Thursday, July 15, 2010

Royal Family German Surname

all about loving you all about loving you

Al l bou t L ovi ng Y ou
Erin Inkhand

"Come on, Fred, try to make them at least somewhat helpful! I do not remember if we ran out of soap for washing machine, make the huge effort to go see? "

Philip was genuinely Wear amused. He could imagine no effort mate at the moment, disheveled hair, bleary eyes, disheveled gown, hot coffee in his hands, probably, he would be under the same conditions elegant little, if unfortunately it was not his turn to go shopping.

"Mh. Why, you use the detergent for the washing machine? "

" Fred, keep your temper in check of aristocratic New Yorker, I beg you, "replied, with a note of exasperation prim hidden under smile.

"... So I really must go and see? "Said the other, darkly.

Philip frowned just the opposite, raising the irises green light to the ceiling of the supermarket, "The tone of a tragic hero frankly can avoid it. "

not waiting for the expected response grunting and covering for a while the phone's microphone, he turned a look of resignation pragmatic blond man beside him, now working to choose the cereal boxes at the same time delighting with the ongoing conversation. "Sean, get me a box of detergent, please: and then I know that does not get up from that chair ever. "

While the person was performing his job with a good-natured grin, the voice of Fred, infused with a slight bitterness suspiciously similar to the anger, cracks in the receiver:" Phil, but who you're talking ?! "The requested roll eyes, exhaling a faint moan of despair:" With my lover, of course, "he said, raising an eyebrow in disbelief and keep to the glittering array of bottles above his head, "We meet every Thursday at the frozen department. Very romantic. "

" Ah ah, yes, "said Fred, with the participation that would have shown away from purchasing a new shower gel. Or perhaps, knowing that it reserved the obsessive attention to his appearance, even in this case would have been greater. "Rather, remember to take the Guinness, in the fridge we have only fifteen more. "Ignoring the increasingly alarming penchant for alcohol the Irish partner, the other peeps furtively powerful dark mass of cans piled in the cart. "Consider it done. "

From the silence that followed, Phil could have sworn that his companion is being produced in one of his sly awareness of proverbial expressions:" I've already bought a shocking amount, right? 'Said Fred, without waiting for an answer, the tone abruptly slid home dall'indolente mundane to the practical: "Rather, you should also take the loaf, which ended this morning with your toast, milk, coffee, only because we have more barley and I will not stoop to drink that swill, butter, and you should also make a topping for vegetables because we are just short, then you should try to shampoo the other time, you know, what with the smell good but not famous, with that package with ... "

" Um ... "Philip grinned, although the ability to rattle off lists of Fred speed to say the least supported continue to leave amazed," what did you say after the bread in

box? "

Despite the distance imposed by the phone, he could almost feel the pouting cat certainly ruffled appeared on the face of Fred, a moment later he gave a sort of indefinable low growl, "Are inconceivable, indeed, "he muttered angrily," Is it possible that the Irish do not know your fucking heads to keep in mind just a very human and readily accessible list?! "

" The concept of "accessibility" of New Yorkers, then, is to be reviewed carefully, Freddie ... and do not deny it, or I accidentally forget to buy fabric softener for your refined vest! "

mate gave what could only be described as a gasp of horror:" Do not you dare! Come on, Phil, you know that cotton craft: they need softener! "

Irish stifled the laughter in a melodramatic sigh, closing his eyes for a moment:" At times I wonder how he could fall in love with someone who seems to consider irony as an abstruse meaning of the word nebulous ... "

The individual allowed himself a slight grin, whose composure was sought, however, dramatically attenuated by a touch of genuine affection, deep intimacy, almost moving: "It is not like that: simply, our humor is dramatically thinner. "

Phil let out a giggle of hens that are allowed only with a few, and his features seemed suddenly softened by a golden warmth, sweetness capable of lifting the elastic constant anguish on his face, "See you at home, okay? Hello, old snob. Kisses. 'Leaving the shadow of a slight smile on his lips continued to drift and closed the call, beginning to weigh carefully the shelves in front of him and muttering, while the list provided to summarily partner. Come to the arduous search dell'introvabile coconut shampoo that his better half seemed to appreciate much, alienating a sense begins to tingle behind his head.

With his arm still raised toward the shiny bottles of creams, turned awkwardly the chief, and his suspicions were confirmed: the friend, with a huge pack of Lucky Charms in his fingers, looked at him with a kind of hard, enchanting rapture. ; ; ; A puzzled frown puckered her forehead pale Phil, mingling in the wild auburn curls: "Um, Sean," he began, closing his eyes just "look that I was joking when I talked about having a lover at the supermarket ..." .

"I hope so," said Sean , grinning: he had spent enough years next to Phil that they have learned to respond to his irreverent, mocking jokes with remarkable alacrity. "If it were really so, Fred would make me pass a horrible quarter of an hour ... "

Phil's mouth is arched in the subtle and unscrupulous grin that accompanied all their undertakings childhood. "Oh, no, and started screaming like an old lady, or try to lynch with his tie. Or both. "Board up the arms, the palms stretching lazily intertwined, despite the laying idle, however, his eyes were alert and sharp, just tempered by the frank confidence which had always granted. "Really, Sean, because I was looking at me like that? "

The interested

abruptly shook his shoulders, biting his lip just, and his eyes, which in memory of the scales were always reassuring and solid as wood, seemed to sway under the eyelids, restless, and lingering away from his face in a dance continues. "No, nothing important," said finally, when he realized that the eyes of his implacable would not allow him to escape "is just that ... I always imagined that couples were less like yours ... "Awkwardly waved a hand in the air, trying to find the appropriate definition:" ... daily. "

His partner raised his eyebrows with a lot of impetus to tap the unruly red curls, betraying an exquisitely genuine puzzlement:" Why, I'm sorry, you and Kathleen as you do your laundry? "Sean, who was expected, given the sensitivity of the issue, a replica passionate, resentful, or at least slightly vibrating, quickly swung his eyes with a groan of disbelief:" My speech was a somewhat more general , Phil ... "He explained, shaking her head.

The other shrugged his shoulders in careless ease, but his irises were alert and heavy enamel on his face: "So illustramelo again, because I just can not understand. "

The friend dropped his chin to his feet, looking at the colored box that squeezed between large rowdy ruddy hands. Who did not want to his words were too awkward or seem infused with any conviction: his old friend, he knew, would not have abandoned a surge of anger or crying at the edge of hysteria, but he certainly would have risked a powerful left and, more decisive, brave, but he dealt with the spirit of his already too often mistreated a new, bitter wound, and could never forgive such a gesture.

"See, that is ... "He began, scratching his head thoughtfully," ... I had always imagined that the lives of couples like yours was full of passion sweeping, dramatic surge, tormenting pleasures ... "Wrinkled his forehead, trying his best expression of contrition tragedy" ... Instead the Sometimes you guys are more home me and my wife! "

Phil raised an eyebrow aware, opening his lips into a sly grin unquestionably," Hey, what dark secrets I hide you and Kathleen to be less sophisticated and exotic home of our relationship? "

" Phil, stop, come on! "Berci friend, failing miserably to conceal a sudden rush of redness and intrusive. "What I wanted to ask is what is the center of your relationship, which is the essence on which your balance ... "Sean caught the eyes of moistened lips thoughtfully. "Yes, well ... What comes to mind when you imagine Fred? "

Phil closed his lips, ready to argue that the first concept related to his companion in his mind was the image of a multitude of cashmere vest, when demand finally slipped fully into his consciousness: What aroused in him the idea of Fred? He believed that he saw the fragments of their tormented past, visions interwoven with tears and scratches and limbs wrapped around by a surge in such blood, their anguish and their passion, but it was not what he saw. He thought the table instead of their scarlet lacquered wooden kitchen, they had tracked down the stall of an old sailor and manic energy to the flea market and disappearing forever under their frightening amount of open books, cups, spoons and covered with cushion , tousled sheets of manuscripts and records of orders horribly wrinkled, or the way the warmth of solid mate was wrapped in a silence pure and cozy when snuggled up against him in the morning just before getting up, the smile who was born on the lips, even on days in which the mundane frustrations of everyday life mingled with the harsh breathing of its old ghosts, when he heard the clatter of the keys to the house and the agile step of Fred in the hall, and their happiness seemed stronger.

Philip raised an eye on the environment frank and naked, but still infused with a safety so strong and so natural to give it a glow almost invulnerable. For once, even the clouds flickering in his eyes that glow could oppose. "I guess our lives. "

Sean just opened his eyes in amazement sincerity essential, echoing deep shiny promises and dizzy, felt that resonate in that answer, but then saw the light so strong, so unusual, that lit up the irises of his friend, and his face is hatched in a broad smile lit, as if he had just withdrawn a doubt, as if he had just included a few ancestral principle, some intangible, secret key extreme importance. "Then all is well. "

and Phil found himself smile back, while accepting the clear and steadfast his dearest friend was going to fill one of the few gaps that still lived in his heart. "Yes, then it's really okay. "

Taken by the clumsy, brusque affection that tie them always, they exchanged a hug and enthusiastic rude, made horribly ugly piles of purchases varied in their arms and very brutal force by the powerful over you infused, after close, or rather clashed with a passionate rudeness that would raise doubts about the horror Fred, they separated and continued to turn radiant looks of complicity over the layer of cans and packages. "So, what are we doing Saturday night? "Asked Phil lively, pouring the last choices in the cart and starting to run with the other to the speakers " And if we went all the little party by O'Malley? If I take at the right time, maybe I can persuade my better half to prepare for all his chicken curry, "proposed, raising his eyebrows significantly auburn: in the culinary skills of his Indian companion, learned in some obscure and unknown circumstances, was now become legendary among their acquaintances.

's face Sean, until that moment still suffused with a quiet reassurance, he suddenly frowned "I do not know if it's a good idea, Phil: You know, considering your particular condition ... "

The friend is suddenly flushing, and burning shadow leaped in her gaze, his answer did not mean anything then? One of the individuals that were closer had not yet understand the bond that assures him that, rare happiness? "... In that sense, our condition? She asked, her voice cautious to avoid injury to once again with sharp fragments of a cruel response.

The front of the other is seriously pursed in an expression of contrition extremely distressed.

too narrow, in order to be credible. 'Well, Phil, is simple: because the last time you drank at a party, you ended up singing on the table of sweets ... "


Title: Bon Jovi - All About Loving You

Image : deviantART


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