Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Think I Have A Leg Rash?

c_h_original @ 2010 - 07-15T10: 24:00

LACRIMOSA-Requiem in D Minor

vm! 4

Chapter VII [Parts XVI-XVII]


They continued to dance before his eyes for a while, the images of the room looked at, but not really seen ... or maybe it was the opposite, opened his eyes on the ceiling whitened, and frowned slightly. His mouth was too mixed to be able to speak.

"I you wake up. "

knew that voice, or so it seemed, turned on the pillow, and saw the prophet in the door with something in his hand that looked like a bowl. He smoked, mild air.

"Do ... you ..."
"In my house," said Deborah, sitting on a chair beside the bed, you've already been there, remember? "
" I think yes. "
She smiled, and helped him to rise a little by putting a rolled blanket behind her, so she could feel a bit 'higher and keep your head in the best way to eat.
With difficulty, Cain ingurgitò the broth, which she had prepared, in silence, trying to remember what had happened, and how it ended up in that place ... but his last memory was difficult to fish out. It was just certain that his brother was gone, without explaining why he had kissed that day ... or a kiss could divide people more than a stab.
"I found you passed out outside the city-explained Deborah, noting his frown while sipping the broth, and I brought you here. I helped my husband. No, do not tell me anything I can imagine who it was. "
The broth was good, with a strong taste of mixed vegetables to meat, and focused on each spoonful Cain: his body was not living air, which was whether or not the watchdog of God
"... He never speaks to me."
"My brother-Cain nodded, thoughtfully-my twin brother . He never talks to me. Teases me and it hurts ... and strikes me, hurt me ... but I do not really talk. I pursued, but does not kill me. You know I'll never say his name, because they are cursed and why I do not want to destroy the human race ... and yet, still does not kill me. It is never nice, but is jealous. He does not want to send me to hell, but it created one for me on earth. ... I do not know what to do. I go on, but I do not know what to do. "
The prophet was silent, leaving space for her thoughts, there was a gentle and quiet, sad-eyed.
"I know nothing, nor you, neither he nor the curse ... but you know what I see in your future. Do you want to know too? "
wanted? He was not sure, but nodded anyway, and stared at her.
"will be a long, long time before you die," said Deborah, green eyes gaze lost somewhere far away-thousands of years, when those living today will not be even more dust. Will, before that, a man they call the Messiah, and you will participate in the shadows to his crucifixion ... will fire that devastated large cities, over the centuries, and to you to spread the flames ... are holy wars and world wars, you will be eating ... exterminations, genocides and massacres, persecution and pestilence will, and you're still a fall back ... great things that explode, and fall towers ... the world will change before your eyes, and you always remain the same until the end ... an end far away, that you can decide. They will not be your dream to put an end to mankind ... you will fall, too, when everything around you will crumble under the hooves of four horses ... white, red, black, green ... then, and only then, under skies on fire will be given to die. And you will die at the hands of the person you loved most in this world. "He paused
, Deborah, shivering slightly, as if something cold had crossed, and gave him a strange look of despair and pity, and he looked down.
He felt a hand on her head, to stroke his hair almost mothering.
"Finish eating, and then rested. Give a little 'rest for yourself, Cain, the universe goes on always and everywhere, for sinners and there is no hurry. "
No, there was no hurry: he had all the time in the world, literally.

And today, I'm still here. Centuries have passed since then and no one has cooked for me or cherished me more as if I had any importance. I saw her die, this gentle lady, when she was his now, and I cried for her, and bitterly to myself that I was again alone in the world. Never mind that I observe the stars, or even that sometimes resonate like to keep me company, no matter the voice of God that I feel in my heart.
I am tired of having all this time and not knowing what to do, I'm tired of knowing each thing, and even those that have not yet been invented, and I'm tired of the night. At night, you're like me, dark, almost disabled, tetra and inhabited only by monsters and ghosts. The night that has no name, and takes it from the previous day or the next, the night he insinuates himself into the recesses of the soul, the night that you can not watch, because there's nothing to see. The night is always on, and hides their tumors. After that, I have not seen my brother is still alive, somewhere in the universe, because I feel it. I know, and I also know that one day it will come back to me ... also my last day, I know I'll see him again at least once more. We are bound, we shall be forever ... because we are a distortion of the other, looted the reflection, the distortion on our endless journey. Never know why ... but I know its the color of his eyes. I know the light of her smile, and the honey of his words. I know the way it is like a flower of white oleander, and I know that a fold in his voice when he says my name. And his name ... is still far away, the day when I can pronounce it.
And you, you guessed it? You
A ***.

... and the result is another story, that you will tell another time.


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