Monday, July 5, 2010

Intitle:network Camera

Galway Girl II

Ga lwa y G irl


A Ceci , simply everything. From your
Galway Girl. For
Ely, to be able to always beside myself. A
nacchan for Under a tree of wishes: not thank you enough.
A Nemo From Mars, as promised .


[ Sunset over Galway Bay to
faelai ]

Chapter Rating: per tutti

[…] And you have stolen me heart

With your true Irish eyes.

Irish eyes were smiling

Irish eyes beguiling

Eyes that gleam with love me dear

Could light the skies above.

Eyes of heaven’s splendour

Eyes so warm and tender

Brighter sparks than all of the stars

Are those Irish eyes of love.

  [Irish Eyes – The Wolfe Tones]

March 22

The glow of the stars crackles faint glow. The gentle breeze of the night is cool, and almost a shudder in his arms, a vague blanket of wind - but Saoirse does not close the window.

The images that pass before the eyes have blurred the outlines of a picture move, irreverent hidden by the shadow of alcohol, but the sensations pulsing vivid under the skin, and their vibrant purity trembles and burns.

's been four nights, three hours and twenty-seven minutes.

the day is less difficult than he ever dared to hope: the carefree ease that belies her and Dana show off their limbs tremor that shakes every time you touch in a gentle touch, shuffle, or tried with innocent, pure desire.

But the sunset devours each lucidity, every rational will.

's been four nights, three hours and twenty-nine minutes.

Maybe one day they'll laugh, telling some friends that night transformed by time into nothing more than a funny anecdote of life, hilarious result of too many pints of a St. Patrick ' s Day - maybe one day they'll laugh, oblivious to the feelings trapped under the skin, trapped in the soft mist speckled silver Galway Bay.

Maybe one day they'll laugh ...


can not afford. She knows that her eyes shine when she thinks she knows why that same fire burns in every single star.

Maybe Dana is looking at the stars - and perhaps reveal the secrets that Saoirse trusts them every night, a little 'touched, a little' fun.

Who knows how many lovers have heard the whispers.

's been four nights, three hours and thirty minutes.

There ; his entire life to smile walls around the bed.

You, Saoirse, Dean and Sean a few months, in the arms of their mothers in four years, the Cliffs of Moher bathed by the rays of a sun rarely smiling, palpitating, for eleven immortalized in the garden of the house of Saoirse, in that memorable St. Patrick's Day Dana that he never forgot: they had provoked the hilarity and enthusiasm of all present when they raised their glasses filled with juice d & rsquo ; orange engaging in a very funny interpretation of Seven Drunken Nights ... immediately beside a photograph of five years later, the same day, same song: their first St. Patrick's Night at the pub, with a total ban on drinking more than a pint, Dana can not hold the laughter, thinking about it now.

And then, she and Saoirse. An entire wall covered with fragments of two of them. Dana has always loved photography, viscerally, the thrill of being able to steal a moment in time and make him immortal, the power of being able to capture the haunting beauty of the perfect angle, the raindrops streaked the color of the world, a stolen smile , unaware. And Saoirse. probably has devoted most of his life to photograph her, or the two of them. Now, all those photographs take on a kaleidoscope of colors hidden, with soft edges, the thrills never revealed. And Dana knows, the emotions aroused by a photograph never lie.

knows the language of the photographs, can decipher - and whispered in his ear as if all the sick with a slight touch, revealing, simply, the truth: she loves Saoirse & ndash , perhaps he has always loved. I do not know.

But he knows the photo, smiling from the walls, never lie.

And to those, a photographer can not lie.

As a child, Saoirse loved viscerally the familiar and comforting ritual of making tea. Love the sound of water boiling, pour love into a cup and then mesmerized, watching her deep amber color. He loves the screeching of the spoon on the bottom of the cup and the first sip is always too hot. Love the deep feeling of peace and perfection, which suspended the infuses every gesture: the sequence of actions imprinted deeply into his being and in his flesh has always had an inexplicable power to calm, to remove the restlessness. Just to charm, graciously.

The sudden vibration of the phone, dropped into a chair beside her, is an intrusion in an unexpected moment of silent intimacy, and Saoirse started, stretching to get it in a slightly annoyed gesture.

Cinema at 18.00? Dana and Sean have said yes, may not refuse. ^ ^

The tone of the message Dean is almost mandatory, and Saoirse perceive the shadow of a vague smile on his lips draw itself, then re-read your eyes linger on the name of Dana , and shakes his head, almost in disbelief, realizing that his heart now beats back more quickly.

Of course there will.

A genuine smile of satisfaction spreads on Dean's face, while reading the response of Saoirse. Now dial a number, and Sean responds to the first ring.

"Plan A successfully completed. " The information, very serious, "Now how do we proceed? "It can almost see the mischievous expression when Sean hears giggling:" We implement the Plan B, hoping that those two do not undermine all our efforts! "

'Nah, you'll see! "The tone of his voice acquires epic can only increase the hilarity of his" The sunset of this evening will be Galway for the dawn of a new love! "

hair heave in the wind, like water in glass shards of broken crystal on black cliffs.

Dana lays the woman for several minutes, his eyes following his every gesture is firm across the street, reading the titles in programming at the cinema - a strand of black velvet continuing to fall on face, and she departs every time an instinctive reflex, just distracted.

is like a photograph of Saoirse, gently shaped by time - a portrait whose inner beauty can not be debased or worn by the slow passing of the moons and seasons, simply because it is its essence.

A photograph that smells of stars, night whispers of intimacy. Splendor.

And Dana can not help but wonder, hope urgently sudden and disruptive, they can be alongside Saoirse be able to see for yourself - tap with their fingers - and a branch in blossom petals of Beauty splendor, without ever fade.

She bites her lip, while his restless eyes run for the umpteenth time clock - an instinct that can not suppress.

And finally, at six and ten, saw her friend around the corner running, her cheeks flushed and shortness of breath.

"I beg you, with calm! 'Cries, desperately trying to reconstruct the face mask in an affectation of ease.

Saoirse At the thought that the usual greet with kisses on the cheek for a moment felt a sharp and senseless terror pervades immediately erased by a blind desire to hold her in his arms and kiss her, and Then kiss her again, without letting go ...

"Sorry for the delay! "

Dana would like to answer. Assure you that ten minutes of waiting have not the slightest upset - was not the cause of the anxiety he felt foolish. It was the terror that had changed his mind, he could not see her, to wear in those ten minutes.

would like to talk.

But Saoirse's lips have already placed, light, on his skin, and Dana can not help but groped to remember to breathe.

would be enough time just to put an end to that sweet and cruel agony that consumes, but the other person walks in a moment too fleeting, and she swallows to empty, sinking her nails into the palms of hands so that tremble.

"And Sean? "Saoirse question, looking around, slightly confused," Dean called me one quarter of an hour ago saying he has a fever, and is not. "

"Oh, sorry ... and is not even Sean," informs Dana, frowning, "said that he forgot to have to go to visit those of his uncles Connemara. "

" The usual airhead. "Says her friend - her voice is low now, does not want another broken seize his breath.

But could not: it is too concentrated on the same frantic thoughts, while forcing his eyes not to drown in hers - dark ocean of crystal.

"Come with me. "It is the voice of Saoirse to penetrate all of a sudden in the vague blanket of silence, while she weaves her fingers with those of Dana, drawing her to him and start walking.

"Where?" "

" Come with me ... " she whispers. And smiles.

the street do not speak, but silence the cradle gently, just confound the expectation that beats more intense with each step.

Dana knows where they are going, it felt almost immediately: it is where she was going to bring Saoirse, and if he had not taken the other hand would have taken her 's initiative - a matter of seconds to breathe, to blink.

Their feet have learned that road nineteen years earlier, and when you start off on the gravel path can not help but to run, as always, being carried away from the steep slope and wind, the gulls crying and believing herself to be heard their responses. They know they will not be able to slow down in time to avoid tumbling to the ground: after all, there have never succeeded, and laugh while the sand stinging their faces and hands still tied, while trying to catch his breath.

Dana looks up, and the crimson sun on the waves rippled just snatches them once again gaze. It would not be able to counting all the shots that have captured the sunset in that corner of the sky, then beat in the world has always thought that the beauty of Silver Strand Beach is almost able to destroy, in a thrill of wonder.

"I've already photographed here at dusk, right, Saoirse? "

The other just giggles, sweet shadow in her eyes:" At least two hundred times, Dana. "

Even Dana laughs, a little closer to her, without leaving his hand: "Yeah. ... Is that you, the sun, the silver sea ... you're everything to me has always been the beauty. "

The black pearl in the eyes of Saoirse trembles:" Dana, I think ... "

Dana just shakes his hand in his," ; ... we need to talk, Saoirse, though ... "

"... even if I do not know if I'll be able to rationally control the words, because ..."

"I ... dreamed of this moment every night ... "

" ... I do not sleep at night, if I sleep and you dream, the two of us ... "

" ... The two of us, Saoirse. This is what I want, I have never felt such a certainty in my life ... "

" ... probably in my entire life I have never known love, before, if this is love ... "

" ... I do not know if this is love, but we could try to learn it together ... "

"... and if this is love, I want to be together. "

For a moment it is only silence, and eyes, and hands clasped. Then, a touch of the smiles, a slight weave of laughter as their lips meet.

Even the sun seems to smile.

Irish Eyes - The Wolfe Tones
Seven Drunken Nights - Irish Trad - recorded by The Dubliners

I had resolved to publish the second chapter when I had finished third, but, as usual, has already spent almost a month ... and so here it is. Dana and Saoirse sigh of relief and mumble something like 'It's about time!'. How to blame them, in fact?
^ ^ By the way, I still have not answered all your comments. And I'm ashamed a little. * Rolls *
Excuse me, really. I will as soon as possible.
Thank you all.



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