

It happened again. It was the proof that, even when Christian could in order to distract you really could not escape. As soon as the pain, tragedy, evil manifested themselves around him in some way, there was no way to stop his visions. This time it was successful with only a few minutes early.

He could feel the desperation of the girl, deaf to the idea of fear not come out whole and what they could do it, the helplessness of not being master of its own body, even the flash of wonder with that face that could give pain to their parents. Christian did not know about that girl, but in a short amount of time he had shared his feelings in one of the worst moments of his life.

could not go on like this.

I wonder what he thought of Tyler. If we now knew that it was strange that he still wants to see your concert.

"Hmmm" Cooper muttered, half waking: "How did it go with Luke?"

"How?" No Christian churches recognize the name.

With sleepy voice, said the other with closed eyes: "Come on, Tyler Luke, that's the name. You have not even presented? I did not think I went straight to the point! "

" the chase? "Repeated uncertain Christian, then rebelled:" Come on, we just talked! We met only once, this came to greet me ... Nothing. "

" I was seemed to greet you with a little 'too much enthusiasm, "said Cooper awakening of all:" I am convinced, indeed. I immediately gave the idea to be especially glad to meet you. For this reason I have wanted to go. Sure ... If you were just talking ...! I was expecting something more, I admit. "

Christian stood silent for a moment, for some reason, suddenly felt the need to speak with Cooper, to adapt to his own mood, saying, depressed," Tyler as one can get better. "

Cooper smiled, satisfied: "Sure, it's a great cool ... It has virtually all the beauty and charm of a model of a musician ... If you look at him seems a kind of fusion of Travis Fimmel and Brandon Boyd."


"The point is that if you have a chance with someone like that, and you let her get away, you are stupid, Christian. Give yourself a little 'to do. "

Driving, Christian said with a small puff of low confidence. In the words of Cooper as himself. Enough stupid to pass up the best, he usually had it all right.


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