Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Riddell Revolution Speed Facemasks

c_h_original @ 2010-07-20T15: 16:00

The star and the sad night


C ' was once, long ago

-c ' was once, in a place far away -

C ' was once a star.

was white and blue and was the most brilliant
entire sky
-c 'was once a beautiful star-
but in spite of her beauty was always the star

so sad and crying tears clear
consuming its light sparkling
and cried and cried and
drowned her great beauty
In love drops of luminous glow. Once upon a time

long, long time ago
a star that was killing herself
cry all the time. The night
treasures of ice and flame, because
the night was in love with her, but even if
dressed in splendor
star continued to cry sad losing
her great beauty, the joy
envious of other stars, while the night
not asked
"Why do you cry so, my sweet precious
Why do not you sing more? "
" I have lost the will to live-
said the sad-star
My love is nothing but a nightmare
that I can not stop dreaming.
His perfection haunts me when I sing and

do not know if I'm awake or sleeping. "
As if the star had stabbed the night rejected
dressed with envy.
"Those who could tear it the heart
my precious little darling?
Cry like I wanted to die. "
" The day I was heartbreaking
and opened a wound deep inside me.
My heart bleeds no longer alive and my spirit
trembling with cold. "Frowning
the night jealous
sobbed and covered her sad star with her mantle,
to protect the tears of his lost love .
"Do not cry for him," said the night-
The day is fickle as the weather,
has a different name for every sunrise and leaves
every sunset.
The day is curious, says
and reveals the secrets hidden
not care about the pain in the hearts of others
and always comes back, and always on time.
is not worthy of your pain crying. "The star
off the mantle with an opaque light beam and said
" Love is something sweet that I can not
remove from my heart, and even if
me to pieces I leave that damn
me and my soul smiles to this torment. "
" If you can not forget your love
it would mean to betray yourself, trust
your heart to someone else who can love you
worthily, my angel.
Love me as if I loved the day,
'll never cry as
now and I'll return your song.
And the sound of your laughter silvered
return to echo in every clime. "
The star sad soak overnight
giving her a chaste kiss and a hug, but
" I can not deform my love, "said he
I can not even sell it to you.
I love the day and cry for him
and there is nothing we can do.
The day does not know who I am
because we never met, and
we will not do anything, but this is the Law.
I accept the cruelty of my fate
for the sweetness of my love. "Destroyed
So the night went, and while
hidden star weeping
watched the glorious day, the night took
the meaning of love,
and went by the gods with a prayer
they fulfill it. But the gods settled

one condition: the night was no longer able to meet the adorable
dear star.
With a generous tear the night he accepted the fate
cruel as before he had the star. So sad
star began to shine with blinding force
and so that the other stars
could not long endure ... sad
The star became the sun and could be together
day, thanks to the sacrifice

a lover who understood the nature of love.


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