Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Sharpen A Violin Bridge

First post from Japan and we

E 'with great sorrow that I write from my PC mouse because it is self-destructed in record time ... I did just in time to arriving in Japan.
'm in my Japanese room, complete with tatami mats and futon but which still can not fully enjoy because this adventure did not begin in the best way and right now I would be able to call my house and Massimo and save my pc.
But let us proceed with the beginning of the guide to what I hope is a month that will improve over time ...

July 2, 2010 Italy and the mouse
I almost dawn we wake up, even though we go to bed after midnight , we have breakfast and end of the last things to prepare. At 10 and get my fourth popes that we charge in the car to us poor refugees and leads us to Malpensa. We arrived at 11 in tremendous advance, but fortunately there's also the pumpkin and a drunken Reid, who had taken the shuttle. We are past our check-in and there we place the beginning of the first row, followed by a steady stream of Japanese.
At one point our trust Ste arrives and after boarding our suitcase and greetings to mami and papi, we head towards our destiny. Quiet control of hand luggage, since it was noon we stopped to eat a sandwich, with Reid in the meantime died lying on the table and a little 'well I had to spoon-feed (all because of a night out with Aiyu).
We then went to the gate, where we have reached the Leti and Angie and the usual flood of Japanese, we embarked.
The flight lasted about 12 hours, everything went smoothly, we chose the Japanese menu for lunch and we were delighted to see the film, make a variety of toys that offered the "computer" of the plane and we try to sleep. The only one who has achieved his aim was Reid, for a total of 9 hours of sleep on Flight 12.
July 3, 2010 Japan Japan
Finally! The excitement was just starting. At customs asked us a bit ' of things, of course in Japanese (allèèèè) and when "you have a document from the school?" there was general panic. Thank god he had signed the final printed sheet that the school had sent us with information on the family and everything else, and that saved me, Rat, Zucchi and Reid (who knows why others have not asked anything = _ =).
Recuparati luggage (after obviously wrong on the roll when they arrive) we faced the last man in Japan. Now the next goal was to find the means to Shibuya. E ' was at this point that I discovered that my pc is an airhead (in this regard, if anyone has any idea how to save me, please do: I foolishly raised the battery while we were in flight because the computer while I was enchanted lit ... I know I'm an idiot, I have also contributed ricoglionimento flight. From now on when I try to turn it on, it opens a black screen, where it loads a couple of things until I say "system operation not found "accepted saves).
Finding the train was easy (apart from small uncertainties in the language giappica Courgette while talking with the lady of the door and I suggested that from behind "densha!" XD). When you arrive at Ueno we then took the Yamanote Line. The exciting moment when we realized that we were able to understand the price of the ticket and use the machines themselves! (In this regard we thank the poster above our heads marked with ALL the rates for each destination starting from Ueno and ticket machines that include the English language are typical of gaijin ... XD)
A Shibuya things have become more tiring ... LITERALLY. Armed with a suitcase from 15 to 20 pounds, and various hand baggage, we started to decipher the map to get to school. The hard part is difficult and dragged ourselves and our luggage up the stairs and along the sovrapassagio nice way uphill brings us to the school. Never mind that in 10 minutes Zucchi (who had the bad luck of being in the lead) was hounded by as many as two men who wanted to sell who knows what (and I thought that these things only happened milan XD).
At one point, an intersection, we stopped for a NO ladies who did not want to sell anything, but it was a guy from our school (probably was able to easily recognize, as a group of seven strangers who struggled up the hill with huge bags and sweat dripping everywhere). We are so arrived safely (more or less) to the school, where we were brutally beaten in the face of the fact that we did the oral test in that time. General loss. The old man who has picked up from the road we then talked about other things including the phone. From Monday we will have some nice phones at 9.400 yen (you let the calculations in €) with 3000 yen in traffic and it would seem that paying 300 yen early then we can send free text messages and e-mail free for a month. But so too is a scam, I can feel it (explain that later Rid Ste and do not take the phone because it gives them to him Mrs. dell'homestay -.-).
After everything ' are as different guys come dell'homestay to recover their refugees, all except me and the Mouse of course. Because we have been accompanied by a guy from school with the excuse that he lives on the same train line, we made the trip to Shimo-Kitazawa with pumpkin, her host-mother and the child apparently silent, then we changed the line .
Arriving at the house has opened Mrs. Sachiko, we met Li Xiang (the Anglo-Chinese girl who lives with us and who does not know one chip only in Japanese) and we were all three basite while the two thick dense crone spoke Japanese.
Finally we were brought upstairs, we played in and won jankenpon rooms (because one is bigger, made with tatami table and tv) but then came the blow. THERE 'S INTERNET. I think I might burst into tears in front. Not only does my pc not working, but I can not even find a solution to the Rat or hear my mother. The alternatives? Library where you can not do shit (or use email, youtube or facebook ... not!) Or internet cafe at 100 yen for 30 minutes. Or from the school, but the comment is always WHAT THE FUCK! The presence of the Internet should be a minimum requirement for hosting foreign students. You know, we too have a family and we would like to communicate with it. But yeah, things are irrelevant.
In the final day ended in the worst way, dressed up with crying spells and ideas of early return home. But things will improve, they must do. Soon the reports of our school days (it will be nice to know where you can post .. yay!).


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