Friday, July 16, 2010

Hyperintense Lesion Causes

c_h_original @ 2010-07-16T17: 54:00

of BuFr

Pilot Episode - Silk Fire


The Silk Palace, thankfully, was not far away.

But that was the only luck. As he ran through the streets, watched by passers-by as if it was absolutely insane, Christian accurately and repeatedly cursed the day was born.

And to say that he only wanted to feel comfortable, did not ask for more. Have a shred of work, see friends, maybe fall in love - a boy. It was what he wanted. The idea alone can do it really did fry: eighteen years old, on the contrary, everything was basically proved unattainable for him, and the desire to have so longed for, one day, and not fantasize a genuine relationship with a member of his the same kind, seemed still science fiction. Nor was a child of the first medium-sized thrills. At the time was just as clean, despite her: and the thankless task that he wanted to give him the sky, certainly not helped him to create a love life at least constructive.

Sex, then, will not speak.

could not imagine that that day would change many things for him. For now, the matter was presented as a nuisance, and the most dangerous among others. Even he, who had almost no physical strength - he could have done?

Running, hit two or three people walking in the opposite direction, with an apology, and risking the trip many times. Finally, when it had gasp, he saw emerging the round of Silk Palace, gleaming in the sunlight. A large sheet announcing the presence of a concert that day, so many people were still queuing. A punk-rock quite famous, the Beast, with a strong hard core of diehard followers. All around the palace rows and rows of fences demarcating the emergency exits and areas off-limits, as the only way towards addressing the ticket already crowded. Only a few insiders were able to enter the secondary entrances, in the presence of a pass. Christian obviously was not anything like that, but it was not even there to stand in line at the ticket office. Had time is limited.

He looked feverishly from side to side, and with as much nonchalance's possible, climbed over the iron railings, jumping across a small thud. He peered out of the corner of the eye. Well, it was safe, he had not seen anyone. Now a fast walking toward an exit side and would have been less than a ghost.

"Hey, kid, you think you do there?" A voice startled him, dense with a hint of surprise, but rather very, very severe. He stood frozen still, like an animal caught in a trap. Now would be spending big trouble.

He turned his head, and was really in the air dell'animaletto cage. With greater concern if you saw that a policeman was coming, or perhaps an agent of safety. The

stopped a few steps, and with a condescension stunned the agent asked, keeping his voice firm and hard: "You have crossed the hurdles?"

"Er ..." said Christian . If there was something that was not good, it was an apology. Relying their eyes, then the man in uniform, he could not betray no surprise. He was really nice, giving the eye. Or at least Chris could not help but notice, was much taller than him but little older, has had twenty years yes and no. Really young to have already austere and deadpan that air. If it were not so hard for this attitude, which showed in every gesture, would not disfigured as a model: dark bronze skin and muscles out in a uniform, dark brown hair that touched the base of the neck and eyes inexplicably blue. Comely very special, that made her feel uncomfortable Christian. He was traded to the comparison for a kid still in high school.

"Hm ..?" The man repeated, with growing irritation retention: "You can know that your intentions?"

"Er ..." he said again Christian almost without realizing it, and then tried to put together some words confused: "I would like to get inside ... There's one thing I have to say ... To the leaders of the concert, and that ... Um ... It's important. "

" Oh ... "said the boy in uniform, without discount of solidarity and sympathy, remained as serious as a judge:" It's important. I guess you are a staff member of the concert, and now I do see the pass, is not it? "

At that request, Christian stayed with dazed expression that was not to honor him. It was clear that the man should already be thinking that he found in front of a madman, or at least a simple fool. Christian could still feel a sense of shame in the absurd situation that he knew, and so was forced to lower his eyes. Inquisitor could not stand the look of the man who was studying to see if everything was there with his head. At that time, Christian's eyes fell on the tag that the officer had pointed to his chest: William Winter.

"Um," he said again for a third time, continuing to look at the letters of that name to fill the view in something: "I've lost."

"You've Lost & rdquo , did the agent Winter without an alarm, twisting his mouth. Christian then grabbed and unceremoniously forced him to turn around, dragging him without resistance, "Look kid, if you care so much to see your favorite band, get in line like everyone else. Come out for autographs after the concert. Now let them try it in peace. "

" No, wait! "Finally managed to protest Christian, find their way all at once:" In the palace ... On stage ... There will be a fire ...! "

" What What did you say? "said the other stops suddenly, and looking at Christian's eyes.

But the younger boy did not budge and this time he managed to articulate a speech: "I know it sounds absurd, but must believe me. During the concert could ignite a fire. Something must be done. "

Agent Winter looked at that boy who spoke with his eyes burned with conviction, her cheeks dyed with the blood that's pounding inside. At another point, he had an air almost adorable. But now every time the contrary was more irritating, and the man's forehead rippled in a wrinkle of anger: "Of all the stories I heard and I'll still listen to my entire career, this is so far one of the most ... not absurd. Just rambling. Really, the liars are usually much more convincing than that. "

Without thinking, Christian Winter gripped the arms of the agent trying to convince him anyway, he was at the bottom to represent authority ;, the closest at the time, and if he believed he could do much more him, that he had any preparation for emergencies like this: "I am the first to know that is a ridiculous story! But I'm not joking, I must believe. Go and check, do look at all the stage ... I've seen! "

In the latter word that goes out almost by accident, Christian he bit his tongue too late. But he immediately realized that the agent was not even Winter came to hear her here, with a jerk too had dismissed the hostile act of Christian and exclaimed, losing patience: "Keep your hands to yourself! If you believe give me the problems I have no hesitation to make you spend a night in jail. At least maybe you calm down a bit '. Now, if you do, get out the barriers and do not come back. "

Winter was clear that the agent would not have believed it. Christian felt helpless, he took a look depressed, unable to speak. He knew he was really risking imprisonment if he insisted on more. To enter the Silk Palace now should have to circumvent the authorities, honestly, Christian had no love for these things. But she could not pretend nothing has happened: too many times he had wanted to be convinced that his visions were not necessarily true, and instead had witnessed too many times to the occurrence of something he had seen exactly, and that could have prevented.

He wondered why such a creature a bit quiet, 'as he cowardly nature had reserved a responsibility like that.

Damn genetics.

In this state of uncertainty, was made by the agent escorting Winter to the exits. The man had to encourage it puts a hand on his back, Christian and unexpectedly at the touch light through the fabric, he felt a chill that had path around the body. He looked the man in the corner of my eye, why not happened ever so lovely to meet men in a normal day of his life? He would have liked a lot to get in touch with a guy so attractive, talk about this and that, smile, hope. Perhaps in reality an agent such as Winter, even if it was interested in their sex, would never pay attention to a ordinary guy like Christian. I looked one last time, with another shudder, while in uniform without realizing the boy kept his eyes lowered, locked in an expression neutral and impenetrable. Yes, that could definitely be better.

Until then, Christian had walked in a condescending way, enough to realize that Winter had lowered defenses, sure would not have had other problems. It was because of what the younger boy suddenly snapped, the agent dribbling and running with all his strength into a panic exit of the building.

Although the agent had good reflexes, the distraction of the sin which had delayed the reaction of a few hundredths of a second, to become the first full account of the behavior of boy. He took a turn to run after him, but Christian had his hand on the handle. He opened it, entered, and if slammed behind, thinking to gain some other time.

ran into the hall and slipped into the first turn, before those who had the ribs could see where he had shot. He already had my heart in my throat, supposed to find a hiding place as soon as possible. He found one of the public toilets, even the desert, and we slipped inside. He did not know what was a good idea: it was easy to imagine that he hid in a place like this. But there were services at least four only the first floor of the stands, Winter and the agent could not immediately guess where Christian had been expelled.

He slipped in the first cubicle near the door, I sat perched in a way that nobody could see him hiding there. She could hear if anyone had approached from the hallway to the door. Every so often he seemed to hear someone run or pass, but many were confused sounds, now that he could not see anything.

He had no time to lose, so when he was sure he had passed enough to have confused his tracks came out. He walked four on the door public bathroom, opened the door no one in the hallway, thankfully. Crossed the threshold and ventured to take a few steps, trying to show off casually. Now that was inside, nobody would pay attention, just had to be careful and do not slam into the Winter agent. He felt close to fault isolate oneself in the stomach: he would never want to treat it that way just a poor boy who was trying to do their job. And that was well from the right. If only he could, Christian wanted to apologize. But it no longer had the possibility of redemption in the eyes of man, the best that could hope was not to see him again. He hated his own destiny once again, stupid.

had to find the stage now. Possibly sneak in behind the scenes. For as the circular building was built, it was difficult. At that time there was still no one spectator and then the controls inside were less vigilant. Removed security officers, yet almost all employed outside the building, it was easy to get around the new definition of the behind the scenes. She reached the first door that you appeared before him, and found himself in another corridor, lit a yellow light. There were many people back and forth, and Christian recognized the faces of famous members of the band.

"You are the staff of Gunfire Wings," he asked casually a man in sunglasses and crew cut, with tray in hand, by taking a shot at Christian.

"Yes ... I" just knew how to answer him, jumping at the first dance that appeared within reach. He tried not to point out the fact that he had no sign of recognition on the clothes: His shirt was black like that of other experts buzzing around, but without the word STAFF in red letters.

The man dropped the tray in her hand unceremoniously and said, "Well, then this leads to the dressing room number four. They are the gifts for the group. I called Mr. Green right now, I can not waste time. "

So Christian was found this tray in hand. There were tea bags, coffee, samples of bath foam, bath salts, four cups to use eventually. Almost without realizing it walked like a robot looking for this famous dressing room number four. It was not difficult once the crowd, found himself in a quieter corridor when the doors are numbered. He knocked in what interested him, and saw open almost immediately, as if the person on the other hand had put the door to leave long before you feel the touch of someone who was knocking.

there stood a tall and thin. He wore torn jeans and a T-shirt very simple, he did highlight what is most striking in him: the life, the arms and legs long and thin, a physicist dry to be that of a man who had nothing but women's while even an air weaknesses. Indeed, the movements of his body exuded strength and agility. He had a denim jacket tied on the sides, but what surprises Christian was the radiant face, an inviting smile. He had long hair down to my shoulders loose and disorderly, a reddish brown hues, held back only by a pair of sunglasses as a kind of circle, and looked across an artist. Maybe he was a singer.

opening the door was blocked from seeing Christian and blocked from the tray and looked at him with wide eyes, big and surprised, then said, and it was a statement: "You are not of our staff. "

" I ... "stammered Christian:" They told me to bring you this ... "

" Oh "said the boy with long hair, looking like the tray just now, and moved away at once: "Please enter."

Hesitant, Christian was able to enter and support the bulky burden, leaving it on a low coffee table of glass. There was nobody else in the room, occupied only a few bench, from instruments music and some magazines. When Christian came up, he found himself before the eyes of the unknown boy's hand, held in the gesture of one who is about to present.

"My name is Tyler," said the boy, his eyes lighting up: "I am the guitarist for the band."

Hesitating before such jaunty familiarity, Christian could not do without that offer to shake your hand and say: "Christian ..."

"work here? I have not seen you around, "he asked in a voice friendly Tyler, as if he really wants to talk and spend some 'time.

Tyler was beautiful. Even more than nice, it was cool. In the true sense of the word. She exuded charisma and self-confidence, and at the same time a genuine doubt. He looked like someone so used to enchant people with his manner, not even contemplate the risk of receiving responses unpleasant or sharp. His manners and spontaneous smiling were made out even before its appearance, and gave the idea of a fundamentally happy and contented person.

Hit by friendly energy of this charge, Christian found totally unprepared. Could not help but give a smile, while looking away in embarrassment said: "It's my first day at work ... ... the lights."

"And why have you sent here to do the slave ? "Tyler said brightly, with no fear to hold his eyes on him. He cocked his head to one side, and said: "It's probably barely know who we are. We open the concert of the Beast, but out of our usual rooms, we Gunfire we are not at all popular. I think today we will pull the rotten eggs, because in fibrillation appears on the stage the group who are really waiting for. Well, I would do so. "

At these last words, he dropped wearily on one of the sofas neominimalist design, partially broken, almost lying on a padded corners. Cabbages, it was beautiful, Christian thought even more uncomfortable. Although Tyler had never seen a newspaper, at that moment seemed to come out of a music magazine. He looked like a star cursed and suffering, but at the same time full of sun, in a sense, as only kissed by young talent can be. Suddenly, Chris had really wanted to hear him play, to see those arms thin and dry around on the guitar, imposing discipline.

"Where are the others?" Christian let out, just to say something: "The other members of your group?"

"In turn, with their girlfriends," she smiled Tyler from below: "We encourage leave before the big test. We are a melodic rock band, who knows if we can satisfy these tastes even a little punk '. I unfortunately my tension me I have to keep it all, damn them, "you sat up, as read from an idea that it lightened a bit ', and asked bluntly: "Why do not you stay a little' you to keep me company?"

If it was no longer a slave of his own fantasies, Christian would Tyler said that in the words there was a dose of mischief. But otherwise, in her face there seemed to be no calculation, only the will to make real friendship. It seemed like a well made, directed and even innocent, in its way.

In embarrassment, Christian lost control of his words and almost could be heard outside trying to be funny when he said: "Well not exactly like having a girl, to pass the time."

Almost wanted to sink when he realized what he had just said and the surprise that was painted Tyler's face, and immediately after, this surprise was dissolved in another half-heartedly but genuine smile: "Actually, I would prefer a boy ... But right now I swear that I was not thinking about that with you. & rdquo ;

Christian flushed. He persuaded within himself to be tripped in a bad shape, worse by some that he could now control the redness of the face. In contrast, there was a part of him that had gone haywire to receive that information. Tyler liked the boys, like him. I honestly would never have been able to guess such a thing as one in Tyler, declared so spontaneously and without drama. Chris felt his heart beat faster, and blushed even more. Without knowing why, if possible even worse than the situation, he lowered his head and said: "I'm sorry ..."

"What, exactly?" Tyler frowned, but always kind, pulling a bit 'on down: "I've done absolutely nothing. Now that someone can think of me with a girl likes me, but I understand that another should look instead to a more natural ... "

" No! Not so, that is, "stammered the little Christian, while his face was boiling with shame. That was officially the most embarrassing conversation he had ever faced in his life. And, without explaining why, he felt totally at the mercy Tyler's hands, as if suddenly he was a lover in front of the object of his desire to seek the response of which was fatal in his own life.

But Tyler did not seem to even participate in a heartbeat to this tension, tilted his head, could not help but analyze the boy before him. He must have thought Tyler, little more than a high school student. It was quite nice and had something vaguely children, including two big eyes and shiny golden color. His hair was short, dark blond, and that unease that lit up the red face had all the appearance of a child just weaned. The musician felt a sense of genuine tenderness at the sight.

"Sorry" debuted at the end Chris still livid: "I must go."

"Oh," Tyler whispered with a hint of sincere disappointment, and stood up immediately: " Yes, I understand ... Sorry if I've been abducted. "

" No, it kept me "feeling inexplicably guilty replied:" I would have been happy ... "

At the risk of cutting the tongue, Christian is forced to stop talking. Taking the china, was also able to report a suicide of the worst kind. Tyler also said nothing, but simply to continue to smile as he left, looking at him. On the contrary, Christian kept his eyes downcast.

When he left the dressing room behind the eighteen breathed a sigh of relief last. Strange situation. It was left virtually without dignity, but Tyler seemed too nice to notice or rage. He sighed again, who knows if he would ever come across. He hoped to be able to hear them play at least once, at this point.

Spectators had begun to invade the stadiums round, Chris could hear shouting from there. He walked right up to the stage, praying to the sky no longer be intercepted.

He wanted to remember better. He knew that the fire was coming from the stage, he could hear in his head, the voices of the public terrified as they fled like frightened in an anthill on fire. Maybe he really climb up the scaffolding of lights. He could try.

bypass the attention of new security guards, and was behind the scenes. Reaching the stage would be more difficult now that there are only ten minutes at the beginning of the concert. Soon, the group of Tyler would have started playing. He tried to banish that thought, and could do so because a strange shadow caught his attention, he tried the stairs leading to the area lights, he noticed the silhouette of a man who was going up from there. He stumbled, and seemed too overweight to do the job.

He was a man of his vision. The bald man by the expression possessed, throwing a bottle of gasoline on top of the curtain on the scaffolding, and I threw a match, talking about ... He was a former bankrupt and depressed musician who had performed there for years - too little for him to not be devoured by sharks who sliced his career. He had left everything to the music, and had failed to break through. He was left alone.

How Christian knew all these things about this man was the cause of his torment. The bitterly amusing that the premonitions that he had no way of checking they were not just images, but penetrated so deeply into the minds of the people directly involved - And yet the man did not even know the name. He did not know where he lived, would not have been able to find it if not in the exact place where Christian had seen, the Silk Palace, ready to fire indiscriminately at all.

The guy could pick up the phone, tip off the authorities, but had tried in the past and had found nothing but trouble. He had even had to move because of problems like these. So, minutes after a premonition that had invaded his brain, as usual, he began to run towards the place he had acknowledged.

And even now racing. He had groped to stop him, although he did not know how.

"Come here you," cried a voice emerged on the one hand, and Christian felt strong arms harpoon and Stratton. Startled, he pulled her head up and immediately recognized the agent Winter, his blue eyes. Under the veil of his imperturbable seriousness we felt a strong anger.

"No, wait!" Christian protested while the man held him without so much effort to stop arms, trying to immobilize him: "There is a man who is rising the ladder operators of the lights up there! "

" I'm really tired of your stories, "said Winter without even listening to him, pushing him unceremoniously," You know that I could arrest you? I do not know what problem you have, but ... "

" Please ... "said Christian, and tears of frustration emerged on his eyes, like someone who knows she is not completely understood:" I will go where wants, but I hear is "

" As far as I know " Winter said vibrating trying to stay calm: "You could be setting fire."

There was no way to gain the trust of the agent now. Christian had a puppy look, then he heard a roar coming from the sports hall. Had already spent so much? The concert had begun. From that angle backstage could not see anything, but felt that the bald man of his vision, the man he saw climbing the ladder, had already arrived. What he saw could materialize at any time. He tried to play the last card: Winter seized in turn, shaking their fists on the sleeves, and looked at him imploringly: "I am aware that I must seem crazy. But give me a chance. Go to control you, if you want. Please help me. "

Christian's voice rang out with a purity that something broke in the determination of Winter. Its tension is stretched imperceptibly, watching open-mouthed children planted in his eyes. He seemed so sincere in his madness.

The agent eventually forced to grit their teeth, and with greater uncertainty first said: "I'm sorry, but I just can not."

The music had begun. Christian stood breathless, recognizing that the song had already heard in his own vision. Winter found himself banned from the expression terrified that the boy had taken all at all at once. For a moment, the security officer thought that the poor young man had to be really a bit 'insane. He felt almost a sense of tenderness, but it was minimal hesitation as this that allowed the boy to sneak out of the hands for a second time. Christian had turned, rushing towards the stage. Just then the audience began screaming, and even the boy felt the heat wave that only the blazing fire can cause. He raised his eyes to heaven, and saw the scaffolding of lights burning, as part of the fifth. A rope had surrendered, and the collapse of the bridge on which he was the mad arsonist was imminent. Christian looked down, exactly under the structure that was giving way, he recognized the figure of Tyler, who had barely noticed the ongoing drama. In the hands still held the guitar, an agreement to freeze half. The music had stopped.

Like a movie in slow motion, Christian ran desperately forward, grabbed Tyler and led him to run, with un'irruenza that the boy ended up stumbling and falling to the ground or dragging the musician. The bridge collapsed after a second behind them, leaving them unharmed to a murmur.

The people fled, and they had to. Christian sat up, and only then you realized that collapsed on him in Tyler, looking at him with pure wonder in his eyes.

"We have to go," murmured the Christian, with senses calmed panic.

"I you have saved, "said a delighted surprise guitarist Gunfire Wings, and even at that time could not help smiling.

security agents - Winter was not there - two of them rushed up to force them to take the escape route. They were divided almost immediately, and Christian decided to take advantage of it to disappear. He begged not to meet Winter, and prayed that he was okay.

He almost threw the doors out to panic, which were now taken by assault; used to disperse the crowd. He would not be helped, just wanted to go home.

was all over. What he managed to get, did not know. He had been successful in preventing the fire. On its own, could do little. She was always so.

As Cassandra: knowledge, and no power. The most sadistic torture that we can impose.

Later in the day he learned that there were three deaths, including the arsonist, and four wounded, including a band member Tyler. He was unhurt, fortunately.

Sitting on a bench, now hidden by the crowd as if it had never been to the Silk Palace, Christian feverishly reading the news on her cellphone. It said that among the wounded were two security officers. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, and if winter in an attempt to follow him he had been struck at least in part precipitated by the property? Christian Tyler died that had prevented them, but this choice did he have endangered the safety of the agent. He would not even have to be inside the Palace. It was only because of Christian if he was there.

"Do not let him, let him not be" kept repeating in a whisper. He wanted to be able to see it, to make sure that the same well. But Chris could not. There was a coward.

Not to mention that of the unknown, however, had lost their lives. It was enough to remind him that he had failed. No agent was dead, no musicians, no one even knew of view, but someone still was not there.

sighed. He wondered if the medicine could work for the brain to a problem like his, if deprived of the unhealthy qualities of foresight in spite of its Christian available, would be enough to remove a nerve terminal. A stroke of a scalpel and go, eventually would become a person like everyone else. For once in my life, even for one day, it really would have liked.


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