Saturday, July 24, 2010

Jeff Hardy Painting Games

c_h_original @ 2010-07-24T22: 13:00


of Sammael_Belial

Terror and Salvation

Rating: for all.

"What are you doing?."

Adel and I reassemble it in haste and bowed his head following the example of Syria. It is the sovereign, but his advisor - "intimate" my father would say - and it is young and handsome, though his haughty tone of reproach me immediately makes him obnoxious. Commands us to continue our work coolly, before delivering a blow to Adel, still by my side. She hits him on the shoulder.

seems to me that for a second everything was black and gold face, and perhaps is a reflection of the precious jewels in the room, maybe it's the morning light hitting the mosaics on the walls, Maybe I'm so angry with that dirty minions do not see each other anymore.

is taller, stronger, more robust than me and I'll even into old age, ten years older. Almost a man. And I, practically a child.

But I do not care, because Adel was also affected because of me, and my best friend and I love him, and I can not tolerate the sight of her silky skin that is darker than usual because of the man.
Launch my cry of war, crashing into his legs, and I'm hurting. I hurt my hands when I start to use them to pummel each area of skin that I can achieve. Of course, no man takes a long time to get me by the hair and stop. Scream, because it seems to me that the scalp is separating from the rest of the body, but do not stop squirming, kicking and clawing the air like a hanging. I shy away with ease and landed on the mosaic floor, hard and painful as much as they are beautiful. Gemo, I hurt her arm, and I seem to have his head split in two. The last What I think is that for my impulsiveness, Aram and Adel now have to clean all the blood that has stained the floor.

I hear voices. My mother is begging. Is there someone who holds my head, based on the soft feel. I open my eyes and face the difficult distinction of Adel, on the contrary, they are looking straight ahead with that look too serious for a child of ten years. But he has dimples on her cheeks, because her lips are narrow and tight. With the strong desire that he do the same, I smile, before realizing what just happened, what I just did.
"It's just a baby, please ..." I hear my mother. She's crying. My mother is crying. And the reason can be one and one only.
I'll hurt.
I'll hurt, and I took the blow ruining the ground could be compared to the tickle of Adel. I know. I feel it in my hands, beginning to tremble. I attacked the beloved of the god king, and despite having only nine years, despite not having done absolutely nothing, I will be punished.
I find the strength, despite the fear, to lift her face to see who else is in the room. The courtier is screaming, my mother continues to plead, Adel observes the scene with the utmost seriousness. I can not understand what they are saying, what is the man deciding on my life, and it throws me into a panic even more.
And then, silence falls.
"Hesìam, what happens?".
This entry, I feel it is my salvation. I turn my head just in time to see the king, the god, the ruler of Persia, down the steps with calm and elegance. And what amazes me, how surprising is it looks simple, clean, pleasant. And her voice, so kind.
"Nothing, Kiyan ' replied the courtier, bowing his head.
I feel the trembling hands of Adel on my shoulders. I would tell him to feel comfortable, that the king is right and that everything will be for the better, but the dark eyes of the courtier incinerate me as soon as I open my mouth, I had not read his mind. Wants me dead, that rusty blade *.
Then the king turns to look at me, calmly, as if her were a casual gesture. His white robe and golden waves gently move his motion.
She looks at me and smiles.


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